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Robert A. Green

Robert A. Green

School Class Text Book
Cornell Law School Corporate Income Tax Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Cornell Law School Corporate Taxation Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax don't recall
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Federal Income Tax (Graetz, Schenk)
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Federal Income Taxation, Principles and Policies - Graetz, Schenk (6th ed., 2008)
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Federal Income Taxation, Principles and Policies 7th Edition
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 14th Edition Freeland; Lathrope; Lind; Stephens
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Graetz & Schenk Federal Income Tax
Cornell Law School Federal Income Tax Michael J. Graetz & Deborah H. Schenk, Federal Income Taxation: Principles and Policies (7th ed. 2013
Cornell Law School International Taxation Charles H. Gustafson, Robert J. Peroni & Richard Crawford Pugh, Taxation of International Transactio
Cornell Law School International Taxation Don't Remember