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Death Penalty Law

Death Penalty Law

School Professor Text Book
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Crocker, Phyllis 2012 - No Textbook
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Crocker, Phyllis 2013 - No Textbook
Drexel University School of Law Abreu, Victor Cases and Materials on Death Penalty Law
Florida International University College of Law Harper, Stephen K. Ariely, Dan. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions      ISBN: 9780061353246. Harper. 
Florida International University College of Law Harper, Stephen K. Understanding Capital Punishment 3rd Edition
Florida International University College of Law Harper, Stephen K. Understanding Capital Punishment Law
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Kammen, Richard Cases and Materials on the Death Penalty- Rivkind
St. Mary's University School of Law Coltharp, Donna Rivkind and Shatz. The Death Penalty 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634590419. West.
Tulane University School of Law Hoeffel, Janet Death Penalty: Cases and Materials - 3rd edition Nina Rivkind
Tulane University School of Law Sarma, Bidish Capital Punishment and the Judicial Process (3rd Ed)
University of Denver Kamin, Sam Rivkind, et al., Cases and Materials on the Death Penalty, 4th Ed. 2016
University of Missouri Litton, Paul Cases and Materials on the Death Penalty- Rivkind
University of Missouri Litton, Paul Death Penalty