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School Professor Text Book
New York Law School Buckler, Carol No Book
New York Law School Goldstein, Anne Essential Lawyering Skills
New York Law School Marisco, Richard Essential Lawyering Skills
New York Law School Marisco, Richard Essential Lawyering Skills by Krieger and Neumann (3rd Ed)
New York Law School Marisco, Richard Essential Lawyering Skills by Krieger and Neumann (3rd Ed)
St. Johns University Simons, Andrew Fisher and Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In   3rd ed. ISBN: 9780143118756. Penguin. 
University of Missouri Bailey, Robert G. Lawyering and Dispute Resolution
University of Missouri Henson, Chuck No Book
University of Oklahoma College of Law Swank, David Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations