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Law of War

Law of War

School Professor Text Book
Boston College Law School Chopas, Mary no textbook Professor handouts
George Washington University Law School Pede, Charles The Law of Armed Conflict, 3d edition, by Solis (Cambridge, 2021).
George Washington University Law School Pede, Charles The Law of Armed Conflict, 3d edition, by Solis (Cambridge, 2021).
Georgetown University Law Center Jackson, Richard Corn, Hansen, Jackson, Jenks, Jensen, Schoettler. The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Approach
Georgetown University Law Center Meier, Michael asdf
Georgetown University Law Center Schoettler, Jim Corn, Hansen, Jackson, Jenks, Jensen, Schoettler. The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Approach
Oklahoma City University School of Law Snavely, Joshua The Law of Armed Conflict: International Humanitarian Law in War by Gary D. Solis
University of Alabama Joyner, Daniel international law and armed conflict: fundamental principles