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Criminal Procedure: Police Practices and Investigations

Criminal Procedure: Police Practices and Investigations

School Professor Text Book
Brooklyn Law School Herman, Susan N. Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments and Questions. 14th ed. ISBN 9781634591607. American Casebook Series.
Chapman University School of Law Faulkner, Richard Not sure.
Chapman University School of Law Kim, Janine Young Criminal Procedure Investigation and Right to Counsel, Livingston, Leipold, & Meares Third Edition
Chapman University School of Law Kim, Janine Young Miller and Wright. Criminal Procedures: Prosecution and Adjudication: Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454858683. Wolters Kluwer.
Chapman University School of Law Kim, Janine Young unknown
Chapman University School of Law Rosenthal, Larry Basic Criminal Procedure 15th edition, 2019 Kamisar, LaFave, Israel and King
Duquesne University School of Law Rago, John T. Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer, Friedland. Criminal Procedure, A contemporary Approach. 2018. ISBN 9781640201200.
Florida State University College of Law Eisenberg, Avlana Allen et al., CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: INVESTIGATION AND RIGHT TO COUNSEL (3d ed. 2016)
Stetson University Citro, Vince Myron Moskovitz, Elizabeth Boals, J. Dillard, Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Police 7th Edition
University of Florida Cook, Julian Saltzburg, Capra, and Gray, American Criminal Procedure: Investigative (12th ed. 2022)
University of Florida Nunn, Kenneth Chartacourse
University of Florida Nunn, Kenneth Chartacourse Online (No physical textbook)
University of Florida Nunn, Kenneth Kamin and Bascuas. Investigative Criminal Procedure 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780314285461. West.
University of Tulsa Galoob, Stephen can't remember SPRING 2017
Yale Law School Meares, Tracey Allen, Stuntz, etc.