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George A. Bermann

George A. Bermann

School Class Text Book
Columbia Law School International Commercial Arbitration International Commercial Arbitration in a Nutshell by George A. Bermann
Columbia Law School International Commercial Arbitration No Book
Columbia Law School International Commercial Arbitration No Book
Columbia Law School Transnational Law Transnational Litigation and Arbitration
Columbia Law School Transnational Litigation Born and Ruthledge: International Civil Litigation in Unites States Courts
Columbia Law School Transnational Litigation Born, Gary. International Civil Litigation in United States Courts. 2018. ISBN 9781454878711.
Columbia Law School Transnational Litigation Zekoll, Collins, and Rutherglen's Transnational Civil Litigation (American Casebook Series)
Columbia Law School Transnational Litigation Zekoll, Collins, and Rutherglen's Transnational Civil Litigation (American Casebook Series)
Columbia Law School Transnational Litigation Zekoll, Collins, and Rutherglen's Transnational Civil Litigation (American Casebook Series)