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Jesse M. Fried

Jesse M. Fried

School Class Text Book
Harvard Law School Corporations (see also Business Associations) Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (3rd Ed.)
Harvard Law School Corporations (see also Business Associations) Melvin A. Eisenberg & James P. Cox, Corporations and Other Business Organizations (10th ed. unab
Harvard Law School Corporations (see also Business Associations) Melvin A. Eisenberg and James D. Cox, Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases and Mat
Harvard Law School Corporations (see also Business Associations) None - Course Pack
Harvard Law School Corporations (see also Business Associations) None - Online material and handouts
Harvard Law School Venture Law and Finance Course Packet
Harvard Law School Venture Law and Finance N/A - class packet
Harvard Law School Venture Law and Finance N/A- Course Packet
Harvard Law School Venture Law and Finance No Book
Harvard Law School Venture Law and Finance None