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Darren Bush

Darren Bush

School Class Text Book
University of Houston Administrative Law Administrative Law
University of Houston Administrative Law Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
University of Houston Antitrust Abrams, Mangold and Ramsay. Children and the Law 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314287670. West.
University of Houston Antitrust Flynn, First, & Bush, Free Enterprise and Economic Organization: Antitrust (7th ed. draft, 2011)
University of Houston Antitrust Free Enterprise and Economic Organization: Antitrust, 7th Ed.
University of Houston Antitrust No Book
University of Houston Antitrust Law Antitrust and Trade Regulation, Aspen 4th Edition
University of Houston Contracts 1L Contracts Casebook
University of Houston Contracts Charles L. Knapp, Nathan M. Crystal & Harry G. Prince, Problems in Contract Law (7th ed. 2012)
University of Houston Contracts Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
University of Houston Contracts Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
University of Houston Contracts Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
University of Houston Contracts Knapp, Crystal, & Prince, Problems in Contracts Law (8th Edition 2016)
University of Houston Contracts PROBLEMS IN CONTRACT LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (8TH ED.) by Knapp, Crystal and Prince
University of Houston Law and Economics Cooter/Ulen, Law & Economics
University of Houston Regulated Industries No Book
University of Houston Statutory Interpretation BRESSMAN, RUBIN, & STACK, THE REGULATORY STATE (2010)
University of Houston Statutory Interpretation LISA SCHULTZ BRESSMAN ET. AL., THE REGULATORY STATE (2013)(ISBN # 978-1-4548-2268-4)
University of Houston Statutory Interpretation The Regulatory State, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) by Lisa Schultz Bressman
University of Houston Statutory Interpretation and Regulation LISA SCHULTZ BRESSMAN ET. AL., THE REGULATORY STATE (2013)(ISBN # 978-1- 4548-2268-4).
University of Houston Statutory Interpretation and Regulation The Regulatory State