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Joseph Liu

Joseph Liu

School Class Text Book
Boston College Law School Copyright Copyright - Essential Cases and Materials, Yen & Liu
Boston College Law School Copyright Copyright yen and liu
Boston College Law School Copyright Copywright LAw
Boston College Law School Copyright YEN & LIU, COPYRIGHT LAW: ESSENTIAL CASES AND MATERIALS (West 3rd ed. 2016)
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property Can't Recall
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: Fifth Edition
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property IP Survey
Boston College Law School Intellectual Property Peter Menell, et al., Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2022, Vol. I: Perspectives, Trade Secrets and Patents (Clause 8 Publishing 2022) (ISBN-13: 978-1-945555-12-3); Peter Menell, et al., Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2022, Vol. II: Copyrights, Trademarks and State IP Protections (Clause 8 Publishing 2022) (ISBN-13: 978-1-945555-22-0)
Boston College Law School Property I Can't Remember
Boston College Law School Property I Property Law, Singer, 4th Ed. (2006)
Boston College Law School Property I Property Singer
Boston College Law School Property I Property- Singer Text
Boston College Law School Property I Singer - Property Law: Rules, Policies and Procedures
Boston College Law School Property I Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Boston College Law School Property I Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Boston College Law School Trademark dont recall