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James J. Brudney

James J. Brudney

School Class Text Book
Fordham Law School Employment Law Employment Law Rothstein Sixth Edition
Fordham Law School Employment Law Rothstein, Liebman, Yuracko, Garden Employment Law, 9th ed. 2020
Fordham Law School Labor Law Cox, Bok, Gorman & Finkin, Labor Law (15th ed. 2011
Fordham Law School Labor Law Cox, Bok, Gorman & Finkin, Labor Law 15th ed. 2011
Fordham Law School Labor Law COX, BOK, GORMAN, FINKIN, LABOR LAW 15th ed. (2011)
Fordham Law School Labor Law No Book
Fordham Law School Legislation Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett)
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 4th edition
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Cases and Materials on Legislation (Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett) 5th edition
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Cases and Materials on Legislation and Regulation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 5th (American Casebook Series) 5th Edition by William Eskridge Jr, Philip Frickey, Elizabeth Garret, James Brudney
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett & Brudney, Cases & Materials on Legislation & Regulation (5th ed. 2014)
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation Eskridge, Frickey, Garrett, and Brudney Legislation and Regulation 5th ed. (2014)
Fordham Law School Legislation and Regulation The Regular One
Ohio State University Capital Raising by Privately-Held Business Firms Legislation
Ohio State University Employment Law Employment Law: Cases and Materials, (LexisNexis Pub., 4th ed. 2007), Steven L. Willborn
Ohio State University Employment Law Rothstein & Leibman, Employment Law Cases and Materials, Foundation Press, 6th Ed. (2007)
Ohio State University Labor Law LABOR LAW
Stetson University Labor Law Can't Remember
Stetson University Labor Law Labor Law - Cox, 14th ed.
Widener University, Delaware Property II Property