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Susan Akens

Susan Akens

School Class Text Book
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Don't Remember
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Entertainment Law and Practice, Second Edition Jon M. Garon
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Garon, Jon. Entertainment Law and Practice 2nd ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781611634648. Carolina Academic Press.
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Garon, Jon. Entertainment Law and Practice 2nd ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781611634648. Carolina Academic Press.
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Garon, Jon. Entertainment Law and Practice 2nd ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781611634648. Carolina Academic Press.
University of California, Los Angeles Entertainment Law Jon M. Garon, Entertainment Law and Practice (2nd ed. 2014)