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Derek Bambauer

Derek Bambauer

School Class Text Book
Brooklyn Law School Information Privacy Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz
Brooklyn Law School Information Privacy Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz
Brooklyn Law School Information Privacy Information Privacy - Solove, Rotenberg, Schwartz
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law Don't Remember
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law No Book
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law No Book
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law No Book
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law Not Sure - took class in Fall 2011
Brooklyn Law School Internet Law Who Controls the Internet - Tim Wu
Brooklyn Law School Introduction to Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Merges, Menell, Lemley
Brooklyn Law School Patent Patent Law - Nard (2008)
Brooklyn Law School Patent The Law of Patents (Nard)
Brooklyn Law School Trademarks and Unfair Competition Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie
Brooklyn Law School Trademarks and Unfair Competition Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie
Brooklyn Law School Trademarks and Unfair Competition Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie
University of Arizona First Amendment Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law textbook (4th Ed.)
University of Arizona Torts Unsure
Wayne State University Law School Copyright Copyright - Gorman & Ginsburg
Wayne State University Law School Trademark Trademarks and Unfair Competition by Dinwoodie