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Rod Sullivan

Rod Sullivan

School Class Text Book
Florida Coastal School of Law Administrative Law Administrative Law
Florida Coastal School of Law Administrative Law Administrative Law
Florida Coastal School of Law Admiralty N/A - Class handouts
Florida Coastal School of Law Civil Procedure I 1L Civ Pro book
Florida Coastal School of Law Civil Procedure I Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, Revised 9th Edition (American Casebook Series) by Jack H. Frie
Florida Coastal School of Law Civil Procedure I unknown
Florida Coastal School of Law Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law, A contemparary Approach, Gregory E. Maggs
Florida Coastal School of Law Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law, A contemparary Approach, Gregory E. Maggs
Florida Coastal School of Law Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech Constitutional Law - A Contemporary Approach
Florida Coastal School of Law Maritime Law Maritime Law Coursepack
Florida Coastal School of Law Maritime Law Maritime Law Coursepack
Florida Coastal School of Law Maritime Law No Book
Florida Coastal School of Law Torts Tort Law Goldburg
Florida Coastal School of Law Torts II Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (Goldberg, Sebok, Zipursky)
Florida Coastal School of Law Workers Compensation Workers Compensation Law by Larson & Larson