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Peter Malaguti

Peter Malaguti

School Class Text Book
Massachusetts School of Law Constitutional Law I Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Massachusetts School of Law First Amendment Chemerinsky, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (4th Ed. 2013, Wolters Kluwer Pub.)
Massachusetts School of Law Landlord-Tenant Law Propery - 5th ed. - 2004: Casner, Leach, French, Korngold and Vandervelde
Massachusetts School of Law Property I Cases & Texts on PROPERTY, Fifth Edition
Massachusetts School of Law Property I Casner, Leach, French, Korngold & VanderVelde, Cases and Text on Property (5th edition, Aspen Publis
Massachusetts School of Law Property I Property Law
Massachusetts School of Law Property I Property- Singer Text
Massachusetts School of Law Property I Propery - 5th ed. - 2004: Casner, Leach, French, Korngold and Vandervelde
Massachusetts School of Law Real Property None (Handouts/TWEN)