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Catherine Sharkey

Catherine Sharkey

School Class Text Book
NYU Advanced Torts Cases and Materials on Torts - Tenth Edition - Epstein, Sharkey
NYU Business Torts Cases and Materials for Torts 11th Edition (Epstein, Sharkey)
NYU Business Torts Epstein, Sharkey. Cases and Materials on Torts 11th ed. ISBN: 1454868252
NYU Torts 1L Torts - Red Book
NYU Torts Cases & Materials in Torts Epstein 10th Edition
NYU Torts Cases & Materials in Torts Epstein 10th Edition
NYU Torts Cases and Material on Torts (11th Edition) by Richard Epstein and Catherine Sharkey ISBN-10: 1454868252
NYU Torts Cases and Materials on TORTS Epstein 9th edition
NYU Torts Epstein, Cases and Materials on Torts, 10th ed. (2012)
NYU Torts Epstein, Richard and Sharkey, Catherine: Cases and Materials on Torts 12th ed.
NYU Torts Torts-Epstein
NYU Torts unknown
NYU Torts unknown
NYU Torts II Cases and Materials on Torts - 11th Edition
NYU Torts II Cases and Materials on Torts - Tenth Edition - Epstein, Sharkey
NYU Torts II unknown
Temple University Torts Cases and Materials on Torts, Twelfth Edition Richard Epstein, Catherine Sharkey