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Concordia University

Concordia University

Class Professor Text Book
Constitutional Law I Deveaux, Chad Constitutional Law: Cases Comments and Questions,11th by Jesse H. Choper, Richard Fallon
Contracts Deveaux, Chad Don't Remember
Contracts II Deveaux, Chad Proprietary
Criminal Procedure Nafzger, Jodi 2017 Criminal Procedure Textbook-Dressler/Thomas
Evidence Kim, Andrew Federal Rules of Evidence
Federal Income Tax Hinton, John The Individual Tax Base, by Malman, Sugin, Solomon, Hesch (3rd Edition)
Secured Transactions Isanga, Joseph M. Sepinuck, Rusch & Duhl: Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions 4th ed.
Torts Cunningham, McKay Duncan, Meredith. Torts: A Contemporary Approach, 2d ISBN: 978-0314280237
Torts Cunningham, McKay Torts a Contemporary Approach (Third Edition) Duncan, Turner, Bahadur
Torts McMahon, Jack The Common Law Process of Torts - David Weissbrodt; Mary Patricia Byrn and The Late Donald Marshall