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Nashville School of Law

Nashville School of Law

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting for Lawyers Creecy, Jim G. Accounting for Lawyers, Herwitz and Barrett, 4th Ed., 2006, Concise
Agency Dale, James C. Agency and Partnerships
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Dale, James C. CORPORATIONS
Civil Procedure I Ash, Don TN Civil Procedure 3rd Ed. (Robert Banks and June Entman)
Civil Procedure I Grant, Charles Civil Procedure, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Tenth Edition (2009)
Civil Procedure I Grant, Charles Civil Procedure, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Tenth Edition (2009)
Civil Procedure I Grant, Charles Civil Procedure, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Tenth Edition (2009)
Conflict of Laws McHale, Patrick Conflict of Laws, Hay, 13th Edition, 2009
Conflicts of Law Daniel, Steve Conflict of Laws, Cases and Materials, 13th Ed., Hay, Weintraub, and Borchers
Constitutional Law I Koch Jr., William C. Chemerinksy
Constitutional Law II Koch Jr., William C. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Koch Jr., William C. Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Contracts Coleman, Malina Contracts
Contracts Harbison, William I. Contract Law Ayres and Speidel Seventh Edition
Contracts Lewis, John Contract Law Ayres and Speidel Seventh Edition
Contracts Lewis, Paul Contracts
Contracts Lewis, John Studies in contract law
Criminal Law Smith, Jerry L. Criminal Law
Domestic Relations Lyle, Mary Frances FAMILY LAW
Employment Law Howell, Trevor Employment Law
Employment Law Howell, Trevor Employment Law Cases and Materials 6th
Evidence Dozier, Steve Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Paine
Evidence Dozier, Steve Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Paine
Evidence Dozier, Steve Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Paine
Evidence Dozier, Steve Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Paine
Evidence Dozier, Steve Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Paine
Federal Income Tax Westlake, Mark H. Tax
Federal Income Tax Westlake, Mark H. Tax
Mortgages Turner, Wesley No Book
Negotiable Instruments Corlew, Robert E. Jordan and Warren
Negotiable Instruments Corlew, Robert E. No Book
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Wilson, Justin Law and Ethics of Lawyering
Property I Baird, John M. 1L Property - Dukeminier (8th Ed.)
Property I Baird, John M. Property Dukenimier
Property I Berry, C. Dewees Property, Cases and Materials, 7th Ed., Dukeminier
Real Property Berry, C. Dewees Property - Dukemiener
Real Property Berry, C. Dewees Property, Cases and Materials, 7th Ed., Dukeminier
Real Property Berry, C. Dewees Property, Cases and Materials, 7th Ed., Dukeminier
Remedies Spoden, Clark Remedies and Restitution, Cases and Materials, Dukeminier
Remedies Spoden, Clark Remedies and Restitution, Cases and Materials, Dukeminier
Torts Davidson, Marshall dobbs
Torts Davidson, Marshall The Law of Torts, Dan B. Dobbs, 2000
Wills and Trusts Kennedy, Randy Family Property Law by Waggoner