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International Investment Law

International Investment Law

School Professor Text Book
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan Course Pack from Professor
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan No Book
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan No Book
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan Principles of International Investment Law, 2nd Edition
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law (2d ed. 2012)
George Washington University Law School Alexandrov, Stan Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law (2d ed. 2012)
Northwestern University School of Law Marks, Alexia International Investment Disputes
NYU Lowenfeld, Andreas unknown
Pepperdine University School of Law Bastin, Lucas Principles of International Investment Law (2nd Edition) by Rudolf Dolzer
Pepperdine University School of Law Bastin, Lucas Principles of International Investment Law (2nd edn, 2012) by Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer.
University of Michigan Howse, Robert No Book