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University of Michigan

University of Michigan

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting DeSimpelare, James Accounting for Lawyers
Accounting DeSimpelare, James course binder
Accounting DeSimpelare, James No Book
Accounting Logue, Kyle Accounting for Lawyers
Accounting for Lawyers DeSimpelare, James Account for Lawyers Concise Fourth Edition Herwitz Barrett
Accounting for Lawyers DeSimpelare, James Course Packet
Accounting for Lawyers DeSimpelare, James coursepack and Financial Accounting by Bird and Imhoff. ISBN: 978-0-9842005-2-8.
Administrative Law Bagley, Nicholas Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven Administrative Law
Administrative Law Croley, Steven unknown
Administrative Law Croley, Steven unknown
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law 7E (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law and Regulation Policy - 7th edition
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases 7E (Breyer, Stewart, Sunstein,)
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina unknown
Administrative Law Mendelson, Nina unknown
Administrative Law Payton, Sallyanne Administrative Law
Administrative Law Payton, Sallyanne Administrative Law (Breyer, Stewart, et al.)
Administrative Law Payton, Sallyanne unknown
Antitrust Crane, Daniel A. Trade Regulation Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series), 5th Ed Robert Pitofsky, Harvey J.
Antitrust Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust Analysis [Areeda]
Antitrust Law Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust Analysis [Areeda]
Bankruptcy Pottow, John A.E. Debtor and Creditor Rights
Bankruptcy Pottow, John A.E. The Law of Debtors and Creditors by Warren & Westbrook, 7th. ed.
Bankruptcy Pottow, John A.E. The Law of Debtors and Creditors, Elizabeth Warren andd Jay Westbrook, Fifth ed.
Bankruptcy Pottow, John A.E. Warren & Westbrook The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Bankruptcy White, James J. Debtors and Creditors - Warren/Westbrook
British Legal History Simpson, A.W. Brian No Book
British Legal History Simpson, A.W. Brian No Book
Business Economics for Lawyers Masten, Scott Course Pack
Business Enterprise Taxation Adams, J. Phillip Federal Income Taxation of Corporations & Stockholders in a Nutshell
Business Organizations Davis, Alicia J. Enterprise Organizations
Capital Markets Regulation Rauterberg, Gabriel The New Stock Market
Civil Procedure I Bagley, Nicholas Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Bagley, Nicholas Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, 10th Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Bagley, Nicholas Jack H. Friedenthal et al., Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (12th Ed. 2018), ISBN: 9781634605847
Civil Procedure I Bagley, Nicholas Jack H. Friedenthal et al., Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (12th Ed. 2018), ISBN: 9781634605847
Civil Procedure I Carroll, Maureen 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Carroll, Maureen 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 9th Edition
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Byron Brown one
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civ Pro Miller Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (11th Ed. 2013)
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure, Yeazell 6th, Aspen
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 9th Ed., Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 9th Ed., Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 9th Ed., Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 9th Ed., Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Friedenthal - 9th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Friedenthal - 9th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Friedenthal - 9th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure, 10th ed. (2009) ,
Civil Procedure I Cooper, Edward Friednethal
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civ Pro tapes by Arthur Miller
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven unknown
Civil Procedure I Croley, Steven Yeazell, Civil Procedure (7th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Diller, Paul babcock, massaro, spaulding
Civil Procedure I Diller, Paul Civil Procedure - Babcock Massaro Spalding
Civil Procedure I Diller, Paul Civil Procedure - Babcock Massaro Spalding
Civil Procedure I Diller, Paul Civil Procedure Cases and Materials (Babcock, Massaro, Spaulding)
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. Friedman, Richard
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. Friedman, Richard. Lawyering in Civil Litigation
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. Friedman's own readings
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. N/A - Course Packet
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Richard D. N/A - Prof Materials
Civil Procedure I Hurley, Daniel 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Hurley, Daniel Civil Procedure - Yeazell (7th Edition)
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Civil Procedure - 7th edition - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Civil Procedure - Yeazell 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Civil Procedure (Yeazell, 8th Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Civil Procedure by Stephen Yeazell (7th ed. 2008)
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Civil Procedure Yeazell 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Niehoff, Leonard M. Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 10th ed. ISBN: 9781543808094. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Peters, Christopher J. Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Civil Procedure-Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Yeazell - Civil Procedure, 6th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Yeazell - Civil Procedure, 6th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Yeazell - Civil Procedure, 6th Ed.
Civil Procedure I Pritchard, Adam Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Samuels, Jeffrey M. unknown
Civil Procedure I Seinfeld, Gil Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Walker, Christopher J. Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure II Cooper, Edward Civil Procedure (blue)
Civil Rights MacKinnon, Catharine Sex Equality
Civil Rights MacKinnon, Catharine Sex Equality
Commercial Transactions White, James J. James J. White and G. Eric Brunstad, Jr., Secured Transactions Teaching Materials, 4th Edition
Commercial Transactions White, James J. Secured Transactions (James J. White)
Commercial Transactions White, James J. Secured Transactions (James J. White)
Communications Crawford, Susan Telecommunications: Law and Policy
Computer Crimes Hurley, Daniel computer crimes, Orin Kerr (2nd ed)
Computer Crimes Hurley, Daniel computer crimes, Orin Kerr (3rd ed)
Computer Crimes Hurley, Daniel computer crimes, Orin Kerr (3rd ed)
Conflicts of Law Reimann, Mathias Jurisdiction Course Pack
Conflicts of Law Reimann, Mathias No Book
Conflicts of Law Reimann, Mathias unknown
Conflicts of Law Seinfeld, Gil CONFLICTS OF LAWS
Conflicts of Law Seinfeld, Gil COURSEPACK
Conflicts of Law Seinfeld, Gil Jurisdiction and Choice of Law
Conflicts of Law Seinfeld, Gil Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Coursepack
Constitutional Equality Schlanger, Margo PROCESSES OF CONSTITUTIONAL DECISIONMAKING: CASES AND MATERIALS (Paul Brest, Sanford Levinson, Jack
Constitutional Law I Andrias, Kate Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_6th
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (6th)
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. con law sullivan
Constitutional Law I Bagenstos, Samuel R. unknown
Constitutional Law I Coan, Andrew Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law I Erman, Sam Richard D. Friedman & Julian Davis Mortenson, Constitutional Law: An Integrated Approach (2021)
Constitutional Law I Franklin, David Constitutional Law, Stone
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Richard D. 2007 Constitutional Law: Cases-Comments-Questions
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Richard D. Conlaw - Brest, Levinson, Amar
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Richard D. Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky 4th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_7th
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constituional Law
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constitutional Law - Sixth Edition - Aspen Publishers (Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan)
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constitutional Law (6th ed.) - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, and Karlan
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Constitutional Law, 6th Edition by Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Karlan, Tushnet
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Stone, Geoffrey. Constitutional Law   7th ed.  2016 Supplement   ISBN: 9781454875598. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Stone, Geoffrey. Constitutional Law   7th ed.  2016 Supplement   ISBN: 9781454875598. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Halberstam, Daniel Stone, Siedman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan Constitutional Law (6th Ed. 2009)
Constitutional Law I Katz, Ellen Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, and Karlan. Constitutional Law 8th ed.
Constitutional Law I Kochen, Madeline Sara CASES AND MATERIALS ON CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan Con Law-stone
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan Stone, et al., CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (6th ed. 2009)
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan unknown
Constitutional Law I Larsen, Joan unknown
Constitutional Law I Mortenson, Julian 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_6th
Constitutional Law I Mortenson, Julian Constitutional Law, Stone, Sunstein, Tushnet & Karlan (6th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Mortenson, Julian STONE, SEIDMAN, ET AL., CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (7th ed. 2013)
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (6th)
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law - 5th Edition - Stone
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law - Sixth Edition - Aspen Publishers (Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan)
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law (5th ed. 2005) G. Stone, L. Seidman, C. Sunstein, M. Tushnet
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law (5th ed. 2005) G. Stone, L. Seidman, C. Sunstein, M. Tushnet
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Constitutional Law by Stone, Seidman, SUnstein, Tu
Constitutional Law I Primus, Richard Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I Regan, Donald Leading Cases in Constitutional Law, 2009 Edition
Constitutional Law I Shapiro, Scott Constitutional Law- Stone, etc
Constitutional Law II Govender, Karthy No Book
Constitutional Litigation Sanders, Steven Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution (2nd Edition 2007) - Jeffries, Karlan, Low, and Rut
Constitutional Litigation Sanders, Steven Constitutional Torts - Nahmod, Wells, Eaton Third Ed.
Constitutionalism in South Africa Govender, Karthy No Book
Constitutionalism in South Africa Govender, Karthy unknown
Consumption Tax Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. Value Added Tax: A Comparative Approach
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts, 5th
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Contracts, 5th
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Principles in Contract Law 5th edition
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Ben-Shahar, Omri unknown
Contracts Bishara, Norman Contracts, Farnsworth, 6th ed.
Contracts Choi, Albert Bruce W. Frier & James J. White, The Modern Law of Contracts (4th Ed. 2019)
Contracts Choi, Albert Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Choi, Albert Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Crane, Daniel A. Contracts - Dawson, 10th
Contracts Crane, Daniel A. Contracts - the blue book
Contracts Crane, Daniel A. Contracts: Cases And Comment
Contracts Crane, Daniel A. Dawson, Harvey, Henderson & Baird, Contracts (10th edition) (Foundation Press)
Contracts Crane, Daniel A. Don't Remember
Contracts Fox, Edward Scott, Kraus Contract Law 5th Ed.
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Contracts
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Contracts
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Frier & White’s The Modern Law of Contracts, 2nd Edition
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Frier and White the Modern Law of Contracts
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Modern law of contracts
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. Modern law of contracts
Contracts Frier, Bruce W. The Modern Law of Contracts (American Casebook Series) 3rd Edition
Contracts Jordan, Andrew Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials by Charles Knapp, Nathan Crystal, Harry Prince Edition: Ninth Edition
Contracts Krier, James Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Krier, James Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. contract law
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts - 9th Edition - Dawson, Harvey
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Pottow, John A.E. Contracts - Epstein 8th edition
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane Contracts - Frier & White
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane Frier and White's The Modern Law of Contracts
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane the modern law of contracts
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane The Modern Law of Contracts (American Casebook Series) 2nd Edition
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane The Modern Law of Contracts (Frier, White)
Contracts Radin, Margaret Jane The Mordern Law of Contract (2d)
Contracts Santarosa, Veronica Ayres & Klass, Studies In Contract Law, 8th ed., 2012
Contracts Santarosa, Veronica Ayres, Speidel, Studies in Contract Law
Contracts Santarosa, Veronica don't remember - blue cover
Contracts Santarosa, Veronica Knapp Crystal Prince Problems in Contract Law 7th Edition
Contracts Santarosa, Veronica Studies in contract law, Author: by Ian Ayres ... [et al.]., Publisher: Foundation Press 8th ed.
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Basic Contract Law - Fuller/Eisenberg (8th)
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts, Cases and Materials
Contracts Soper, Philip Contracts, Cases and Materials
Contracts White, James J. Contracts
Contracts White, James J. Contracts
Contracts White, James J. Contracts
Contracts White, James J. Contracts
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts - Frier and White
Contracts White, James J. Contracts and Sales
Contracts White, James J. Modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. Modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. Modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. Modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. the modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. the modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. the modern law of contracts
Contracts White, James J. The Modern Law of Contracts (American Casebook Series) 3rd Edition
Contracts White, James J. The Modern Law of Contracts (American Casebook Series) 3rd Edition
Contracts White, James J. The modern law of contracts, Author: Bruce W. Frier, James J. White.,
Contracts White, James J. unknown
Copyright Litman, Jessica Cohen et al., Copyright in a Global Information Economy (3d ed. 2010).
Copyright Litman, Jessica Cohen, Loren, Okediji, O'Rourke. Copyright in a Global Information Economy 5th ed. ISBN-10: 1543813623
Copyright Litman, Jessica Copyright in a Global Information Economy
Copyright Litman, Jessica Copyright in a Global Information Economy
Corporate Criminality Hurley, Daniel None
Corporate Criminality Hurley, Daniel None- Professor's Handouts
Corporate Finance Beny, Laura CORPORATE FINANCE
Corporate Finance Beny, Laura Corporate Finance
Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics Khanna, Vikramaditya Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics Khanna, Vikramaditya Allen, Kraakman and Subramanian: Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, 5th ed
Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics Khanna, Vikramaditya Allen, Kraakman, & Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations (4th ed.
Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics Pritchard, Adam Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th Ed.)
Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics Pritchard, Adam Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (5th Ed.)
Corporate Taxation Kahn, Douglas A. Corporate Taxation
Corporate Taxation Kahn, Douglas A. Principles of Corporate Taxation, Kahn Kahn and Perris
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Pritchard, Adam Business Organizations
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Pritchard, Adam Business Organizations
Criminal Justice Primus, Eve Advanced Criminal Procedure 14th Edition: Kamisar, Lafarge, Israel, King, Kerr, Primus
Criminal Justice Primus, Eve Criminal Procedure - Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King
Criminal Justice Primus, Eve Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, & King, Modern Criminal Procedure (12th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Huigens, Kyron Criminal Law
Criminal Law McCormack, Bridget Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law McCormack, Bridget Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law McCormack, Bridget Criminal Law-Dressler
Criminal Law McCormack, Bridget Dressler - Criminal Law
Criminal Law McCormick, Bridget case and materials crim law
Criminal Law McCormick, Bridget Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law McCormick, Bridget Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law McCormick, Bridget dressler
Criminal Law McQuade, Barbara Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law McQuade, Barbara Joshua Dressler, Cases & Materials on Criminal Law, 8th Ed. (West 2019).
Criminal Law McQuade, Barbara Textbook unknown - Fall 2017
Criminal Law Mendlow, Gabriel Criminal Law
Criminal Law Mendlow, Gabriel Criminal Law and its Processes (Kadish)
Criminal Law Moran, David Can't Remember
Criminal Law Moran, David Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Moran, David Criminal Law Dressler 5th edition
Criminal Law Moran, David Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Ortman, William Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (9th ed. 2022.) ISBN: 9781636596891. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. Criminal Law (Kadish, et al)
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 8th ed.)
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. intro to criminal law
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. Kadish, Criminal Law and Its Processes
Criminal Law Prescott, J.J. Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Primus, Eve Crimial Law and Its Processes- 8th Edition- Kadish, Schulhofer, Steiker
Criminal Law Primus, Eve Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Primus, Eve Criminal Law (Dressler)
Criminal Law Primus, Eve Dressler - Criminal Law
Criminal Law Primus, Eve No Book
Criminal Law Shapiro, Scott Can't Remember
Criminal Law Shapiro, Scott Criminal Law (Kadish, et al)
Criminal Law Shapiro, Scott Criminal Law (Kadish, et al)
Criminal Law Shapiro, Scott Criminal Law and Its Processes (7th ed. 2001) Kadish & Schulhofer
Criminal Law Sloane, Robert D. Criminal Law: Kaplan (5th ed.)
Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. Cases and Material in Criminal Law, Joshua Dressler, 5th Edition
Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. Cases and Material on Criminal Law - Dressler 5th ed.
Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 5th [Hardcover] Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Thomas, Kimberly Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Thomas, Kimberly Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Thomas, Kimberly Don't Remember
Criminal Law Thomas, Kimberly Dressler - Criminal Law
Criminal Law Thomas, Kimberly unknown
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler 6th Edition
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Cases and Material on Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Cases And Materials on Criminal Law (4th edition) by Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (6th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (6th Ed. Dressler)
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 6th Edition, Dressler and Garvey
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Uhlmann, David M. Dressler's Cases and Materials on Criminal Law
Criminal Law West, Mark Criminal Law
Criminal Law West, Mark Criminal Law
Criminal Law West, Mark Criminal Law - Kaplan
Criminal Law West, Mark Criminal Law - Kaplan
Criminal Law West, Mark No Book
Criminal Procedure Gross, Samuel R. Criminal Procedure and the Constitution
Criminal Procedure Gross, Samuel R. criminal Procedure and the Constitution by Israel, Kamisar, LaFave, King
Criminal Procedure Gross, Samuel R. No Book
Criminal Procedure Kamisar, Yale CRIM. PRO
Criminal Procedure Larsen, Joan CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Moran, David Crim Pro 12th Ed. Kamisar
Criminal Procedure Primus, Eve Adanced Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Primus, Eve CRIM. PRO
Criminal Procedure Primus, Eve Modern Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Primus, Eve Modern Criminal Procedure, 11th ed. Kamisar, LaFav
Criminal Procedure Primus, Eve Modern Criminal Procedure, 12 ed. Kamisar, LaFav
Criminal Procedure II Larsen, Joan Criminal Procedure - Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King
Criminal Procedure II Primus, Eve Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King
Criminal Procedure: Bail to Post-Conviction Review Larsen, Joan Advanced Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure: Bail to Post-Conviction Review Larsen, Joan unknown
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Moran, David Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King, Modern Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments and Questions, 13th Ed
Criminal Procedure: Police Investigations Moran, David West Criminal Procedure 2012
Cyberlaw Crawford, Susan Bellia, Berman and Post, Cyberlaw: Problems of Policy and Jurisprudence in the Information Age (3d e
Cyberlaw Rothchild, John A. Internet Commerce: The Emerging Legal Framework 2d
Cyberspace Law Crawford, Susan No Book
Education Law Bernard, Jack COURSEPACK
Education Law Katz, Ellen Educational Policy and the Law
Election Law Katz, Ellen Can't Remember
Election Law Katz, Ellen Law of Democracy
Election Law Katz, Ellen unknown
Employee Benefits Stumpff, Andrew no textbook He assigned readings instead
Employee Benefits Stumpff, Andrew None - Class Materials
Employment Discrimination Katz, Ellen Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination; Zimmer 7th Ed.
Employment Discrimination Katz, Ellen Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination; Zimmer 7th Ed.
Employment Discrimination Onwauchi-Willig, Angela Employment Discrimination Law - Belton
Employment Discrimination Onwauchi-Willig, Angela Employment Discrimination Law - Belton
Employment Discrimination Onwuachi-Willig, Angela Avery - Employment Discrimination (7th Ed)
Employment Law Bagenstos, Samuel R. Employment Law Cases and Materials 7th Edition
Employment Law Prescott, J.J. Employment Law: Cases and Materials, (LexisNexis Pub., 4th ed. 2007), Steven L. Willborn
Employment Law Prescott, J.J. No Book
Employment Law Prescott, J.J. No Book
Employment Law Salvatore, Jennifer Wilborn, Schwab, Burton and Lester, Employment Law: Cases and Materials, 2017, 6th
English Legal History Simpson, A.W. Brian English Legal History
English Legal History Simpson, A.W. Brian English Legal History
English Legal History Simpson, A.W. Brian unknown
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura Business Associations - Klein 9th
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Enterprise Organization Beny, Laura ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations - Smith, Williams Second Edition
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Business Organizations, Smith & Williams 2008
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Davis, Alicia J. Enterprise Organizations
Enterprise Organization Herzog, Don ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. Business Associations Casebook
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. Casebook, O'Kelley and Thompson, Corporations and Other Business Associations
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. Corporations and Other Business Associations (O'kelley & Thompson, 5th)
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Howson, Nicholas C. ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Allan Krackman
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Business Enterprises
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya CORPORATIONS
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya CORPORATIONS
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Enterprise Organizations
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya Law of Business Organizations
Enterprise Organization Khanna, Vikramaditya No Book
Enterprise Organization Pritchard, Adam ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization Rauterberg, Gabriel Law of Business Associations by Allen et al. 4th ed
Enterprise Organization West, Mark ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Enterprise Organization West, Mark ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION
Entertainment Law Hertz, Howard Law and Business of the Entertainment Industries, 5th Edition, Biederman
Entertainment Law Hertz, Howard Law of Entertainment Industries
Environmental Crimes Uhlmann, David M. Clifford Rechtschaffen, Eileen Gauna, Catherine A. O’Neill, Environmental Justice: Law, Policy & Reg
Environmental Law Daugirdas, Kristina Environmental Law & Policy
Environmental Law Daugirdas, Kristina Environmental Law & Policy
Environmental Law Uhlmann, David M. Environmental Law & Policy
Environmental Law Uhlmann, David M. Environmental Regulation - Law, Science, and Policy -- Percival, Schroeder, Miller, and Leape
Environmental Law Uhlmann, David M. Environmental Regulations 5th ed.
Equal Protection Law Schlanger, Margo Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, Siegal, Process of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2014)
Equities and Remedies Laycock, Douglas REMEDIES
Ethical Lawyering Niehoff, Leonard M. Ethics
Ethical Lawyering Niehoff, Leonard M. Ethics
Ethics Hirshon, Robert ABA Rules of Professional Conduct
EU Competition Law Geradin, Damien Global Antitrust Law and Economics
European Union Law Halberstam, Daniel Cases and Materials on the European Union
European Union Law Halberstam, Daniel Most Course Materials on PDF, EU Casebook by Goebel, Fox, Bermann
Evidence Clark, Sherman EVIDENCE
Evidence Clark, Sherman Evidence Text
Evidence Clark, Sherman Evidence Under The Rules -- Mueller & Kirkpatrick 8th Edition
Evidence Clark, Sherman Evidence Under the Rules - Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Clark, Sherman Evidence Under the Rules - Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Clark, Sherman Mueller and Kirkpatrick. Custom Edition 2016, Evidence Under the Rules, Curated by Professor W. Burlette Carter ISBN: 9781454887829. Wolters Kluwer.
Evidence Clark, Sherman Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Clark, Sherman unknown
Evidence Friedman, Richard D. Elements
Evidence Friedman, Richard D. EVIDENCE
Evidence Friedman, Richard D. EVIDENCE
Evidence Friedman, Richard D. EVIDENCE
Evidence Friedman, Richard D. The Elements of Evidence
Evidence Gross, Samuel R. A Modern Approach to Evidence, 3rd Edition
Evidence Gross, Samuel R. EVIDENCE
Evidence Gross, Samuel R. EVIDENCE
Evidence Gross, Samuel R. EVIDENCE
Evidence Gross, Samuel R. Modern approach to evidence
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. 2009 Fall Evidence Fischer 2nd Edition
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. EVIDENCE
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence - George Fisher
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence - George Fisher
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence (University Casebook) 2nd Edition
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence by Fisher (2nd Edition)
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence by George Fischer
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence by George Fisher 3rd edition (2013)
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. Evidence Fisher
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. George Fisher, EVIDENCE (3rd ed. 2013)
Evidence Niehoff, Leonard M. unknown
Evidence Primus, Eve Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Rosen, Hon. Gerald E. Evidence Under the Rules
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Aviv, Joseph Contemporary Family Law, 3d Edition - Abrams, Cahn, Ross, Meyer
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kochen, Madeline Sara Family Law, Harris, Teitelbaum, Carbone
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kochen, Madeline Sara Modern Family Law: Weisberg & Appleton
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kochen, Madeline Sara Modern Family Law: Weisberg & Appleton
Federal Antitrust Crane, Daniel A. Pitofsky, Goldschmid and‎ Wood. Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials, 6th Ed. ISBN: 978-1599412498. Foundation Press
Federal Antitrust Crane, Daniel A. trade regulation cases and materials, 6th Ed Pitofsky
Federal Antitrust Crane, Daniel A. Trade Regulation, 6th by Robert Pitofsky and Harvey J. Goldschmid (2010, Other, Revised)
Federal Antitrust Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust
Federal Antitrust Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust
Federal Antitrust Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust
Federal Antitrust Kauper, Thomas E. Antitrust
Federal Courts Seinfeld, Gil Federal Courts
Federal Courts Seinfeld, Gil Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler
Federal Courts Whitman, Christina Federal Courts Low & Jeffries 5th
Federal Courts Whitman, Christina Federal Courts Low & Jeffries 5th
Federal Courts Whitman, Christina No Book
Federal Income Tax Hasen, David Tax
Federal Income Tax Hines Jr., James R. Tax
Federal Income Tax Hines Jr., James R. TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. Tax Kleinman
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax Kahn, Douglas A. TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax Logue, Kyle Bankman, Shaviro, and Stark, Federal Income Taxation (16th ed. 2012); Bank and Stark, Selected Secti
Federal Income Tax Logue, Kyle TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax Logue, Kyle TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Financial Institutions Barr, Michael Financial Institutions
Financial Institutions Barr, Michael Financial Institutions
Financial Institutions Barr, Michael The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions
Financial Regulation Barr, Michael Barr, Jackson, & Tahyar: Financial Regulation: Law and Policy
Financial Regulation Barr, Michael Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler
Financial Regulation Kress, Jeremy Don't Remember
First Amendment Herzog, Don Collection of cases and notes/questions compiled by professor
First Amendment Herzog, Don First Amendment
First Amendment Herzog, Don No Book
First Amendment Herzog, Don No Textbook - Coursepack
Food and Drug Law Eisenberg, Rebecca S. unknown
Health Care Compliance, Fraud and Abuse Haron, David COURSEPACK
Health Law Bagley, Nicholas Hall, Bobinski and Orentlicher, HEALTH CARE LAW AND ETHICS (6th ed., 2003)
Health Law Horwitz, Jill Course Pack from Professor
Health Law Price, Nicholson Furrow Health Law: Cases, Material and Problems (8th ed, 2018)
Health Law and Policy Bagley, Nicholas Furrow, Greaney, Johnson, Jost and Schwartz, HEALTH LAW (6th ed. 2008)
Higher Education Law Bernard, Jack No Book
Higher Education Law Bernard, Jack None - Course Pack
Immigration Law Wicks, Michael Immigration
Income Taxation Hines Jr., James R. unknown
Income Taxation Logue, Kyle Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
Income Taxation of Business Organizations Adams, J. Phillip Bank and Stark. Federal Income Tax Code and Regulations: Selected Sections  2016/2017 ed.    ISBN: 9781634602969. Foundation Press.
Indian Law Clarkson, Gavin Federal Indian Law (Getches, Wilkinson, 5th Ed)
Individual Tax Hines Jr., James R. Federal Income Tax (Graetz, Schenk)
Individual Tax Hines Jr., James R. Graetz and Schenk
Individual Tax Kahn, Douglas A. INDIVIDUAL TAX
Insurance Law Logue, Kyle Insurance Law
Insurance Law Logue, Kyle Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Insurance Law Logue, Kyle Insurance Law and Regulation (Abraham)
Insurance Law Logue, Kyle Tom Baker & Kyle Logue, Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Ed.
Intellectual Property Price, William N. Lydia Pallas Loren & Joseph Scott Miller, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW: CASES & MATERIALS (v7.0, 2021).
International Criminal Law Bennoune, Karima International Criminal Law and Its Enforcement: Cases and Materials Beth van Schaack and Ronald C. Slye eds, 4th ed., 2020 -
International Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. International criminal law and its enforcement : cases and materials , Author: Van Schaack, Beth., P
International Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. International Criminal Law and Its Enforcement, Van Shaack and Slye
International Criminal Law Starr, Sonja B. International Criminal Law and Its Enforcement, Van Shaack and Slye
International Investment Law Howse, Robert No Book
International Law Fox, Gregory International Law: Norms, Actors, Process, by Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Monica Hakimi, Steven R. Ratner & David Wippman (5th ed. 2020)
International Litigation Reimann, Mathias No Book
International Taxation Avi-Yonah, Reuven S. Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Diane M. Ring & Yariv Brauner, U.S. International Taxation: Cases and Materials
International Trade Regan, Donald 2012 Andrew T. Guzman & Joost H.B. Pauwelyn International Trade Law 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454873105
Introduction to American Law Regan, Donald Leading Cases in Constitutional Law: A Compact Casebook for a Short Course (2010ed)
Introduction to Constitutional Law Primus, Richard Constitutional Law Stone 7th
Introduction to Constitutional Law Primus, Richard Stone et al., CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (7th ed. 2013)
Introduction to Constitutional Law Regan, Donald Leading Cases in Constitutional Law
Islamic Law Jackson, Sherman A. Islamic Law
Japanese Law Kinami, Atsushi Milhaupt, Ramsayer, & West: The Japanese Legal System
Japanese Law West, Mark Japanese Law
Japanese Law West, Mark Japanese Law
Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Cooper, Edward Conflict of Laws 7th Edition Currie, Kay, Kramer, Rosevelt
Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Cooper, Edward Conflict of Laws: Cases -- Comments -- Questions, David P.Currie; Herma Hill Kay
Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Seinfeld, Gil unknown
Jurisdiction and Judgements Barr, Michael Can't Remember
Jurisdiction and Judgements Seinfeld, Gil Can't Remember
Labor Law Andrias, Kate Gorman, Finkin and Glynn. Cox and Bok’s Labor Law Cases & Materials 16th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781628101515. Foundation Press.
Labor Law Crain, Marion Labor Law Cases and Materials, 15th ed. By Cox, Bok, Gorman and Finkin, Foundation Press
Labor Law Winograd, Barry Labor Law - Cox, 14th ed.
Labor Law Winograd, Barry Labor Law - Cox, 14th ed.
Land Use Planning Cassard, Richard Land Use Regulation--Selmi, Kushner
Law and Economics Ben-Shahar, Omri COURSEPACK
Law and Economics Ben-Shahar, Omri Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law, Avery Katz
Lawyers' Ethics Niehoff, Leonard M. No Book
Legal Ethics Niehoff, Leonard M. unknown
Legislation Mendelson, Nina Legislation - Eskeridge & Frickey
Legislation and Regulation Bagley, Nicholas Bressman, Rubin & Stack, The Regulatory State (2d ed 2013)
Legislation and Regulation Larsen, Joan The Regulatory State, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) by Lisa Schultz Bressman
Legislation and Regulation Larsen, Joan The Regulatory State, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) by Lisa Schultz Bressman
Legislation and Regulation Mendelson, Nina The Regulatory State, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series) by Lisa Schultz Bressman
Legislation and Regulation Mortenson, Julian Bressman, Rubin & Stack, The Regulatory State (2d ed 2013)
Legislation and Regulation Mortenson, Julian Bressman, Rubin & Stack, The Regulatory State (2d ed. 2013) ISBN: 978-1454822684
Legislation and Regulation Mortenson, Julian BRESSMAN, RUBIN, & STACK, THE REGULATORY STATE (2d ed. 2013)
Legislation and Regulation Novak, William J. Bressman, Rubin & Stack, The Regulatory State (2d ed 2013)
Legislation and Regulation Novak, William J. The Regulatory State
Legislation and Regulation Pritchard, Adam LISA SCHULTZ BRESSMAN, EDWARD L. RUBIN & KEVIN M. STACK, THE REGULATORY STATE (2d ed. 2013)
Merger and Acquisitions Davis, Alicia J. Maynard 3rd Edition
Merger and Acquisitions Davis, Alicia J. No Book
Partnership Tax Adams, J. Phillip Fundamentals of Partnership Taxation: Cases and Materials (10th ed. 2017)
Partnership Tax Kahn, Douglas A. Introduction to Partnership Taxation, 8th ed
Partnership Tax Kahn, Douglas A. Introduction to Partnership Taxation, 8th ed
Partnership Tax Kahn, Douglas A. Partnership Taxation
Partnership Tax Logue, Kyle Partnership and the LLC
Patent Eisenberg, Rebecca S. Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy
Patent Eisenberg, Rebecca S. Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy
Patent Eisenberg, Rebecca S. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Patent Eisenberg, Rebecca S. Textbook Unknown - Fall 2011 (same casebook for Fall 2012)
Patent Price, Nicholson Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Price, Nicholson The Law of Patents; Third Edition
Patent Radin, Margaret Jane Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy
Professional Responsibility Niehoff, Leonard M. ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Lutz, Karl E. No Book
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. ABA Rules; Being Good By Blackburne; Misc. Articles
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. Can't Remember
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. LEGAL ETHICS
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. LEGAL ETHICS
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. LEGAL ETHICS
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Niehoff, Leonard M. No Book
Property I Kark No Book
Property I Katz, Ellen No Book
Property I Katz, Ellen d. REAL PROPERTY
Property I Katz, Ellen d. REAL PROPERTY
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Cases & Texts on PROPERTY, Fifth Edition
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Cases & Texts on PROPERTY, Fifth Edition
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara No Book
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Property -- Donahue, Kauper, & Martin
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Property -- Donahue, Kauper, & Martin
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Property -- Donahue, Kauper, & Martin
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Kochen, Madeline Sara REAL PROPERTY
Property I Krier, James 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier 7th Ed.
Property I Krier, James 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier 9th Ed.
Property I Krier, James 1L Property Law Book By Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Dukeminier - 7th Ed.
Property I Krier, James Photocopied materials
Property I Krier, James Property
Property I Krier, James Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Krier, James Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Krier, James Property (Dukeminier & Krier, 5th ed.)
Property I Krier, James Property (Dukeminier, 8th)
Property I Krier, James Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Property by Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY Dukeminier
Property I Krier, James Property Dukeminier 6th Edition
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
Property I Krier, James PROPERTY, 5TH ED. - DUKEMINIER & KRIER
Property I Krier, James REAL PROPERTY
Property I Miller, William 1L Property - Dukeminier
Property I Miller, William 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier 7th Ed.
Property I Miller, William Dukemeiner
Property I Miller, William Dukeminier & Krier Property
Property I Miller, William Property - Dukeminier
Property I Miller, William Property - Dukeminier. Krier
Property I Miller, William Property Dukenimier
Property I Schneider, Carl Carl Schneider, Coursepack
Property I Schneider, Carl Donahue (extensive revision of the Donahue project + more cases)
Property I Schneider, Carl Donahue (extensive revision of the Donahue project + more cases)
Property I Schneider, Carl no text book, course pack
Property I Schneider, Carl Property -- Donahue, Kauper, & Martin
Property I Schneider, Eric Property -- Donahue, Kauper, & Martin
Property I Schneider, Carl Property: An Introduction to the Concept and the Institution
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill, PROPERTY, 6th Ed
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Property - Dukeminier. Krier
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Property (Dukeminier, Krier - 6th ed.)
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian REAL PROPERTY
Property I Simpson, A.W. Brian unknown
Protection of Human Rights Ratner, Steven R. Alston, Int'l Human Rights
Publicly Traded Corporations Pritchard, Adam Allen, Kraakman, & Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Org Aspen 3rd Ed
Publicly Traded Corporations Pritchard, Adam Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations (Klein 7th ed).
Race and American Law Jefferson Exum, Jelani Race and Races
Real Estate Finance Gould, Dean Nelson & Whitman RE Finance
Real Estate Finance Gould, Dean Real Estate Transfer, Finance and Development, 7th Edition, by Nelson & Whitman
Real Estate Finance Gould, Dean Real Estate Transfer, Finance, and Development (8th ed. West 2009)
Real Estate Finance Gould, Dean Real Estate Transfer, Finance, and Development, Eigth Edition
Real Estate Transactions Bainbridge, Stephen REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS
Religious Liberty Laycock, Douglas Can't Remember
Religious Liberty Laycock, Douglas Religious Liberties
Remedies Davis, Alicia J. REMEDIES
Remedies Laycock, Douglas REMEDIES
Remedies Laycock, Douglas Remedies - Laycock
Rules of Play Friedman, Richard D. Draft of soon to be published book by Friedman and Berman
Sales and Secured Financing Buiteweg, Thomas Sales and Secured Transactions
Securities Regulation Howson, Nicholas C. Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation Howson, Nicholas C. Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Howson, Nicholas C. Securities Regulation Statutory Supplement" by Stephen J. Choi and A.C. Pritchard, 2018 edition
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Can't Remember
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Securities Regualtion by Choi, 2nd edition
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Securities Regualtion by Choi, 2nd edition
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Securities Regulation - Choi and Pritchard (2nd ed)
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya Stephen J. Choi & A.C. Pritchard, Securities Regulation (4th ed. 2015)
Securities Regulation Khanna, Vikramaditya unknown
Securities Regulation Pritchard, Adam No Book
Securities Regulation Pritchard, Adam SEC. REGULATIONS
Securities Regulation Pritchard, Adam Securities Regulation
Securities Regulation Pritchard, Adam Securities Regulation
Sports Law Clark, Sherman No Book
Sports Law Clark, Sherman Sports and the Law (5th edition)
Tax Hines Jr., James R. Federal Income Taxation
Tax Hines Jr., James R. Tax
Tax Logue, Kyle Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
Tax Logue, Kyle Tax