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Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler

Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th ed., Hart & Wechsler

School Class Professor
George Washington University Law School Federal Courts Todd, Kate
Georgetown University Law Center Federal Courts and the Federal System Raab, Michael S.
Georgetown University Law Center Federal Courts and the Federal System Raab, Michael S.
Harvard Law School Federal Courts Fallon, Richard H.
Harvard Law School Federal Courts Field, Martha
Harvard Law School Federal Courts and the Federal System Manning, John
NYU Federal Courts Tyler, Amanda
Rutgers University, Camden Federal Courts Stein, Allan
University of California, Berkeley Federal Courts Fletcher, William
University of Cincinnati Federal Courts Solimine, Michael E.
University of Michigan Federal Courts Seinfeld, Gil
University of Michigan Financial Regulation Barr, Michael
University of Nebraska Federal Courts Berger, Eric
University of Pennsylvania Federal Courts Goodman, Frank
University of Pennsylvania Federal Courts Struve, Catherine
University of Pennsylvania Federal Courts Struve, Catherine
University of Washington Federal Courts Manheim, Lisa