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Education Law

Education Law

School Professor Text Book
American University, Washington College of Law Gross, Mark No Book
American University, Washington College of Law Gross, Mark None
Arizona State University College of Law Herf, Charles Copyright Cases and Materials [Hardcover] by Robert A. Gorman
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Sciarra, David None- Professor's Handouts
Brigham Young University Neeleman, Stanley unknown
Campbell University Shaw, Brian C. Education and the Law (Third Edition)
Case Western Reserve University Law School Carney, David Law and Public Education: Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition. ISBN: 9781422421758. E. Gordon Gee; P
Cornell Law School Heise, Michael Yudof, Levin, Moran, Ryan, and Bowman; Educational Policy and the Law; 5th Edition
DePaul University College of Law Klaper, Sarah Education Law, Policy, and Practice
Duke University School of Law Wettach, Jane course pack (no book)
Duke University School of Law Wettach, Jane COURSEPACK
Duke University School of Law Wettach, Jane No Book
Florida International University College of Law Strickman, Leonard Educational Policy and the Law
Florida State University College of Law Parker, Margaret O. Education and the Law (Third Edition)
Florida State University College of Law Parker, Margaret O. Education and the Law by Stuart Biegel (2012)
Georgetown University Law Center Pasachoff, Eloise DEREK W. BLACK, EDUCATION LAW: EQUALITY, FAIRNESS, AND REFORM (2013)
Georgia State University College of Law Henson, Cathy Education Law, Policy, and Practice
Georgia State University College of Law Henson, Cathy unknown
Georgia State University College of Law Washington, Tanya Education Law: Equality, Fairness, and Reform (Aspen Casebook)
Gonzaga University School of Law Daggett, Lynn Education Law
Gonzaga University School of Law Daggett, Lynn Education Law
Gonzaga University School of Law Daggett, Lynn Education Policy and the Law. 5th edition. Yudof.
Gonzaga University School of Law Daggett, Lynn EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND THE LAW
Gonzaga University School of Law Daggett, Lynn I dont know
Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis Desnoyer, Brad Education Law
John Marshall Law School, Atlanta Adams, K. Lee don't remember but I got an A in his class
John Marshall Law School, Atlanta Adams, K. Lee Education Law, Policy, and Practice Kaufman and Kaufman 3d Edition
Marquette University Law School Ruesch, Gary Don't Remember
Michigan State University College of Law Nyquist, Jeffery REUTTER'S LAW OF PUBLIC EDUCATION, Russo
New England Law, Boston Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Can't Remember
Notre Dame Law School Dutile, Fernand Law of Education
Ohio State University Wilson, Charles Educational Policy and the Law
Pace University School of Law Waldman, Emily Education and the Law by Stuart Biegel (2009)
Pace University School of Law Waldman, Emily Education Law
Pace University School of Law Waldman, Emily unknown
Pepperdine University School of Law James, Bernard Education Policy and the Law: Cases and Commentary, Vandeplas Publishing (1st Edition 2009)
Rutgers University, Camden Donio, Hon. Ann Reutter’s - The Law of Public Education, 7th Edition, Charles J. Russo, ISBN 9781599414232
Rutgers University, Newark Karteron, Alexis I forgot
Saint Louis University Taylor, Aaron Law and Public Education: Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition. ISBN: 9781422421758. E. Gordon Gee; P
Seton Hall Martin, Robert Law and Education
Southwestern University School of Law Lipton, Jack Education Law
Southwestern University School of Law Peikoff, Amy California School Law Third Edition
SUNY Buffalo Law School Freedman, Andrew Education Law Handout
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Dryden, Joe Education Law
Texas Tech James, Vaughn Sanger, Carol. Family Law Stories 2008 ISBN: 9781599410203. Foundation Press.
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Biegel, Kim and Welner. Education and the Law 4th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781628101089. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law (2nd)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law (2nd)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law (2nd)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law (Third Edition)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law by Stuart Biegel (2012)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law by Stuart Biegel (2012)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education and the Law (Biegel 2016)
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education Law
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education Law
University of California, Los Angeles Biegel, Stuart Education Law
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Martz, Chris 1L Education Book
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Martz, Chris No Textbook, professor made case files
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Schwartz, Lois Course reader
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Schwartz, Lois Education Law
University of California, San Francisco (Hastings) Schwartz, Lois No Book
University of Colorado Canner, Alan Education Law
University of Colorado Canner, Alan EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND THE LAW
University of Connecticut Mooney, Thomas Public School Law
University of Dayton School of Law Russo, Charles Educational Policy and the Law
University of Dayton School of Law Russo, Charles No Book
University of Florida Nance, Jason Education Law Equality, Fairness, and Reform.
University of Florida Nance, Jason No Book
University of Georgia Dupre, Anne Children and the Law
University of Houston Davis, Megan Cases Provided by Professor
University of Idaho Rumel, John Education Law, Policy, and Practice
University of Idaho Rumel, John Education Law, Policy, and Practice Kaufman and Kaufman 3d Edition
University of Kentucky Bauries, Scott Education Law: A Problem-Based Approach, 1st Ed., Johnson & Redfield
University of Michigan Bernard, Jack COURSEPACK
University of Michigan Katz, Ellen Educational Policy and the Law
University of North Carolina Boger, John Charles Education Policy and the Law. 5th edition. Yudof.
University of North Carolina Boger, John Charles Educational Policy and the Law
University of North Carolina Boger, John Charles Educational Policy and the Law
University of San Diego Kemerer, Frank Frank Kemerer and Peter Sansom, California School Law (Stanford University Press, 2009 Second Editio
University of South Carolina Black, Derek Education Law Equality, Fairness, and Reform.
University of Texas Law School Rabban, David Course Packet
Wayne State University Law School Benson, Jocelyn Education Law
West Virginia University Taylor, John Education Law Equality, Fairness, and Reform.
West Virginia University Taylor, John Educational Policy and the Law
West Virginia University Taylor, John E. Educational Policy and the Law
West Virginia University Taylor, John E. unknown
Western New England University Chinni, Christine L. unknown
Widener University, Harrisburg Sloane, Robert D. No Book
William and Mary Law School Hamilton, Vivian Kaufman & Kaufman, Education Law, Policy, & Practice 5th ed. 2022 -
Wisconsin Law School Secunda, Paul M. Education Law: A Problem-Based Approach, 1st Ed., Johnson & Redfield