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University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting Baxter, Richard Accounting for Lawyers
Administrative Law Chabot, Christine Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (5th Ed.)
Administrative Law Lindseth, Peter Admin Law
Administrative Law Lindseth, Prof. Administrative Law
Administrative Law Lindseth, Peter Administrative Law Lawson
Administrative Law Lindseth, Peter Administrative Law: The American Public Law Process (Mashaw, Merill, Shane)
Administrative Law Lindseth, Peter Federal Administrative Law, 5th Edition, Gary Lawson
Administrative Law Lindseth, Peter No Book
Administrative Law Parker, Richard W. A. Aman, Administrative Law and Process, (Lexis-Nexis, 3d ed. 2014).
Administrative Law Parker, Richard D. Administrative Law and Process (Aman, Jr. 2nd ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard W. Administrative Law and Process (Aman, Jr. 2nd ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard W. Administrative Law and Process (Aman, Jr. 2nd ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard D. Aman, Administrative Law and Process (2d ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard W. Aman, Administrative Law and Process (3d ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard D. Aman, Administrative Law and Process (3d ed.)
Administrative Law Parker, Richard D. Don't Remember
Administrative Law Thaw, David Administrative Law: The American Public System (Mashaw, Merrill, Shane 6th Edition)
American Indian Law Berger, Bethany American Indian Law
Antitrust Greene, Hillary Trade Regulation Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series), 5th Ed Robert Pitofsky, Harvey J.
Antitrust Law Rubenstein, William U.S. Antitrust In Global Context (3rd Ed.) by Eleanor Fox
Banking Law McCoy, Patricia Can't Remember
Bankruptcy Marrion, Thomas Debtor and Creditor Law
Bankruptcy Marrion, Thomas Debtor and Creditor Law
Bankruptcy Marrion, Thomas Debtor Creditor Law - Whaley
Bankruptcy Marrion, Thomas Don't Remember
Bankruptcy Marrion, Thomas Problems and Materials on Debtor and Creditor Law
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Mocsary, George Business Assocations 3rd Edition
Business Organizations Day, John unknown
Business Organizations Hsieh, An-Ping Allen, Kraakman & Khanna. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations 6th ed. ISBN: 978-1-5438-3101-6
Business Organizations Kwak, James Business Associations (“KRB”), 7th edition or 8th edition, William A. Klein, J. Mark Ramseyer, and S
Business Organizations Kwak, James Don't Remember
Business Organizations Kwak, James Don't Remember
Business Organizations Kwak, James Eisenberg, Melvin. Business Organization - Unabridged, Cases and Materials. 11TH ed. 2014. ISBN-13: 978-1-60930-435-5
Business Organizations Kwak, James Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnership, and Corporations 9th ed. ISBN: 9781609303495. Foundation Press.
Business Organizations McClane, Jeremy Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th Ed.)
Business Organizations McClane, Jeremy Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, Fourth Edition (Aspen Casebook Series)
Business Organizations McClane, Jeremy No Textbook - Cases and class notes only
Business Organizations McClane, Jeremy William T. Allen, Reinier Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, 5th ed.
Business Organizations McCoy, Patricia Business Associations - Klein 7th
Business Organizations McCoy, Patricia Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein
Business Organizations McCoy, Patricia Business Organizations
Business Organizations McCoy, Patricia Can't Remember
Business Organizations Mocsary, George Business Associations: Cases and Materials, Klein, 7th Edition (2009)
Business Organizations Oquendo, Angel His own textbook
Business Organizations Oquendo, Angel No Book
Business Organizations Oquendo, Angel Oquendo's Handout
Business Organizations Oquendo, Angel Oquendo's own materials
Children & the Law Dailey, Anne Children & the Law, 6th Edition, Davis, Scott, Wadlington, Whitebread
Civil Procedure I Bechky, Perry Civil Procedure - Cases, Materials, and Questions - Freer and Perdue
Civil Procedure I Berman, Paul Schiff Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Berman, Paul Schiff No Book
Civil Procedure I Berman, Paul Schiff unknown
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra 1L Civil Procedure Book
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra Civil Procedure – Doctrine, Practice and Context, Subrin, Minow, Brodin & Main, Third Edition
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra Civil Procedure I (Red book)
Civil Procedure I Lahav, Alexandra Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Land, Molly Civil Procedure - Doctrine, Practice, & Context (4th) - Subrin, Minow, et. al.
Civil Procedure I Lindseth, Peter 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure I Maher, Brendan Glannon, Perlman and Hansen. Civil Procedure: A Coursebook 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781454881421. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Maher, Brendan Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel 1L Civ Pro Book - Spencer, 3rd Ed
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel His own material from TWEN
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel Online Book
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel Prof. book, upload online, CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES AND MATERIALS (Chapters I-XII)
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel Professor's Materials
Civil Procedure I Oquendo, Angel unknown
Civil Procedure I Rutherford, Alanna Civil Procedure - Subrin
Civil Procedure I Rutherford, Alanna Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice and Context, 3rd Ed., Subrin, Minow, Brodin & Main, 2008
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Civil Procedure Yeazell 8th edition
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Stephen C. Yaezell, Civil Procedure (8th ed. 2012)
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Wu, Tim. The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires      ISBN: 9780307390998. Alfred A. Knopf. 
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Simon-Kerr, Julia Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Tait, Collin Civil Procedure - Hazard
Civil Procedure I Tait, Colin Civil Procedure I Tait
Civil Procedure I Tait, Colin Examples and Explanations
Civil Procedure I Tait, Colin Pleading and Procedure (Hazard et al)
Civil Procedure II Bechky, Perry Civ Pro - Lexis
Civil Procedure II Long, Justin R. Civ pro
Civil Procedure II Mailly, Jennifer Coleman, Stempel, Baicker-McKee, Herr, & Kaufman, Learning Civil Procedure (3d. ed. 2018)
Comparative Law Oquendo, Angel Latin American Law Second Edition
Compliance Lindseth, Peter 2014 - No textbook required
Constitutional Law I Barnes, Robin D. 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Becker, Loftus distributed teaching materials
Constitutional Law I Becker, Loftus No Book
Constitutional Law I Becker, Loftus No Book
Constitutional Law I Becker, Loftus This is the full year course with Lofty's custom materials
Constitutional Law I Brennan-Marquez, Kiel 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Brennan-Marquez, Kiel 2020 No textbook
Constitutional Law I Brennan-Marquez, Kiel don't remember book spring 2021
Constitutional Law I Brennan-Marquez, Kiel N/A
Constitutional Law I Brennan-Marquez, Kiel No Book
Constitutional Law I Cohen, Mathilde 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_6th
Constitutional Law I Cohen, Mathilde Brest et al., Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2015)
Constitutional Law I Cohen, Mathilde Constitutional Law [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 5th Edition
Constitutional Law I Dailey, Anne Araiza, Constitutional Law: Cases, Approaches, and Applications (Carolina Academic Press 2016) ISBN 9781611637298
Constitutional Law I Dailey, Anne CON LAW
Constitutional Law I MacDougald, Joseph A. Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Macgill, Hugh C. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Macgill, Hugh C. con law sullivan
Constitutional Law I Macgill, Hugh C. Constitutional Law (Sullivan)
Constitutional Law I Macgill, Hugh C. Constitutional Laws - Sullivan & Gunther, 16th Edition
Constitutional Law I Macgill, Hugh C. constitutional Law-Sullivan
Constitutional Law I Setty, Sudha 1L Constitutional Law I - Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Silverstein, Gordon 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Spencer, Douglas M. 1L Con Law
Constitutional Law I Spencer, Douglas M. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law I Spencer, Douglas M. Constitutional Law Red Book
Constitutional Law II Becker, Loftus Can't Remember
Constitutional Law II Becker, Loftus CON LAW
Constitutional Law II Spencer, Douglas M. Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law, (4th ed., 2013)
Constitutional Law Survey Cohen, Mathilde Don't Remember
Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers Dailey, Anne Erwin Chemerinsky
Contract LLM Silberman, Laurence H. contract law
Contracts Farrell, Robert C. Contracts Textbook
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael 1L Red Contracts Book
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Contracts (red book)
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Contracts by Knapp
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Knapp, Crystal & Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials (Wolters Kluwer 9th ed. 2019)
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael red book
Contracts Fischl, Richard Michael Summers and Hillman. Contract & Related Obligation Casebook 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314907103. West.
Contracts Jimenez, Dalie Contracts: Making and Doing Deals, 4th edition
Contracts Jimenez, Dalie David Epstein, Bruce Markell, and Lawrence Ponoroff, Cases and Materials on Contracts (4th Edition)
Contracts Jimenez, Dalie Epstein, Markell & Ponoroff, Cases and Materials on Contracts (West 2014)
Contracts Kay, Richard Contracts
Contracts Kay, Richard No Book
Contracts Kay, Richard No textbook used (just cases uploaded online)
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis 1L Contracts (Farnsworth - 8th Edition)
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis Civil Procedure Cases and Materials
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis Contracts, 7th edition, Authors: Farnsworth, Young, Cohen, Brooks
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis Contracts, Farnsworth, 6th ed.
Contracts Kurlantzick, Lewis Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Myers, Minor Sjostrom. Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781454868385. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Pantin, Travis Contracts: Law, Theory, and Practice (University Casebook Series) 1st Edition
Contracts Pantin, Travis Contracts: Law, Theory, and Practice (University Casebook Series) 1st Edition
Contracts Siegelman, Peter 1L Contracts
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Barnett — Contracts, Cases and Doctrine Fourth Edition (Aspen) 2008
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Contracts - Epstein
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Contracts - Barnett
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Contracts - George and Korobkin
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Contracts Red & Black
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Don't remember book Fall 2021
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Modern law of contracts
Contracts Siegelman, Peter Modern law of contracts
Contracts Strasser, Kurt 1L Contracts
Contracts Strasser, Kurt 1L Contracts
Contracts Strasser, Kurt 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Strasser, Kurt casebook
Contracts Strasser, Kurt Contracts: Cases and Materials - Murray
Contracts Strasser, Kurt Principles of Contract Law Stephen J. Burton
Contracts Strasser, Kurt Principles of Contract Law, 4th - Burton
Contracts II Anderson, Jill Farnsworth, Young, Sanger, Cohen, and Brooks' Cases and Materials on Contracts, 7th
Contracts II Fischl, Richard Michael Contracts: Problems in Contract Law - Knapp
Copyright Wilf, Steven Cohen et al, Copyright in a Global Information Economy (4th Edition, 2015)
Copyright Wilf, Steven Don't Remember
Corporate Finance Kwak, James Essentials of Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance Kwak, James Ross, Westerfield, Jordan; Essentials of Corporate Finance; 9th ed. 2017; ISBN 9781259277214
Corporate Taxation Mason, Ruth Can't Remember
Corporate Taxation Mason, Ruth Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation- Cases and Materials
Criminal Law Becker, Loftus 1L Criminal Law Textbook
Criminal Law Calloway, Deborah Can't Remember
Criminal Law Calloway, Deborah Can't Remember
Criminal Law Calloway, Deborah Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 5th - Dressler
Criminal Law Chill, Paul Criminal Law
Criminal Law Chill, Paul Criminal Law Case Studies and Controversies
Criminal Law Gustafson, Kaaryn 1L Criminal Law Textbook
Criminal Law Gustafson, Kaaryn Cases & Materials on Criminal Law, Dressler
Criminal Law Gustafson, Kaaryn Cases and Material on Criminal Law - Dressler 5th ed.
Criminal Law Gustafson, Kaaryn Criminal Law, 4th Ed. Dressler
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Crim Law Textboox
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Criminal Law Cases and Materials 3rd - Stephen Saltzman, Kit Kinports, John Diamond, Rory Little
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Criminal Law Cases and Materials 4th- Stephen Saltzburg, John Diamond, Kit Kinports, Thomas Morawetz, Rory Little
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Criminal Law: Cases and Materials Second Edition
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Saltzburg and Capra. American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary 10th ed. ISBN: 9780314285577. West.
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas Stephen A. Saltzburg, John L. Diamond, Kit Kinports, Thomas Morawetz, Rory Little. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials. Fourth Edition.
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas unknown
Criminal Law Morawetz, Thomas unknown
Criminal Law Morgan, Jamelia The casebook for the course is CRIMINAL LAW, CASES AND MATERIALS BY KAPLAN, WEISBERG & BINDER, 8TH EDITION, 2016, ASPEN PUBLISHERS.
Criminal Law Orland, Leonard Criminal Law
Criminal Law Orland, Leonard Lenny's Textbook
Criminal Law Schmeiser, Susan Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Thaw, David Lloyd L. Weinreb, Criminal Law, 7th edition
Criminal Law Wilf, Steven 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Wilf, Steven 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wilf, Steven Crim Law Textboox
Criminal Law Wilf, Steven Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Wilf, Steven Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Procedure de Figueiredo, Miguel N/A
Criminal Procedure Everett, Timothy Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments, and Questions. 15th ed. ISBN 978168328991
Criminal Procedure Gustafson, Kaaryn Criminal Procedure: The Police Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials
Criminal Procedure Gustafson, Kaaryn Criminal Procedures, Miller & Wright
Criminal Procedure Orland, Leonard Can't Remember
Criminal Procedure Orland, Leonard Criminal Procedure - Dessler (3d ed.)
Criminal Procedure Orland, Leonard Criminal Procedure: Cases, Statutes and Executive Materials
Criminal Procedure Orland, Leonard Criminal Procedure-Dressler
Education Law Mooney, Thomas Public School Law
Employment Discrimination Bauer, Jon No Book
Employment Discrimination Bauer, Jon Unsure
Employment Discrimination Bauer, Jon Zimmer, Sullivan & White, Cases and Materials on Employm¬ent Discrimination (7th ed. 2008)
Employment Discrimination Siegelman, Peter Cases and Materials in Employment Discrimination (Zimmer, Eighth Edition)
Employment Discrimination Siegelman, Peter Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination
Employment Discrimination Siegelman, Peter Employment Discrimination; Zimmer, Sullivan & White
Employment Law Pandya, Sachin Employment Law
Environmental Law Strasser, Kurt Environmental Law & Policy
Environmental Law Strasser, Kurt Environmental Law & Policy
Ethical Lawyering Sicklick, Jay unknown
Ethical Lawyering Sicklick, Jay unknown
European Human Rights Kay, Richard European Human Rights Law: Text and Materials
European Union Law McLean, Willajeanne F. Don't Remember
European Union Law McLean, Willajeanne F. European Union Law
Evidence Kay, Richard Evidence, Cases and Materials, Updated 10th Edition, Waltz & Park
Evidence Levin, Leslie Evidence (CASEBOOK) Foundation 11th Waltz, Park & Friedman
Evidence Levin, Leslie Evidence, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) 13th Edition by Roger Park (Author), Richard Friedman (Author) ISBN-13: 978-1634603423
Evidence Levin, Leslie Evidence, Cases and Materials, Updated 10th Edition, Waltz & Park
Evidence Levin, Leslie Fisher, George. Evidence. (4th ed. 2022). West Academic. ISBN: 9781640201606.
Evidence Levin, Leslie No Book
Evidence Maher, Brendan Mueller and Kirkpatrick. Evidence Under The Rules 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454849520. Aspen.
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Evidence 3d, George Fisher
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Evidence by George Fisher 3rd edition (2013)
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia Friedland, Bergman and Taslitz. Evidence Law and Practice  6th ed.    ISBN: 9781630447861. LexisNexis. 
Evidence Simon-Kerr, Julia George Fisher, Evidence (Foundation, 3d ed.) 2020-21; Federal Rules Supplement to Fisher, Evidence (Foundation 2020)
Evidence Stark, James EVIDENCE
Evidence Stark, James Evidence Cases and Materials, Park and Waltz (Updated 10th Edition)
Evidence Stark, James unknown
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Dailey, Anne Modern Family Law - Weisberg, Appleton
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Huntington, Clare FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Schmeiser, Susan Cant Recall
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Schmeiser, Susan family law in a changing america
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Schmeiser, Susan Family Law in a Changing America Douglas NeJaime, Richard Banks, Joanna Grossman, Suzanne Kim
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Schmeiser, Susan Modern Family Law - Weisberg, Appleton (6th edition)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Schmeiser, Susan None - Online material and handouts
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Weisbrod, Carol FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Weisbrod, Carol Family Law by Wadlington & O'Brien
Federal Courts Dailey, Anne Federal Courts - Hart and Wetzel
Federal Courts Dailey, Anne Hart & Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System, (Sixth Ed. 2009)
Federal Income Tax Bernard, James FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Can't Remember
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard CHIRELSTEIN AND ZELENAK, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION (14 th ed. 2018)
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Chirelstein, Zelenak. Federal Income Taxation 14th ed. ISBN: 9781640208247. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Federal Income Tax, 13th Ed.
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Federal Income Taxation (Chirelstein)
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Federal Income Taxation - Chirelstein
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Marvin A. Chirelstein and Lawrence Zelenak: Federal Income Taxation 14th edition
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard Problems in Fed Tax
Federal Income Tax Pomp, Richard unknown
Federal Taxation of Partnerships & S-Corps Utz, Stephen Utz, State Law Aspects of Partnerships
Health Law Cogan, John 2015 - No Textbook
Housing Discrimination Humber, Nadiyah No Book
Immigration Law Redman, Renee Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (6th ed.)
Immigration Law Redman, Renee Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (7th ed. 2012)
Immigration Law Redman, Renee unknown
Insurance Law Anderson, Jill Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Insurance Law Baker, Tom INSURANCE LAW
Insurance Law Kochenburger, Peter principles of insurance law
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age by Merges, Menell and Lemley
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven Intellectual Property in the Technological Age
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven Lemely, Menell and Merges. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Volume 2 2017 ISBN: 9781945555015. Clause 8 Publishing.
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven unknown
Intellectual Property Wilf, Steven unknown
International Human Rights Law Land, Molly International Human Rights Law 3rd Edition by Daniel Moeckli (Editor), Sangeeta Shah (Editor), Sandesh Sivakumaran (Editor)
International Human Rights Law Land, Molly No Book
International Trade Goren, Daniel No Textbook - slides only
Juvenile Law Webster, Athur Children and the Law
Juvenile Law Webster, Athur Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice , by Douglas E. Abrams, Sarah H. Ramsey
Juvenile Law Webster, Athur Children and the Law: Doctrine, Policy and Practice , by Douglas E. Abrams, Sarah H. Ramsey
Labor Law Fischl, Richard Michael Crain, Kim and Selmi. Work Law: Cases and Materials 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781632815385. LexisNexis.
Labor Law Fischl, Richard Michael don't recall- it was a book of only the labor statutes
Land Use Bronin, Sara LAND USE
Land Use Mayland, Kirt Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation, 2020, 3d ed., ISBN: 9781684672486. Foundation Press.
Land Use Regulation Bronin, Sara Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781628101294. Foundation Press. 
Law and Economics Siegelman, Peter unknown
Legal Profession Bader, Paul LEGAL ETHICS
Legal Profession Chill, Paul Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Legal Profession Chill, Paul Lerman, Schrag and Gupta. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law: Model Rules, State Variations, and Practice Questions 2017-18 ISBN: 9781454875352. Wolters Kluwer.
Legal Profession Fisher, Timothy ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Legal Profession Fisher, Timothy Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Legal Profession Levin, Leslie Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, 3rd Edition (Aspen Casebook)
Legal Profession Levin, Leslie Legal Ethics and Practice of Law 3rd
Legal Profession Levin, Leslie Legal Ethics and Practice of Law 3rd
Legal Profession Levin, Leslie LEGAL PROFESSION
Legal Profession Levin, Leslie Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay Can't Remember
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay Ethical Prblems in the Practice lf Law 3d ed. 2012)
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay LEGAL PROFESSION
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay Lisa G. Lerman & Phillip G. Schrag, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (2d ed. 2008)
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay No Book
Legal Profession Sicklick, Jay unknown
Merger and Acquisitions Carney, William Carney & William, Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases and Materials, 4d
Merger and Acquisitions Kwak, James Maynard. Mergers and Acquisitions: Cases and Materials. 4th ed. ISBN 9781454871071. Wolters Kluwer.
Merger and Acquisitions Kwak, James William J. Carney, Mergers and Acquisitions, 4th edition (2016)
Merger and Acquisitions Kwak, James William J. Carney, Mergers and Acquisitions, 4th edition (2016).
Natural Resources Law Rooney, Christopher Natural Resource Law and Policy
Natural Resources Law Strasser, Kurt Natural Resource Law and Policy
Natural Resources Law Strasser, Kurt No Book
Patent Greene, Hillary Don't Remember
Patent Greene, Hillary Merges & Duffy, Patent Law and Policy, 6th Ed.
Patent Greene, Hillary Patent Law and Policy
Patent Wilf, Steven unknown
Patent and Trademark Law Greene, Hillary Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Principles of Insurance Anderson, Jill Baker and Logue, Insurance Law and Policy Cases and Materials, 4th ed.
Principles of Insurance Anderson, Jill Insurance Law and Policy (Baker)
Principles of Insurance Anderson, Jill TOM BAKER, INSURANCE LAW AND POLICY (2d ed. Aspen Law & Business 2008)
Principles of Insurance Kochenburger, Peter Insurance Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition Tom Baker
Principles of Insurance Kochenburger, Peter principles of insurance law
Private Equity and Hedge Fund Law Myers, Minor Private Equity & Hedge Funds
Property (Land Finance) Bronin, Sara Her own materials
Property I Berger, Bethany 1L Property Casebook by Singer
Property I Berger, Bethany Don't Remember
Property I Berger, Bethany Don't Remember
Property I Berger, Bethany Intro to Property
Property I Berger, Bethany Property Cases and Materials 9th ed.
Property I Berger, Bethany Property Law, Singer 4th ed
Property I Berger, Bethany Property Law, Singer 4th ed
Property I Berger, Bethany Property, Sprankling, 2nd Edition
Property I Berger, Bethany Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Berger, Bethany Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Berger, Bethany Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Bronin, Sara 1L Property - Blue Book
Property I Bronin, Sara Can't Remember
Property I Bronin, Sara Open Source Property
Property I Bronin, Sara Property Red Book
Property I Bronin, Sara PROPERTY: PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES (Foundation Press 2007);
Property I Bronin, Sara Property: Principles And Policies (University Casebook) 1st Edition by Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith ISBN-10: ‎1599410117 ISBN-13: ‎978-1599410111
Property I Bronin, Sara Property: Principles and Policies, Merril & Smith
Property I Bronin, Sara Unkown
Property I Cantor, John Can't Remember
Property I Cogan, John No Book
Property I Humber, Nadiyah Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Leshy, John Property - Dukeminier 6th
Property I Paul, Jeremy 1L Property - Blue Book
Property I Paul, Jeremy No Book
Property I Paul, Jeremy Property Law, Singer, 3rd Ed.
Property I Paul, Jeremy REAL PROPERTY
Property I Utz, Stephen Can't Remember
Property I Utz, Stephen Don't Remember
Property I Utz, Stephen Property
Property I Utz, Stephen Property - Dukemiener
Property I Utz, Stephen Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Utz, Stephen Property 6th Edition: Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, &
Property I Utz, Stephen Property-Dukeminier
Property II Utz, Stephen Can't Remember
Real Estate Transactions Gershman, Donald None - Online material and handouts and slides
Real Estate Transactions Zolan, Paul REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS
Right to Privacy Klau, Daniel Allen and Rotenberg. Privacy Law and Society (American Casebook Series) 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781634596992. West Academic Publishing.
Right to Privacy Klau, Daniel unknown
Sales (see also UCC Article 9) Weisbrod, Carol Whaley
Sales (see also UCC Article 9) Weisbrod, Carol Whaley
Securities Regulation McCoy, Patricia Securities Regulation Cases and Materials (Cox, Hillman, &Langevoort - Sixth Edition)
Securities Regulation Taub, Jennifer Case book on Securities Regulation
State and Local Taxation Pomp, Richard State and Local Taxation: Pomp, 8th Ed. 2015
Tax Pomp, Richard Pomp & Oldman, Multistate Tax
Tax Pomp, Richard Pomp & Oldman, Multistate Tax
Taxation of American Indians Pomp, Richard Pomp, State & Local Taxation
Torts Adler, Jonathan The Law of Torts
Torts Kwak, James John Fabian Witt and Karen M. Tani, Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, 5th ed. (2020)
Torts Laplante, Lisa J. 1L Torts
Torts Lindseth, Peter Tort Law and Alternatives- Franklin Seventh Edition
Torts Macgill, Hugh C. 1L Torts - Red Book
Torts Macgill, Hugh C. 1L torts book
Torts Macgill, Hugh C. Can't Remember
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. 1L Torts - Red Book
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. 1L torts book
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. cant remember-was a red one though
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. No Book
Torts McLean, Jeanne Tort
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. Tort Law Responsibilities and Redress Goldberg 3rd Ed.
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. Torts - Cases and Questions - Farnsworth and Grady
Torts McLean, Willajeanne F. unknown
Torts Pandya, Sachin 1L Torts
Torts Pandya, Sachin Don't Remember
Torts Pandya, Sachin Franklin and Rabin, Tort Law and Alternatives (9th ed. 2011)
Torts Pandya, Sachin No Book
Torts Pandya, Sachin Online Book
Torts Pandya, Sachin Online textbook
Torts Pandya, Sachin Tort Law and Alternatives, Cases and Materials
Torts Pandya, Sachin Tort Law and Alternatives, Cases and Materials, 9th - Franklin, Rabin, Green
Torts Pandya, Sachin Tort Law And Alternatives: Cases And Materials (University Casebook) Marc A. Franklin
Torts Schmeiser, Susan Franklin & Rabin, Tort Law & Alternatives: Cases & Materials (9th edition), 2011, Foundation Press
Torts Utz, Stephen 1L Torts
Torts Utz, Stephen Best and Barnes. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes & Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454849360. Aspen.
Torts Utz, Stephen Best and Barnes. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes & Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454849360. Aspen.
Torts Zubrzycki, Carleen Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Zubrzycki, Carleen Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Zubrzycki, Carleen Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Zubrzycki, Carleen Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, by Goldberg, Kendrick, Sebok, and Zipursky (5th Edition)
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McLean, Willajeanne F. Dinwoodie and Janis, Trademarks & Unfair Competition: Law and Policy 3rd Ed
Trusts and Estates Fast, Steven Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Trusts and Estates Fast, Steven Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Trusts and Estates Fast, Steven Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Trusts and Estates Pomp, Richard Trusts & Estates
Trusts and Estates Utz, Stephen Wills Trusts & Estates
Trusts and Estates Whitman, Bob Can't Remember
Trusts and Estates Whitman, Bob TRUSTS AND ESTATES
U.S. Law & Legal Institutions Cohen, Mathilde American law in a Global Context - The Basics
Unfair Trade Practices Langer, Robert M. No Book