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Corporate Taxation

Corporate Taxation

School Professor Text Book
American University, Washington College of Law Rothenberg, Gilbert Corp Tax
American University, Washington College of Law Rothenberg, Gilbert Federal Income Taxation Of Corporations and Partnerships, Aspen
American University, Washington College of Law Rothenberg, Gilbert Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Arizona State University College of Law Grewal, Andy Corporate Taxation
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Zelinsky, Ed Ahrams, Leatherman. Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships, 6th ed ISBN 978154380427
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Zelinsky, Ed Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships
Boston University School of Law Feld, Alan L. Can't Remember
Boston University School of Law Feld, Alan L. Can't Remember
Boston University School of Law Feld, Alan L. Class is actually Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders. Don't know the textbook.
Boston University School of Law Feld, Alan L. Federal Income Taxation of Corporate Transactions (3d ed.), published by Aspen.
Boston University School of Law Feld, Alan L. None - Online material and handouts
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Boston University School of Law Smith, Wayne Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Boston University School of Law Stransky, Douglas Stephen A. Lind et al., Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Brooklyn Law School Brooks, John R. Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Corp Tax
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Corporate Taxation
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Corporate Taxation
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Brooklyn Law School Dean, Steven A. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation: Cases and Materials Schwartz & Lathrope – 8th Edition
California Western School of Law Gesiko, Agnes The Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Capital University Law School Lavoie, Richard Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Case Western Reserve University Law School Jensen, Erik M. No Book
Chapman University School of Law Connolly, Patrick Bank and Stark. Corporate and Partnership Income Tax Code and Regulations: Selected Sections   2016-2017 ed.     ISBN: 9781634602945. Foundation Press. 
Cornell Law School Green, Robert A. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
DePaul University College of Law Ashley, Philip Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
DePaul University College of Law Ashley, Philip Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation by Lind, Schwartz, Lathrope and Rosenberg, Foundation Press, Seve
DePaul University College of Law Connolly, Thomas Schwarz, Lathrope Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation, 8th
Duke University School of Law Zelenak, Lawrence Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Schwartz & Lathrope, 8th Edition)
Duquesne University School of Law Schorr, R. Damien Federal Income Taxation Of Corporations and Partnerships, Aspen
Emory University School of Law Fowler, Lynn Corporate Tax I
Fordham Law School Brown, Karen B. Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Foundation Press, 8th ed.)
Fordham Law School Colon, Jeff Corporate Tax - Yin
Fordham Law School Sharpe, Donald Can't Remember
Fordham Law School Sharpe, Donald Can't Remember
Fordham Law School Sharpe, Donald Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3 Ed., McDaniel
Fordham Law School Sharpe, Donald IRS Federal Tax Code 2015 edition
Fordham Law School Sharpe, Donald N/A
George Mason University School of Law Holmes, Rachelle Can't Remember
George Mason University School of Law Holmes, Rachelle Corporate Taxation - Diane Block
George Mason University School of Law Katz, Adam Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 10th ed. 2021 ISBN: 9781647088804. Foundation Press.
George Mason University School of Law Perkins, Rachelle Schwarz and Lathrope, FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION 10th ed. 2019 -
George Mason University School of Law Perkins, Rachelle UNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope & Rosenberg (8th ed. 2012)
George Washington University Law School Bakke, Don Corporate Taxation - Diane Block
George Washington University Law School Brown, Karen B. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation: Cases and Materials Schwartz & Lathrope – 8th Edition
George Washington University Law School Brown, Karen B. Schwartz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 10th ed. ISBN:9781642428780. Foundation Press
George Washington University Law School Brown, Karen B. Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Foundation Press, 8th ed.)
George Washington University Law School Brown, Karen B. Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
George Washington University Law School Lawsky, Sarah Corporate Taxation
Georgetown University Law Center Decker, Bruce COURSEPACK
Georgetown University Law Center Doran, Michael Federal Income Taxation
Georgetown University Law Center Doran, Michael Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (Fourth Edition) - Doernberg, Abrams & Leat
Georgetown University Law Center Galle, Brian Peroni and Bank. Cases and Materials on Taxation of Business Enterprises  4th ed.    ISBN: 9780314194879. West.
Georgetown University Law Center Galle, Brian Peroni and Bank. Cases and Materials on Taxation of Business Enterprises  4th ed.    ISBN: 9780314194879. West.
Georgetown University Law Center Galle, Brian Peroni and Bank. Cases and Materials on Taxation of Business Enterprises  4th ed.    ISBN: 9780314194879. West.
Georgetown University Law Center Ginsburg, Martin Mergers and Acquistions
Georgetown University Law Center Ginsburg, Martin No Book
Georgetown University Law Center Satterthwaite, Emily Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Golden Gate University School of Law Rosenberg, Joshua D. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Golden Gate University School of Law Stanley, Kim Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Harvard Law School Warren, Alvin Wolfman and Ring, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF CORPORATE ENTERPRISE, (5th ed.) (Foundation Press, 2008
Hofstra Law School Greenwood, Daniel Cases and Materials on Corporations (2d edition 2005) by Thomas R. Hurst and William A. Gregory
Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington Lederman, Leandra Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Lewis & Clark Bogdanski, John Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th ed. 2016)
Lewis & Clark Bogdanski, John unknown
Louisiana State University Pietruszkiewicz, Christopher Corp Tax
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Dommes, Scott Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation: Cases and Materials, 7th Edition
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Seto, Theodore Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation- Cases and Materials
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Sliskovich, Joseph Corp Tax
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Salzer, Douglas L. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation- Cases and Materials
Loyola University School of Law, Chicago Kwall, Jeff TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES
Loyola University School of Law, Chicago Kwall, Jeff The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and Their Ow
New York Law School Fahey, Diane Corporate Taxation
New York Law School Fahey, Diane Corporate Taxation
New York Law School Jensen, Ronald H. Federal Income Taxation of Corporate Transactions (3d ed.), published by Aspen.
New York Law School Mandel, Gary B. Corporate Taxation
Northeastern University School of Law Schaffer, Daniel Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Northeastern University School of Law Shaffer, Daniel TAXATION OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
Northwestern University School of Law Beller, Herbert Block; 3rd Edition
Northwestern University School of Law Beller, Herbert Corporate Taxation E&E, 4th Edition, Cheryl Block
Northwestern University School of Law Beller, Herbert Entity Taxation
Northwestern University School of Law Beller, Herbert No Book
Northwestern University School of Law Crane, Charlotte Corporate Taxation
Northwestern University School of Law Crane, Charlotte Corporate Taxation
Northwestern University School of Law Crane, Charlotte No Book
NYU Batchelder, Lily No Book
NYU Blank, Joshua 2015 - No Textbook
NYU Blank, Joshua Course Pack
NYU Blank, Joshua Dickinson. Federal Income Tax: Code and Regulations-Selected Sections (2017-2018)
NYU Blank, Joshua Dickinson. Federal Income Tax: Code and Regulations-Selected Sections (2017-2018)
NYU Blank, Joshua Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
NYU Blank, Joshua Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Schwartz & Lathrope, 8th Edition)
NYU Blank, Joshua N/A
NYU Blank, Joshua N/A - Class handouts
NYU Blank, Joshua No Textbook - Online Materials
NYU Blank, Joshua None - Online material and handouts
NYU Blank, Joshua none but Block, Examples & Explanations: Corporate Taxation, 4th Ed was a recommended supplement
NYU Blank, Joshua online
NYU Blank, Joshua professor provided
NYU Cunningham, Noel Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (10th ed. 2019)
NYU Cunningham, Noel Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
NYU Cunningham, Noel Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
NYU Cunningham, Noel Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
NYU Cunningham, Noel Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
NYU Dean, Steven A. 2018 - No Textbook
NYU Dean, Steven A. No Book
NYU Elkins, David Corporate Taxation
NYU Kane, Mitchell Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
NYU Kane, Mitchell Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
NYU Malman, Laurie 2019 - No Textbook Just Code
NYU Malman, Laurie 2019 - No Textbook Used
NYU Malman, Laurie 2020 - No Textbook Just Code
NYU Malman, Laurie Bitter and Eustice- Corporate Tax
NYU Malman, Laurie Corporate Taxation E&E, 4th Edition, Cheryl Block
NYU Malman, Laurie E&E corporate tax recommended
NYU Malman, Laurie Federal Income Taxation Cases and Materials
NYU Malman, Laurie No Book
NYU Malman, Laurie No Book
NYU Malman, Laurie None
NYU Malman, Laurie none but Block, Examples & Explanations: Corporate Taxation, 4th Ed was a recommended supplement
NYU Polsky, Gregg Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 10th ed. 2021 ISBN: 9781647088804. Foundation Press.
NYU Polsky, Gregg Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
NYU Schenk, Deborah unknown
NYU Schenk, Deborah unknown
NYU Schmolka, Leo No Book
NYU Schmolka, Leo No Book
NYU Schmolka, Leo No Book
NYU Schmolka, Leo No Book
NYU Schmolka, Leo No Book
NYU Schmolka, Leo None - professors handouts and blackboard documents
NYU Shobe, Gladriel Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation, (10th ed. 2018) ISBN: 9781642428780. Foundation Press.
NYU Wilking, Eleanor No Book
NYU Zonana, Victor CHERYL D. BLOCK, CORPORATE TAXATION – EXAMPLES AND EXPLANATIONS (Aspen Publishers, 4th edition, 2010)
NYU Zonana, Victor CHERYL D. BLOCK, CORPORATE TAXATION – EXAMPLES AND EXPLANATIONS (Aspen Publishers, 4th edition, 2010)
NYU Zonana, Victor Corporate Taxation by Cheryl Block
NYU Zonana, Victor Leo Schmolka text
NYU Zonana, Victor Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Pace University School of Law Jensen, Ronald H. unknown
Pace University School of Law Jensen, Ronald H. unknown
Penn State Prince, Samantha Understanding Corporate Taxation
Penn State Thompson, Sam Corporate Taxation Through the Lens of Mergers and Acquisitions
Rutgers University, Newark Blum, Cynthia Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3 Ed., McDaniel
Rutgers University, Newark Shaheen, Fadi Martin J. McMahon Jr., Daniel L. Simmons, Charlene D. Luke, Bret Wells; Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (University Casebook Series) 5th Edition
Rutgers University, Newark Soled, Jay Corporate Taxation
Saint Louis University Ordower, Henry Fundamentals of Business Enterprise Taxation
Seattle University School of Law Kahng, Lily Corporate Taxation
Seattle University School of Law Liang, Jeff I do not remember
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy No Book
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Seton Hall Kaye, Tracy Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Seton Hall Wolfe, SueAnn Corporate Taxation
South Texas College of Law Houston Yamamoto, Kevin Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Southern Methodist University Daddino, Anthony Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation by Lind, Schwartz, Lathrope and Rosenberg, Foundation Press, Seve
Southern Methodist University Elkins, David Can't Remember
Southern Methodist University Mazur, Orly Corporate Taxation, Crane and Beale
Southern Methodist University Mazur, Orly Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Southern Methodist University Mazur, Orly FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE TAXATION, Schwartz & Lathrope (Foundation Press, 9th Edition)
Southwestern University School of Law Duran, Robert Corporate Taxation
Southwestern University School of Law Duran, Robert No Book
St. Johns University Davidian, John Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Schwartz & Lathrope, 8th Edition)
St. Johns University Davidian, John Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation- Cases and Materials
Suffolk University Hood, Edwin T. Corporate Taxation
Suffolk University Polito, Anthony P. Corporate Taxation
Suffolk University Polito, Anthony P. Corporate Taxation
SUNY Buffalo Law School Battaglia, Paul Corp Tax
Temple University Abreu, Alice Corporate Taxation
Temple University Abreu, Alice Corporate Taxation
Temple University Abreu, Alice Wolfman and Ring, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF CORPORATE ENTERPRISE, (5th ed.) (Foundation Press, 2008
Temple University Abreu, Alice Wolfman and Ring, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION OF CORPORATE ENTERPRISE, (5th ed.) (Foundation Press, 2008
Temple University Sedlack, Joe Corporate Taxation E&E, 4th Edition, Cheryl Block
Temple University Ting, Jan Fundamentals of Business Enterprise Taxation
Temple University Weiner, Andy Ahrams, Leatherman. Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships, 6th ed ISBN 978154380427
Tulane University School of Law Elkins, David Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
Tulane University School of Law Oei, Shu-Yi Corporate Taxation
Tulane University School of Law Oei, Shu-Yi Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
UMKC Hood, Edwin T. Can't Remember
University of California, Berkeley Rakowski, Eric Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
University of California, Davis Divola, Julie Corporate Taxation
University of California, Davis Schuttish, Thomas R. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of California, Irvine Blank, Joshua No Textbook - Online Materials
University of California, Irvine Blank, Joshua Summers, Hillman and Hoffman. Contract & Related Obligation 7th ed. ISBN: 9781634596510. West Academic Publishing.
University of California, Los Angeles Power, John Decoding the US Corporate Tax
University of Connecticut Mason, Ruth Can't Remember
University of Connecticut Mason, Ruth Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation- Cases and Materials
University of Denver Vogel, Mark none - professor supplied material
University of Florida Brennen, David Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
University of Florida Dilley, Patricia Spring 2007
University of Florida Dilley, Patricia unknown
University of Florida Hasen, David McMahon et al., Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (5th ed. 2019) (“McMahon”).
University of Florida Hasen, David Schwarz, Lathrope and Hellwig. Fundamentals of Business Enterprise Taxation. 6th ed. ISBN 9781634596039. University Casebook Series
University of Florida Luke, Charlene Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (5th ed., McMahon, Simmons, Luke & Wells).
University of Florida Luke, Charlene Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (5th ed., McMahon, Simmons, Luke & Wells).
University of Florida Luke, Charlene Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (5th ed., McMahon, Simmons, Luke & Wells).
University of Florida Luke, Charlene Federal Income Taxation of Corporations 5th Edition Martin J. McMahon Jr. | Daniel L. Simmons | Charlene D. Luke | Bret Wells
University of Florida Luke, Charlene Martin J. McMahon Jr., Daniel L. Simmons, Charlene D. Luke, Bret Wells; Federal Income Taxation of Corporations (University Casebook Series) 5th Edition
University of Florida McMahon, Marty Corp Tax
University of Florida McMahon, Marty Corporate Tax I
University of Florida McMahon, Marty McDaniel, McMahon and Simmons, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3d Ed.
University of Florida McMahon, Marty McDaniel, McMahon and Simmons, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3d Ed.
University of Florida McMahon, Marty McDaniel, McMahon and Simmons, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, 3d Ed.
University of Georgia Polsky, Gregg Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
University of Houston Shepard, Ira B. Corp Tax
University of Houston Streng, William unknown
University of Houston Streng, William unknown
University of Houston Streng, William unknown
University of Houston Streng, William unknown
University of Illinois Cauble, Emily Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (Fourth Edition) - Doernberg, Abrams & Leat
University of Illinois Colombo, John D. Corporate Taxation
University of Illinois Colombo, John D. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (Schwartz & Lathrope, 8th Edition)
University of Illinois Colombo, John D. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation by Steven Schwartz & Dan Lathrope (8th ed., Foundation Press 2012
University of Iowa Dick, Diane N/A
University of Kentucky Bird-Pollan, Jennifer Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
University of Louisville Lewis, Barbara B. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of Maryland Keller, Robert None
University of Memphis Kratzke, William Kratzke. Corporate Income Tax.
University of Memphis Kratzke, William Taxation of Business Enterprises
University of Memphis Kratzke, William The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs
University of Memphis Kratzke, William The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs
University of Miami Blatt, William Corporate Taxation
University of Miami Blatt, William Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
University of Miami Blatt, William Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Edition 2016)
University of Miami Blatt, William Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
University of Miami Cummings, Jasper L. Bitter and Eustice- Corporate Tax (2011 edition)
University of Miami Hill, Frances R. Course Materials
University of Michigan Kahn, Douglas A. Corporate Taxation
University of Michigan Kahn, Douglas A. Principles of Corporate Taxation, Kahn Kahn and Perris
University of Minnesota Law School Choi, Jonathan Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
University of Minnesota Law School Shnider, Bruce Unknown
University of Mississippi Davis, Donna Corp Tax
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Don't Remember
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle Lathrope, Daniel. Selected Federal Taxation Statues and Regulations 2016 ISBN: 9780314288981. Foundation Press.
University of Missouri Cecil, Michelle The Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Missouri Hood, Edwin T. Schwarz & Lathrope, Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Montana Burke, J. Martin Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of Nebraska Lepard, Brian Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Nebraska Lepard, Brian Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Nebraska Lepard, Brian Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of North Carolina Bryan, Patricia L. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of North Carolina Turnier, William Can't Remember
University of Pittsburgh Infanti, Anthony Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Pittsburgh Infanti, Anthony Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
University of San Diego Bowen, David Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (9th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
University of San Diego Bowen, David Schwartz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 10th ed. ISBN:9781642428780. Foundation Press
University of San Diego Burke Corp Tax
University of San Diego Burke, Karen Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of San Diego Burke, Karen Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of San Diego Burke, Karen Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of San Diego Jurow Kleiman, Ariel Schwarz, Lathrope and Hellwig. Fundamentals of Business Enterprise Taxation. 6th ed. ISBN 9781634596039. University Casebook Series
University of San Diego Kleiman, Ariel Schwarz and Lathrope. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation 9th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781634596022. Foundation Press.
University of San Diego Laro, David Corporate Taxation
University of San Diego Mundstock, George Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
University of San Diego Walburn, Allen Doernberg/Abrams/Leatherman, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (5th ed.- Aspe
University of San Diego Yong, Paul Corporate Tax: Explanation & Examples
University of South Carolina Davis, Tessa Stephen Schwarz & Daniel J. Lathrope, FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE TAXATION 5th Ed
University of South Carolina Hellwig, Brant Corporate Taxation
University of South Carolina Quirk, William J. Corporate Taxation by Cheryl Block
University of South Carolina Quirk, William J. Income Taxation of Corporations
University of South Carolina Quirk, William J. No Book
University of South Carolina Wallace, Clint can't remember - Fall 2020
University of Texas Law School Johnson, Calvin Peroni and Bank. Cases and Materials on Taxation of Business Enterprises  4th ed.    ISBN: 9780314194879. West.
University of Texas Law School Peroni, Robert Taxation of Business Enterprises
University of Texas Law School Peroni, Robert unknown
University of Texas Law School Spindler, James Doernberg/Abrams/Leatherman, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (5th ed.- Aspe
University of Washington Drake, Dwight Federal Taxation
University of Washington Drake, Dwight Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
University of Wyoming Delaney, James No Book
University of Wyoming Delaney, James No Book
University of Wyoming Delaney, James No Book
USC Kleinbard, Edward Corporate Tax - Yin
USC Kleinbard, Edward The Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Vanderbilt University Law School Schlunk, Herwig Stephen A. Lind et al., Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Washington University School of Law Weidenbruch Jr., Peter P. Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (6 Ed.) by Lind, Schwarz, Lathrope and Rosenberg.
Washington University School of Law Wiedenbeck, Peter J. Corporate Taxation
Wayne State University Law School Beale, Linda Crane and Beale. Corporate Taxation 1st ed. ISBN: 9781422419991 LexisNexis
Wayne State University Law School Beale, Linda Do not remember
Wayne State University Law School Indenbaum, Michael Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Wayne State University Law School Indenbaum, Michael Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation
Western New England University Royal, Fred Bitker and Eustic
Whittier Law School Giagrande, Michael Corporate Taxation