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University of Texas Law School

University of Texas Law School

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting Johnson, Calvin Course Pack
Accounting Johnson, Calvin Course Packet
Administrative Law Adelman, David E. Glicksman and Levy. Administrative Law: Agency Action in Legal Context 2nd ed. ISBN: 9781609303365. Foundation Press.
Administrative Law Bennett, Craig 2014 - No text required
Administrative Law Bennett, Craig None - Online material and handouts
Administrative Law Blais, Lynn Administrative Law
Administrative Law Blais, Lynn No Book
Administrative Law Golden, John Administrative Law: Cases and Materials (5th Ed.)
Administrative Law Golden, John Gellhorn and Byse's Administrative Law Cases and Comments Revised Tenth Edition
Administrative Law Lindquist, Stefanie Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
Admiralty Robertson, David W. Admiralty & Maritime Law in the United States, Robertson, Friedell, Sturley
Admiralty Robertson, David W. Admiralty & Maritime Law in the United States, Robertson, Friedell, Sturley
Admiralty Robertson, David W. Robertson, Friedell, and Sturley, Admiralty and Maritime Law in the United States (2d ed. 2008)
Admiralty Sturley, Michael Can't Remember
Advocacy Survey Golden, Michael J. Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis and Strategy
Advocacy Survey Gonzalez, David Berger, Mitchell, & Clark. Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy. 4th ed.
Advocacy Survey Gonzalez, David Supplements Only - No Course Textbook
Advocacy Survey: Skills Golden, Michael J. TRIAL ADVOCACY
Advocacy Survey: Skills Golden, Michael J. Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis & Strategy - Marilyn Berger, John Mitchell & Ronald Clark
Advocacy Survey: Skills McCormack, Tracy W. No Book
Agency and Partnerships Carson, Loftus Can't Remember
Alternative Dispute Resolution Albright, Alexandra W. Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law-2d Edition, Folberg et al. (2010)
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bryant, Cynthia L. Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bryant, Cynthia L. Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bryant, Cynthia L. Processes of Dispute Resolution 4th, Rau, Sheman, & Peppet
Alternative Dispute Resolution Bryant, Cynthia L. Processes of Dispute Resolution 4th, Rau, Sheman, & Peppet
Alternative Dispute Resolution Carson, Loftus ADR
Alternative Dispute Resolution Jury, Jeffrey R. none - professor supplied material
Alternative Dispute Resolution Jury, Jeffrey R. Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law-2d Edition, Folberg et al. (2010)
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rau, Alan Rau, Sherman & Peppett, Alternative Dispute Resolution: Processes of Dispute Resolution, Foundation
American Indian Law Torres, Gerald American Indian Law
American Indian Law Torres, Gerald American Indian Law
Americans with Disabilities Act Cantu, Norma None
Antitrust Graglia, Lino Antitrust
Antitrust Graglia, Lino Antitrust
Antitrust Graglia, Lino Antitrust Law
Antitrust Graglia, Lino Global Antitrust Law and Economics
Antitrust Graglia, Lino United States Antitrust Law and Economics
Antitrust Law Graglia, Lino Global Antitrust Law and Economics
Antitrust Law Wright, Joshua Can't Remember
Bankruptcy Littwin, Angela Debtors and Creditors - Warren/Westbrook
Bankruptcy Westbrook, Jay Debtors and Creditors - Warren/Westbrook
Bankruptcy Westbrook, Jay Elizabeth Warren and Jay Westbrook, The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Bankruptcy Westbrook, Jay No Book
Bankruptcy Westbrook, Jay None
Business Administration Cady, John Business Associations Casebook
Business Associations Dammann, Jens Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th Ed.)
Business Associations Dammann, Jens Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 6th ed. ISBN 9781543815733. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Dammann, Jens Business Associations, Allen et. al.
Business Associations Dammann, Jens Commentaries and Cases Law Business Organization, by Allen, 2009-2010 Statutory Supplement. by Allen
Business Associations Dammann, Jens Klein, Ramseyer and Bainbridge. Business Associations: Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations: Statutes and Rules   2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634606882. Foundation Press. 
Business Associations Dammann, Jens None - Course Pack
Business Associations Dammann, Jens The Law of Business Organizations
Business Associations Dammann, Jens unknown
Business Associations Ganor, Mira Allen & Kraakman - Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th Ed.)
Business Associations Ganor, Mira Allen & Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th ed., Aspen 2012)
Business Associations Ganor, Mira Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 6th ed. ISBN 9781543815733. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Ganor, Mira Allen/Kraakman/Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations (4th ed. '12
Business Associations Ganor, Mira Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations, 4th Ed.,Allen, Kraakman & Subramanian
Business Associations Hu, Henry Business Organizations 11th edition, Eisenberg/Cox
Business Associations Hu, Henry Business Organizations Cases and Materials (University Casebook) Concise Edition 11th Edition by Melvin Eisenberg and James Cox ISBN: 9781609304362
Business Associations Hu, Henry Melvin A. Eisenberg & James P. Cox, Corporations and Other Business Organizations (10th ed. unab
Business Associations Hu, Henry Not Sure - took class in Fall 2011
Business Associations Sokolow, David Business Organizations
Business Associations Sokolow, David Cases and Materials on CORPORATIONS; 7th Edition
Business Associations Sokolow, David CORPORATIONS
Business Associations Sokolow, David Corporations (10th ed.), Hamilton
Business Associations Sokolow, David Corporations (10th ed.), Hamilton
Business Associations Sokolow, David Hamilton - Cases and Materials on Corporations Including Partnerships and Limited Liability Companie
Business Associations Sokolow, David Moll, The Law of Business Organizations
Business Associations Sokolow, David No Book
Business Associations Sokolow, David The Law of Business Associations
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Carson, Loftus Business Organizations
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Carson, Loftus Dukeminier
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Hamilton, Robert W. Corporations 9th Hamilton
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Hu, Henry Business Associaitons- Klien
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Sokolow, David Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Sokolow, David unknown
Capital Markets Spindler, James 2015 - No Textbook class name: Law/Economics Capital Markets/Financial Int.
Capital Punishment Kovarsky, Lee Rivkind and Shatz. The Death Penalty 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634590419. West.
Capital Punishment Kovarsky, Lee Rivkind, Shatz, Kamin, & Marceau. Cases and Materials on The Death Penalty 4th ed. ISBN: 1634590414. West Academic Publishing.
Capital Punishment Marcus, Jim Rivkind and Shatz. The Death Penalty 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634590419. West.
Capital Punishment Owen, Robert C. Understanding Capital Punishment Law
Capital Punishment Schonemann, Raoul D. Rivkind and Shatz. The Death Penalty 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634590419. West.
Capital Punishment Steiker, Jordan M. No Book
Capital Punishment Steiker, Jordan M. No Book
Capital Punishment Steiker, Jordan M. Steiker Supplement
Civil Liberties Abramson, Jeffrey N/A
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Glannon
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Civ Procedure
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Civil Procedure by Glannon, Perlman, and Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Freer and Perdue, Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials and Questions
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Glannon, et. al., Civil Procedure, Aspen, 2011
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Rules, Statutes and Other Materials 2017 ISBN: 9781454882381. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen, CIVIL PROCEDURE: A COURSEBOOK (Wolters Kluwer 2011)
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Title: Civil Procedure: A Coursebook Authors: Joseph W. Glannon, Andrew M. Perlman, Peter Raven-Hans
Civil Procedure I Albright, Alexandra W. Unsure
Civil Procedure I Bone, Robert 1L Civil Procedure Casebook - Freer (6th Edition) Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions
Civil Procedure I Bone, Robert Civil Procedure, Cases and Materials, 10th Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Bone, Robert Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach - Richard L. Marcus, Martin H. Redish, Edward F. Sherman, and James E. Pfander
Civil Procedure I Bone, Robert Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach (Fifth Edition, 2009) R. L. Marcus, M. H. Redish, and E. F. Sherm
Civil Procedure I Bone, Robert Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Dickerson, Mechele 1 L Civil procedure
Civil Procedure I Dickerson, Mechele 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Dickerson, Mechele Babcock, Massaro and Spaulding. Civil Procedure Cases and Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781454876458. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Dickerson, Mechele Civil Procedure - Babcock, Massaro edition: 5th
Civil Procedure I Dickerson, Mechele civil procedure: cases and problems
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Pro
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure Cases and Problems (4th) Babcock, Massaro, Spaulding
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure, 3d Edition (University Casebook Series), Rowe
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice and Context
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia No Book
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia Subrin, Minow, et al
Civil Procedure I Hansen, Patricia unknown
Civil Procedure I Kovarsky, Lee Civil Procedure Cases and Materials 12th edition. by Jack Friedenthal, Arthur R. Miller, John E Sexton and Helen Hershkoff
Civil Procedure I Kovarsky, Lee Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkoff, Steinman, and McKenzie's Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials (13th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda can't remember - Fall 2019
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda CIVIL PLEADING AND PROCEDURE (CIV PRO)
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Leading Cases in Civil Procedure by Mullenix
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Linda S. Mullenix, Leading Cases in Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Linda S. Mullenix, Leading Cases in Civil Procedure (2012)
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Linda S. Mullenix, Leading Cases in Civil Procedure (3d ed. 2017)
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Mullenix' Leading Cases in Civil Procedure, 2d (American Casebook Series)
Civil Procedure I Mullenix, Linda Mullenix, Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Muller, Eric Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Rave, Teddy Don't Remember
Civil Procedure I Rave, Teddy Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Rave, Teddy Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles 2015 - No Textbook
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure - Marcus
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure - Modern Approach - 6th edition
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure- Glannon's Examples and Explanations
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Civil Procedure: A Modern Approach, by Marcus, Red
Civil Procedure I Silver, Charles Glannon, Joseph. Civil Procedure: Examples and Explanations 7th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781454815488. Aspen Publishers.
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick can't remember SPRING 2015
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Civil Practice and Procedure
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Clermont, Kevin. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Selected Other Procedural Provisions 2017 ISBN: 9781683285083. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick GEOFFREY C. HAZARD ET AL. PLEADING AND PROCEDURE: STATE AND FEDERAL (Foundation Press, 10th Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy and Bradt. Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure 11th ed. ISBN: 9781634608787. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Hazard, Tait & Fletcher, Pleading and Procedure (10th ed. 2009)
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Packet
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Pleading and Practice by Hazard, Tait, Fletcher and Bundy, Foundation Press (10th ed, 2009)
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick Pleading and Procedure: State and Federal Cases and Materials 10th Edition by Hazard, Tait, et al
Civil Procedure I Woolley, Patrick unknown
Civil Rights Litigation Laurin, Jennifer E. Jeffries, Karlan, Low & Rutherglen, Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution (3d ed. 2013)
Comparative Environmental Law Benjamin, Antonio No Book
Comparative Law Markovits, Inga Glendon, Carozzaa & Picker, Comparative Legal Traditions, West, 3 rd edition, 2007
Complex Litigation Bone, Robert The Law of Class Actions and Other Aggregate Litigation, Richard A. Nagareda
Conflict of Laws Woolley, Patrick Brilmayer, R. Lea, Goldsmith, Jack L., O'Hara O'Connor, Erin, and Vazquez, Carlos Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory US , edition: 8 ISBN: 978-1-4548-9956-3
Conflicts of Law Weintraub, Russell Conflicts of Law
Conflicts of Law Woolley, Patrick Conflict of Laws - Brilmayer -Goldsmith
Conflicts of Law Woolley, Patrick Conflict of Laws 7th Edition Currie, Kay, Kramer, Rosevelt
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Strong, Graham Criminal Procedure, Tomkovicz & White (8th Edition)
Constitutional Law I Albert, Richard Forgot
Constitutional Law I Albert, Richard Russell Weaver et. al., Constitutional Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454889625
Constitutional Law I Berman, Mitchell Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Berman, Mitchell Sullivan Feldman Constitutional Law 18th Edition
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (5th Ed., Aspen, 2
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (5th Ed., Aspen, 2
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials (5th
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Robert Brest, Paul and Sanford Levinson, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials 7th Edition
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials 6th Edition
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Processes of Constitutional Decision-Making: Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition
Constitutional Law I Chesney, Bobby Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Farrell, Ian Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Forbath, William Brest et al., PROCESSES OF CONSTITUTIONAL DECISIONMAKING (5th ed. 2006)
Constitutional Law I Forbath, William Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Forbath, William Constitutional Law Stone et al (6th Edition)
Constitutional Law I Forbath, William Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet & Karlan, Constitutional Law (6th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Forbath, William Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet & Karlan, Constitutional Law (6th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky red book
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. 2017:Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials 6th Edition
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials, 6th Edition (Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel eds., 2014
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. Processes of Constitutional Decision-Making: Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition
Constitutional Law I Franklin, Cary C. Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino CA Statutes
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino Constitutional Law and Theory
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino Course Packet
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino No Book
Constitutional Law I Graglia, Lino No textbook, course reader
Constitutional Law I Harter, Phil Student guide for Constitution law
Constitutional Law I Levinson, Sanford Brest, et al., Process of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Aspen, 5th Edition, 2006; Robert McCloskey
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. 1L Constitutional Law- Stone_6th
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Con Law - Sullivan 17th Edition
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Constitutional Law - Sullivan & Gunther 17th
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Constitutional Law - Sullivan, Gunther
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Constitutional Law- Sullivan & Gunther (15th ed)
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Course Materials Provided by Professor
Constitutional Law I Perry, H.W. Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Ponomarenko, Maria Constitutional Law: An Integrated Approach Doctrine and Practice Series - Doctrine and Practice Series An Integrated Approach
Constitutional Law I Ponomarenko, Maria Friedman and Mortenson, Constitutional Law: An Integrated Approach, 9781640202580
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas 1 L con law
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Con law I
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Conlaw - Brest, Levinson, Amar
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Conlaw - Brest, Levinson, Amar
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Powe, Lucas Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law I Pursley, Garrick B. Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I Rave, Teddy Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Constitutional Law I Robertson, John A. Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law I Robertson, John A. Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law I Robertson, John A. Constitutional Law - 2007 - Kathleen M. Sullivan & Gerald Gunther
Constitutional Law I Robertson, John A. Constitutional Law, Sullivan & Gunther
Constitutional Law I Sager, Lawrence Don't Remember
Constitutional Law I Sager, Lawrence Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Sager, Lawrence Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet and Karlan. Constitutional Law  7th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817574. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Sellers, Joshua Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 21st ed. 2022 ISBS: 9781636593647
Constitutional Law I Steiker, Jordan M. Choper
Constitutional Law I Steiker, Jordan M. Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Steiker, Jordan M. Constitutional Law : Cass R. Sunstein, Geoffrey R. Stone, Louis Michael Seidman,
Constitutional Law I Steiker, Jordan M. Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy, Cases
Constitutional Law I Vladeck, Stephen I. Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar & Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials, (Aspen, 7th ed. 2018)
Constitutional Law I Vladeck, Stephen I. Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar and Siegel, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (7th ed. 2018).
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest No Book
Constitutional Law I Young, Ernest Professor's Textbook in Progress
Constitutional Law II Forbath, William No textbook, Handouts by Professor
Constitutional Law II Forbath, William Various Articles Given-Con Law II-The Constitution and Economic Inequality
Constitutional Law II Franklin, Cary C. Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law II Franklin, Cary C. Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, Brest
Constitutional Law II Frumkin, Elizabeth CON LAW
Constitutional Law II Frumkin, Elizabeth unknown
Constitutional Law II Graglia, Lino Graglia Book and Handouts
Constitutional Law II Perry, H.W. The First Amendment
Constitutional Law II Rabban, David American First Amendment in 21st Century
Constitutional Law II Rabban, David American First Amendment in 21st Century
Constitutional Law II Rabban, David First Amendment
Constitutional Law II Rodriguez, Dan unknown
Constitutional Law II Steiker, Jordan M. Brest & Levinson, Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking, 6th Ed.
Constitutional Law II Steiker, Jordan M. Chemerinsky Constitutional Law Third Edition
Constitutional Law II Steiker, Jordan M. Con Law - Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, Karlan (5th)
Constitutional Law II Steiker, Jordan M. Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking (Aspen Casebook) Brest
Constitutional Law II: Speech and Religion Rabban, David No Book
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Perry, H.W. The First Amendment, Stone, Seidman, et. al, (3d Ed 2008)
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Powe, Lucas First Amendment (Cases and Commentary)
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Powe, Lucas First Amendment Law
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Powe, Lucas Shifrin and Choper, The First Amendment (6th ed., Thomson West)
Constitutional Law II: First Amendment Rabban, David The American First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Cases and Materials
Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech Rabban, David First Amendment
Construction Law Allensworth, William Construction Law
Construction Law Ryan, Matthew C Can't Remember
Consumer Protection Newburger, Manuel Consumer Law
Consumer Protection Newburger, Manuel Texas Consumer Law Cases and Materials 2015-2016
Contracts Bracha, Oren Cases and Materials on Contracts (7 ed Farnsworth)
Contracts Bracha, Oren E. Allan Farnsworth, Et. al., Cases and Materials on Contracts (7th Ed. 2008)
Contracts Dammann, Jens Can't Remember
Contracts Dammann, Jens Don't Remember
Contracts Dammann, Jens Knapp Crystal Prince Problems in Contract Law (6th Edition)
Contracts Dammann, Jens Knapp, Crystal & Prince, Problems in Contract Law (7th ed. 2012)
Contracts Dammann, Jens Knapp, Crystal, Prince, Hart & Silverstein, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. (Aspen Publishing, 2023)
Contracts Dammann, Jens problems in contract law cases and materials 6th ed knapp, crystal, prince
Contracts Encarnacion, Erik Barbett, Randy and Oman, Nathan, Contacts
Contracts Farnsworth, Ward 2015 - No Textbook
Contracts Gergen, Mark Can't Remember
Contracts Gergen, Mark Contract- Dawson
Contracts Gergen, Mark Contracts
Contracts Gergen, Mark Contracts: Cases and Doctrine
Contracts Gergen, Mark unknown
Contracts Golden, John 1 L Contracts
Contracts Golden, John Ayers Studies In Contract Law, 8th Ed.
Contracts Golden, John Ayres & Klass, Studies in Contract Law (9th ed. 2017)
Contracts Golden, John Ayres & Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed. 2008)
Contracts Golden, John Ian Ayres and Gregory Klass, Studies in Contract Law (8th Ed. 2012)
Contracts Haynes, Kevin Schwartz and Walters. Contracts: A Context and Practice Casebook 2nd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781611635546. Carolina Academic Press.
Contracts Kadens, Emily Collection of cases and notes/questions compiled by professor
Contracts King, John Contracts - Knapp
Contracts Kull, Andrew Course Packet
Contracts Kull, Andrew No Book
Contracts Kull, Andrew No Textbook - Uses binder of selected materials by the professor
Contracts Kull, Andrew None - Course Pack
Contracts Kull, Andrew Professor Kull's Course Packet - Contracts
Contracts Kull, Andrew Provided course materials by professor
Contracts Litvak, Katherine Contracts
Contracts Litvak, Katherine Contracts
Contracts Litvak, Katherine Contracts
Contracts Litvak, Katherine Contracts by Knapp
Contracts Litvak, Katherine Contracts: Fransworth
Contracts Rau, Alan Contract- Dawson
Contracts Rau, Alan Contracts
Contracts Rau, Alan Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Rau, Alan Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Soko unknown
Contracts Sokolow, David 1L Contracts (Farnsworth - 8th Edition)
Contracts Sokolow, David Cases and Materials on Contracts, 8th Ed., Farnsworth, Young, and Sanger
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts - Farnsworth, et al. 8th
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts (Farnsworth)
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts, Cases and Materials - Farnsworth, E., Sanger, Carol, Cohen, Neil, Brooks, Richard, and Garvin, Larry (10th Ed)
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts, Cases and Materials - Farnsworth, E., Sanger, Carol, Cohen, Neil, Brooks, Richard, and Garvin, Larry (10th Ed)
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts, Farnsworth, 6th ed.
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts, Farnsworth, 6th ed.
Contracts Sokolow, David Contracts, Farnsworth, 6th ed.
Contracts Sokolow, David Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Sokolow, David No Book
Contracts Westbrook, Jay Barnett Contracts: Cases and Doctrine, Fourth Edition
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Barnett - 1L Contracts Book
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Bartnett
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Bartnett
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Contracts - Barnett
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Contracts: Cases and Doctrines (Aspen Casebook Series), 5th Edition
Contracts Wickelgren, Abraham Contracts: Cases and Materials
Contracts Williams, Sean H. 1L Contracts
Contracts Williams, Sean H. Cases and Materials on Contracts
Contracts Williams, Sean H. Cases and Materials on Contracts - Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin, Edition 8
Contracts Williams, Sean H. Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Wright, Joshua Contract Law and Theory, Robert Scott & Jody Kraus, (Revised 3rd Ed.)
Contracts Wright, Joshua Contracts: Scott and Kraus
Contracts for Foreign Lawyers Sokolow, David Cases and Materials on Contracts, 8th Ed. by Farnsworth
Contracts for Foreign Lawyers Sokolow, David Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts for Foreign Lawyers Sokolow, David Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Copyright Advanced Topics Bracha, Oren Handouts
Corporate Finance Carson, Loftus corporate finance and governance
Corporate Finance Ganor, Mira Online Textbook at MyFinanceLab.com
Corporate Finance Hamilton, Robert Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance Cunningham, William Corporate Director's Guidebook, 5th Edition
Corporate Governance Cunningham, William No Book
Corporate Governance Cunningham, William No Book
Corporate Governance Cunningham, William No Book
Corporate Governance Cunningham, William No Book
Corporate Taxation Johnson, Calvin Peroni and Bank. Cases and Materials on Taxation of Business Enterprises  4th ed.    ISBN: 9780314194879. West.
Corporate Taxation Peroni, Robert Taxation of Business Enterprises
Corporate Taxation Peroni, Robert unknown
Corporate Taxation Spindler, James Doernberg/Abrams/Leatherman, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Partnerships (5th ed.- Aspe
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Carson, Loftus Hamilton Macy
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Dammann, Jens Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations-Allen, Kraakman, Subramanian 2nd Edition
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Dammann, Jens Law of Business Organizations
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Dammann, Jens unknown
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ganor, Mira Allen, Kraakman & Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (3rd ed.)
Criminal Law Berman, Mitchell Criminal Law-Dressler
Criminal Law Berman, Mitchell dressler
Criminal Law Berman, Mitchell Problem Packet Assembled by Professor, MPC and TPC
Criminal Law Berman, Mitchell Texas Penal Code 2010; Model Penal Code
Criminal Law Berman, Mitchell Understanding Criminal Law : Joshua Dressler (Paperback, 2009)
Criminal Law Buel, Sarah M. Can't Remember
Criminal Law Buel, Sarah M. Crim Law Lee Harris
Criminal Law Buel, Sarah M. Criminal Law Cases and Materials, Cynthia Lee and
Criminal Law Buell, Sam Criminal Law
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Cases and problems in criminal law
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law 6th Edition Dix
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law Cases and Materials
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law Cases and Materials
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law Cases and materials Dix & Sharlot 6th Ed.
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law dix and sharlot
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot (6th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Dix and Sharlot, Criminal Law (6th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Dix, Criminal Law (7th ed. 2015)
Criminal Law Dix, George E. Dressler - Criminal Law
Criminal Law Dix, George E. unknown
Criminal Law Dix, George E. unknown
Criminal Law Farrell, Ian Constitutional Law - Stone, et. al.
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Craig. Environmental Law in Context: Cases and Materials. 3rd ed. ISBN 9780314266071. West.
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law Cases and Materials 7th Edition, George E. Dix
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Criminal Law: Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Dix & Sharlot, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (6th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Goode, Steven Dix, George E., Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (American Casebook Series) 7th Edition
Criminal Law Goode, Steven N/A - Course Packet
Criminal Law Goode, Steven No Book
Criminal Law Goode, Steven unknown
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek 1L Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Criminal Law - Kadish
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Criminal Law and Its Processes
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Criminal Law and Its Processes (7th ed. 2001) Kadish & Schulhofer
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Criminal Law Dressler 6th edition
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Don't Remember
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Don't Remember
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Joshua Dressler and Stephen P. Garvey, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (6th ed. 2012).
Criminal Law Jinks, Derek Joshua Dressler, CASES AND MATERIALS ON CRIMINAL LAW (5th Ed. 2009)
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law Cases and Materials, 6th Edition
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Criminal Law: Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Dix & Sharlot, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (5th ed. 2002)
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Dix & Sharlot, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (5th ed. 2002)
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Dix & Sharlot, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (6th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Dix & Sharlot, CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (6th ed. 2008)
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. unknown
Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. unknown
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Criminal Law - Cases And Materials
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Criminal Law dix and sharlot
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials - Kaplan, Weisberg & Binder Aspen Press, edition: 7th
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Dodge, Joseph M., Lipman, Francine J., and Peroni, Robert J.; Carolina Academic Press
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Laurin, Jennifer E. Professor Supplement
Criminal Law Robertson, John A. Criminal Law -- Dressler 5th Ed.
Criminal Law Sharlot, Michael Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 4th ed.
Criminal Law Sharlot, Michael Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Sharlot, Michael Crim Law Dix Sharlot
Criminal Law Sharlot, Michael Criminal Law, Dix and Sharlot
Criminal Law Steiker, Jordan M. Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach
Criminal Law Steiker, Jordan M. Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach
Criminal Law Steiker, Jordan M. Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach
Criminal Law Strong, Graham Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook Series), 9th Edition
Criminal Law Strong, Graham Kadish, Schulhofer and Barkow. Criminal Law & Its Processes: Cases and Materials, 10th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454873808. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Law Strong, Graham Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Procedure Churgin, Michael Criminal Procedure: Prosecution and Adjudication
Criminal Procedure Chused, Richard CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Dix, George E. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Dix, George E. Criminal Procedure Investigation (Dix and Sharlot)
Criminal Procedure Dix, George E. Criminal Procedure Investigation (Dix and Sharlot)
Criminal Procedure Dix, George E. Criminal Procedure: Police Investigation
Criminal Procedure Dix, George E. Police Function
Criminal Procedure II Churgin, Michael Criminal Procedure: Prosecution and Adjudication
Criminal Procedure II Dix, George E. Police Function
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Churgin, Michael Criminal Justice Administration Dickey, Schultz, Smith - Spring 2008
Criminal Procedure: Bail to Jail Laurin, Jennifer E. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffman, Livingston, Leipold, and Meares, Criminal Procedure: Adjudication and Right to Counsel (2d ed., Wolters Kluwer 2016).
Criminal Procedure: Bail to Jail Laurin, Jennifer E. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. Criminal Procedure Investigation (Dix and Sharlot)
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. Dix. The Police Function 8th ed. ISBN: 978-1683281245
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. The Police Function
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. The Police Function 7th Edition
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Dix, George E. The Police Function 7th Edition
Criminal Procedure: Investigation Strong, Graham Criminal Procedure: Constitutional Constraints Upon Investigation and Proof, 7th Ed. --- Tomkovicz
Criminal Procedure: Prosecution Churgin, Michael Criminal Law Fall 2007
Criminal Procedure: Prosecution Churgin, Michael Criminal Procedure: Prosecution and Adjudication
Criminal Procedure: Prosecution Churgin, Michael Prosecution & Adjudication
Criminal Procedure: Prosecution Laurin, Jennifer E. Criminal Procedure: Adjudication and Right to Counsel 2nd Edition
Education Law Rabban, David Course Packet
Election Law Fishkin, Joseph Election Law
Electronic Discovery Ball, Craig None
Eminent Domain Ellis, Luke 2018 - No Textbook
Employment Discrimination Fishkin, Joseph Sullivan & Zimmer, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (Aspen Publishers, Ninth Edition, 2017)
Employment Discrimination Fishkin, Joseph unknown
Employment Discrimination Fishkin, Joseph Zimmer, Sullivan, & White, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (Aspen Publishers, Seven
Employment Law Durst, Phillip Employment Law
Employment Law Durst, Phillip Employment Law Cases and Materials (not sure of exact title)
Employment Law Durst, Phillip Employment Law Cases and Materials Sixth Edition – Willborn, Schwab, Burton, Lester. ISBN: 9781531005474 Carolina Academic Press
Employment Law Durst, Phillip Employment Law: Cases and Materials 5th Edition by Willborn, Schwab, Burton, Lester
Employment Law Durst, Phillip Willborn, Employment Law: Cases and Materials
Energy Law Spence, David Bosselman et al., Energy Economics and the Environment:  Cases and Materials (3d Ed. 2010)
Energy Law Spence, David Eisen, Hammond, Rossi et al, Energy, Economics and the Environment, 5th edition. ISBN-13: 978-1609303075 Foundation Press; 4 edition (June 5, 2015)
Energy Law Spence, David Eisen, Joel. Energy, Economies & the Environment (2017, 4th ed.) ISBN-13: 978-1609303075 (University Casebook Series).
Energy Law Spence, David Energy Economics and the Environment: Cases and Materials (3d Ed. 2010)
Energy Law Spence, David Energy Economics and the Environment: Cases and Materials (4th Ed. 2015)
Energy Law Spence, David Energy Economics and the Environment: Cases and Materials (4th Ed. 2015)
Energy Law Spence, David Energy, Economics and the Environment, 3d (University Casebook) Fred Bosselman, et al
Environmental Law Adelman, David E. Aagaard, Owen and Pidot. Practicing Environmental Law 2017 ISBN: 9781683288114. West Academic Publishing.
Environmental Law Adelman, David E. Doremus, Lin and Rosenberg's Environmental Policy Law - 6th Edition
Environmental Law Adelman, David E. No Book
Environmental Law McGarity, Thomas Environmental Law: Air and Water (Course Handout Packet)(Spr 2016)
Environmental Law Taylor, Melinda Natural Resources Law and Policy, 2d Edition
Environmental Law Taylor, Melinda Professional Responsibility (10th Edition) (Morgan & Rotunda)
Estate and Gift Tax Ascher, Mark Federal Taxation of Wealth Transfers
Estate Planning Johanson, Stanley 2008
Estate Planning Johanson, Stanley Employment Law
Estate Planning Johanson, Stanley No Book
Ethics of Criminal Law Sage, Karen Federal Criminal Law (Subin), and Articles
Evidence Goode, Steven cannot recall
Evidence Goode, Steven EVIDENCE
Evidence Goode, Steven EVIDENCE
Evidence Goode, Steven Evidence by Park and Friedman, 12th Edition (2013)
Evidence Goode, Steven Park & Friedman, Evidence, Foundation Press, 12th edition 2013 (Casebook) ISBN: 9781609301385
Evidence Goode, Steven Park and Friedman, Cases and Materials on Evidence. (13th ed. 2019). ISBN 9781634603423. West Academic.
Evidence Goode, Steven unknown
Evidence Goode, Steven Waltz and Park
Evidence Goode, Steven Waltz, Park & Friedman, Evidence Cases and Materials, Foundation Press, 11th Edition.
Evidence McCormack, Tracy W. Cases and Materials on the Rules of Evidence 4th Ed. (Olin Guy Wellborn III)
Evidence McCormack, Tracy W. Cases and Materials on the Rules of Evidence, 5th Edition (American Casebook Series)
Evidence McCormack, Tracy W. Cases and Materials on the Rules of Evidence, 6th (Wellborn)
Evidence McCormack, Tracy W. Evidence Cases and Materials
Evidence McCormack, Tracy W. Evidence- Wellborne
Evidence Perez-Daple, Brian Evidence: Practice, Problems, and Rules; Best, Arthur; 3d ed.; ISBN: 978-1-5438-2448-3
Evidence Strong, Graham Analysis of Evidence - Anderson
Evidence Strong, Graham Evidence Friedman
Evidence Strong, Graham Evidence, Cases and Materials (University Casebook Series) 13th Edition by Roger Park (Author), Richard Friedman (Author) ISBN-13: 978-1634603423
Evidence Strong, Graham ISBN: 978-1-60930-138-5
Evidence Strong, Graham No Book
Evidence Strong, Graham PARK & FRIEDMAN, EVIDENCE: CASES AND MATERIALS (12th edition, 2013)
Evidence Strong, Graham Park and Freedman. Evidence Cases and Materials. 12th ed.
Evidence Strong, Graham Park and Friedman Evidence – Cases and Materials, (13th edition, Foundation Press)
Evidence Wellborn, Guy Can't Remember
Evidence Wellborn, Olin Cases and Materials on Evidence
Evidence Wellborn, Olin Cases and Materials on The Rules of Evidence by Olin Guy Wellborn
Evidence Wellborn, Guy Cases and Materials on The Rules of Evidence by Olin Guy Wellborn
Evidence Wellborn, Olin Cases and Materials on the Rules of Evidence, 6th (Wellborn)
Evidence Wellborn, Olin EVIDENCE
Evidence Wellborn, Guy EVIDENCE
Evidence Wellborn, Guy Evidence, Wellborn 4th edition
Evidence Wellborn, Olin Evidence, Wellborn 4th edition
Evidence Wellborn, Olin The Rules of Evidence
Evidence Wellborn, Guy The Rules of Evidence - Wellborn - 5th Ed.
Evidence Wellborn, Guy The Rules of Evidence, Cases & Materials by Olin Guy Wellborn
Evidence Wellborn, Guy unknown
Evidence Wellborn, Olin Waltz, Park & Friedman, Evidence Cases and Materials, Foundation Press, 11th Edition.
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Tsoukala, Philomila Family Law, Harris, Teitelbaum, Carbone
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. Course Material
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. Family Law Course Packet
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. Modern Family Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. Modern Family Law: Weisberg & Appleton
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. N/A (No text book)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. No Book
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. No Textbook - Online Materials
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. none - professor supplied material
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Williams, Sean H. Professor-written electronic text
Federal Courts Grove, Tara Leigh Low, Jeffries and Bradley. Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781609304232. West Academic Publishing.
Federal Courts Lindquist, Stefanie Federal Courts- Redish and Sherry
Federal Courts Lindquist, Stefanie Federal Courts: Cases and Comments by Redish and Sherry
Federal Courts Weinberg, Louise Federal Courts - Weinberg
Federal Courts Weinberg, Louise Federal Courts - Weinberg
Federal Courts Woolley, Patrick unknown
Federal Courts Young, Ernest Federal Courts & Federal System
Federal Courts Young, Ernest Federal Courts & Federal System
Federal Courts Young, Ernest Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Courts and Jurisdiction Woolley, Patrick Hart and Welscher
Federal Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Abrams, Beale and Klein, Federal Criminal Law and Its Enforcement - 6th Edition
Federal Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Can't Remember
Federal Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Federal Criminal Law and Its Enforcement (American Casebook Series)
Federal Criminal Law Klein, Susan R. Federal Criminal Law and Its Enforcement, 5th (American Casebooks)
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark Dodge, Fleming, Lipman, Peroni; Federal Income Tax: Text, Cases, Problems: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark Fed Tax
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy: Text, Cases, Problems Fourth Edition by Joseph M. Dodge, J. Clifton Fleming Jr., Robert J. Peroni
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark Federal Income Taxation - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, and Stephen 14th Edition
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark Federal Income Taxation Freeland
Federal Income Tax Ascher, Mark The Individual Tax Base: Cases, Problems and Policies in Federal Tax- Malman, Sugin, Solomon & Hesch
Federal Income Tax Gergen, Mark FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Hu, Henry No Book
Federal Income Tax Johnson, Calvin FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Johnson, Calvin Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Johnson, Calvin Federal Income Taxation--Doctrine, Structure, & Polity--Text, Cases, Problems: Dodge, Fleming & Geie
Federal Income Tax Johnson, Calvin Federal Income Taxation--Doctrine, Structure, & Polity--Text, Cases, Problems: Dodge, Fleming & Geie
Federal Income Tax Morse, Susan N/A (No text book)
Federal Income Tax Morse, Susan Schmalbeck & Zelenak, Federal Income Taxation (3d ed.) (Aspen, 2011).
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert Dodge, Fleming & Peroni, Federal Income Tax: Doctrine, Structure, and Policy (Michie-Lexis) (4th)
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert Fed Tax
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert Federal Income Taxation (Fleming)
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert Frankel and Burdon, Investment Management Regulation, 5th ed. ISBN: 9781888215601. Fathom Publishing Company.
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert Problems and Materials in Federal Income Taxation 8th Edition
Federal Income Tax Peroni, Robert unknown
Federal Income Tax Rosenzweig, Adam Problems and Materials in Federal Income Taxation - Guerin - 7th Edition
Financial Institutions Spellman, Lewis J. Course Pack
First Amendment Powe, Lucas The First Amendment: Steven Shiffrin and Jesse H. Choper
First Amendment Rabban, David The American First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century
First Amendment Rabban, David unknown
Free Speech Rabban, David The American First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Cases and Materials
Free Speech Rabban, David The American First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Cases and Materials
Free Speech Rabban, David Van Alstyne, William, Lash, Kurt. The First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century. 5th ed. ISBN: 978-1-60930-437-9
Health Care Law Sage, William M. Health Care Law & Ethics 7e (Hall/Bobinski/Orentlicher)
Health Law Sage, William M. Can't Remember
Health Law Sage, William M. Health Law
Health Law Sepper, Elizabeth Furrow et al. Law and Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Medical Liability. 7th ed. ISBN 9780314279903. West.
Health Law Sepper, Elizabeth Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems (American Casebook Series) American Casebook Series
Immigration Law Churgin, Michael Cant Recall
Immigration Law Churgin, Michael Immigration
Immigration Law Churgin, Michael Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy, 5th Edition, Legomsky
Immigration Law Churgin, Michael Immigration and Refugee Policy
Immigration Law Churgin, Michael Immigration and Refugee Policy
Insurance Law Avraham, Ronen Kenneth Abraham, Insurance Law and Regulation, Foundation Press, 5th Edition.
Intellectual Property Bone, Robert Merges, Menell, & Lemley, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE (5th ed. 2010)
Intellectual Property Bone, Robert Robert Merges, Peter Menell & Mark Lemley. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: Volumes 1 and 2
Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren Intellectual Property in the Technological Age (4t
Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren IP in the new Tech Age (Merges Menell Lemley)
Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren IP in the new Tech Age (Merges Menell Lemley)
Intellectual Property LaRue, Homer INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
Intellectual Property Resse, Anthony Goldstein, et al
International Business Transactions Baade, Hans unknown
International Business Transactions Hansen, Patricia Fellmeth, Aaron X. Introduction to International Business Transactions 2020 ISBN: 9781839107412. Edward Elgar Publishing.
International Business Transactions Hansen, Patricia Fellmeth. Introduction to International Business Transactions. ISBN: 978-1-83910-741-2
International Business Transactions Hansen, Patricia Transnational Business Problems, Vagts, Dodge & Koh 4th Ed.
International Commercial Arbitration Tyler, Timothy International Commercial Arbitration (Gary Born)
International Commercial Arbitration Tyler, Timothy International Commercial Arbitration by Varady, Barcelo and Von Meheren
International commercial arbitration Tyler, Timothy unknown
International Law Hansen, Patricia Professor Hansen International Trade Materials
International Law Jinks, Derek Public International Law
International Law Jinks, Derek Public International Law
International Petroleum Transactions Considine, Jennifer International Petroleum Transactions
International Petroleum Transactions Dzienkowski, John International Petroleum Transactions
International Taxation Peroni, Robert Gustafson, Peroni, and Pugh. Taxation of International Transactions: Materials, Texts and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9780314911711. West Academic Publishing.
International Taxation Peroni, Robert International Taxation
International Taxation Peroni, Robert Taxation of International Transactions (Gustafson, Peroni, Pugh) - 3rd Ed.
International Taxation Peroni, Robert Taxation of International Transactions (Gustafson, Peroni, Pugh) - 3rd Ed.
International Taxation Peroni, Robert Taxation of International Transactions 4th
International Trade Hansen, Patricia Legal Problems of International Economic Relations
International Trade Hansen, Patricia No Book
International Trade Hansen, Patricia unknown
Introduction to American Law Wood, Abby Introduction to U.S. Law
Introduction to Intellectual Property Bracha, Oren Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: Fifth Edition
Labor Law Getman, Julius Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace
Law in Latin America Brinks, Daniel M. None Fall 2014- Law in Latin America: A Comparative View
Law of the Intelligence Community Chesney, Bobby No Book
Litigation Graglia, Lino TRIAL ADVOCACY
Mass Media Anderson, David A. Mass Media Law 7th Ed Franklin
Mass Media Anderson, David A. Mass Media Law Cases and Materials - Franklin, Anderson, and Lidsky - 7th ed.
Mass Media Anderson, David A. Mass Media Law Cases and Materials - Franklin, Anderson, and Lidsky - 7th ed.
Mass Media Anderson, David A. Mass Media Law Cases and Materials - Franklin, Anderson, and Lidsky - 7th ed.
Mass Media Anderson, David A. Mass Media Law, 7th
Mass Tort Litigation Mullenix, Linda Mass Tort Litigation
Mass Tort Litigation Mullenix, Linda Mass Tort Litigation
Mass Tort Litigation Mullenix, Linda Mass Tort Litigation: Cases and Materials
Medical Liability Watts, Clark Don't Remember
Modern European Law Markesinis, Basil S. None- Professor's Handouts
National Security Law Chesney, Bobby National Security Law
National Security Law Chesney, Bobby National Security Law
National Security Law Jinks, Derek National Security Law
National Security Law Sievert, Ron No Book
Natural Resources Law Taylor, Melinda KLEIN CHEEVER BIRDSONG- Natural Resource Law (A Place-based Book of Problems and Cases: 2d. ed.)
Natural Resources Law Taylor, Melinda Natural Resources Law and Policy, 2d Edition
Natural Resources Law Taylor, Melinda Natural Resources Law and Policy, Rasband, Salzman, Squillace
Negotiations Menicucci, Margaret Course Packet
Non Profits Carson, Loftus NON PROFIT CORPORATIONS
Nonprofit Organizations Carson, Loftus No Book
Nonprofit Organizations Carson, Loftus Nonprofit Organizations, Cases and Materials, 4th, Fishman & Schwarz
Nonprofit Organizations Carson, Loftus Nonprofit Organizations, Fishman & Schwarz
Oil and Gas Anderson, Owen Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law 6th Edition
Oil and Gas Balagia, Jack Casebook- Oil and Gas Law 6th edition by Lowe, Anderson, Smith and Pierce, Thomson West
Oil and Gas Beckworth, John Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (8th Edition) by Lowe, Anderson, Kulander, Ehrman, Griggs and Coleman
Oil and Gas Beckworth, John unknown
Oil and Gas Dzienkowski, John Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Dzienkowski, John Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Flint, Richard E. Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law 5th Edition-Lowe
Oil and Gas Miller, Becky Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander, OIL AND GAS LAW: CASES & MATERIALS (6th ed. 2013)
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Cases & Materials on Oil and Gas - Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Cases & Materials on Oil and Gas - Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law 5th Edition-Lowe
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander, OIL AND GAS LAW: CASES & MATERIALS (6th ed. 2013)
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce & Kulander, OIL AND GAS LAW: CASES & MATERIALS (6th ed. 2013)
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Oil & Gas
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Oil & Gas
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Oil & Gas Smith Text
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Oil & Gas Smith Text
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 6th Ed.
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest E. Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 6th Ed.
Oil and Gas Smith, Ernest unknown
Oil and Gas Weaver, Jacqueline unknown
Oil and Gas Taxation Spellings, James Oil and Gas - Fed. Income Taxation - 2010 Edition
Oil and Gas Taxation Spellings, James Patrick A. Hennessee, Oil and Gas Federal Income Taxation (CCH, 2013 Ed.)
Oil and Gas Taxation Wright, Denny No Book
Oil and Gas Taxation Wright, Denny Professor created textbook
Partnership Tax Johnson, Calvin Peroni & Bank, Taxation of Business Enterprises: Cases and Materials (4th ed. West).
Partnership Tax O' Daniel, Patrick Schwarz, Lathrope, and Hellwig's Fundamentals of Partnership Taxation, Cases and Materials, 10th
Patent Adelman, David E. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Patent Golden, John Golden, Kieff, Newman, and Smith. Principles of Patent Law. 7th ed. ISBN: 9781640208551
Patent Golden, John Merges and Duffy 4th ed.
Patent Golden, John No textbook - Course packet only
Patent Golden, John Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy
Patent Golden, John Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials - Robert Patrick Merges & John Fitzgerald Duffy
Patent Golden, John Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th edition, Merges and Duffy
Patent Haagen, Paul Patent Law and Policy
Patent Wasserman, Melissa Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Wasserman, Melissa Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Law II Golden, John Patent Law and Policy - Merges & Duffy (5th Edition)
Payment Systems Kull, Andrew None - Course Pack
Payment Systems Litvak, Katherine Mann
Politics and Process Inman, Bobby R. No Book
Preservation Law Rawlins, Rachael COURSEPACK
Private Equity Funds Sherman, Haag Working with Contracts: What Law School Doesn't Teach You - Fox
Professional Responsibility