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Wills and Estates

Wills and Estates

School Professor Text Book
American College of Law Edmisten, Jane Moretz Wills, Trust, and Estates
American University, Washington College of Law Abravanel, Evelyn unknown
Appalachian School of Law Oxford, Alan Dukeminier, Wills, Trusts, and Estates ( Aspen, 8th edition)
Appalachian School of Law Shinn, Clinton Family Property Law
Barry University School of Law Scarlett, Don Dukeminier,& Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th ed., Aspen Publishers, )
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Leslie, Melanie unknown
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Leslie, Melanie unknown
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Schwartz, William Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Birmingham School of Law Berry, James Wills, Trusts and Estates
Birmingham School of Law Crocker, Jimmy D. Estate and Trust
Birmingham School of Law Crocker, Jimmy D. Wills, Trusts and Estates
Birmingham School of Law King Jr., Roy F, Wills, Trusts and Estates
Brigham Young University Hansen, H. Reese Dukeminer
Brigham Young University Hansen, H. Reese Wills Trusts & Estates
Brigham Young University Hansen, H. Reese Wills, Trust, and Estates
Brigham Young University Hansen, H. Reese Wills, Trusts, Estates -- Dukeminier et al.
Brigham Young University Neeleman, Stanley Trusts
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust 2015 - No Textbook
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Dukemeier
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (8th ed).
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Dukeminier & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th edition 2013)
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust No Book
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust No Book
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Will, Trust, and Estates
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills & Estates
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills and Trusts, Dukeminier, 8th Edition
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
Brigham Young University Tippett, Rust Wills, Trusts, and Estates (Aspen Casebook) 9th Edition
Brooklyn Law School Brakman Reiser, Dana Texas Wills and Estates: Cases and Materials 6th ed
Brooklyn Law School Garrison, Marsha Will, Trust, and Estates
Chapman University School of Law Higgins, Sean Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Charleston School of Law Gershon, Richard Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
Cumberland School of Law DiRusso, Alyssa Gary. Contemporary Trusts and Estates: An Experiential Approach. 9th ed. ISBN 978-1454851424. Wolters Kluwer.
DePaul University College of Law Gerstenblith, Joann unknown
Florida State University College of Law Powell, Russell Gratuitous Transfers
Gonzaga University School of Law Murphy, Ann online
Hofstra Law School Gans, Mitchell unknown
Hofstra Law School Gans, Mitchell Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Hofstra Law School Gans, Mitchell Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Hofstra Law School Grossman, Joanna Can't Remember
Hofstra Law School Grossman, Joanna Will, Trust, and Estates
Howard University School of Law Nolan, Laurence Estates and Trusts, 3rd Edition By Joel Dobris & Stewart E. Sterk & Melanie B. Leslie
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Nielson, Bill Trust and Estates
Mercer University Law School Claxton, Joe ESTATES AND TRUSTS CASES & MATERIALS 3rd Edtion
Mercer University Law School Claxton, Joe Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Mississippi College School of Law Hand, N. Shelton FAMILY PROPERTY LAW (4th ed., 2006) by WAGGONER, ALEXANDER, FELLOWS & GALANIS.
Mississippi College School of Law Hand, N. Shelton I dont remember
Mississippi College School of Law Harmon, Ken Estates and Trusts -- Dobris, Sterk, and Leslie (4th ed. 2011)
Mississippi College School of Law Harmon, Ken Estates and Trusts: Cases and Material by Dobris, Joel, Sterk, Stewart, and Leslie (2007 Ed.)
Mississippi College School of Law Harmon, Ken unknown
Mississippi College School of Law Harmon, Ken Wills & Estates
Mississippi College School of Law Harmon, Ken Wills Trusts & Estates
Mississippi College School of Law Jones, Barry K. ESTATES AND TRUSTS CASES & MATERIALS 3rd Edtion
New England Law, Boston Chester, Ronald Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
New England Law, Boston Chester, Ronald Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Seventh Edition
New York Law School LaPiana, William P. Cain and Spitko. Exam Pro on Wills, Trusts, and Estates 1st ed. ISBN: 9780314239471. West Academic Publishing.
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Marty-Nelson, Elena FLORIDA WILLS, TRUSTS, & ESTATES CASES AND MATERIALS
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Rodriguez-Dod, Eloisa Can't Remember
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center Rodriguez-Dod, Eloisa Will, Trust, and Estates
Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law Veltri, Stephen C. Dukeminer
Oklahoma City University School of Law Schwartz, Frederic Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
Oklahoma City University School of Law Schwartz, Frederic Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
Pace University School of Law Crawford, Bridget Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Pace University School of Law Johnson, Irene Can't Remember
Pace University School of Law Johnson Will, Trust, and Estates
Pace University School of Law Johnson, Irene Wills & Trusts
Pepperdine University School of Law Knaplund, Kristine 8th Edition of Dukeminier, Sitkoff, and Lindgren's WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES
Santa Clara University Spitko, E. Gary TRUSTS AND ESTATES
Seattle University School of Law Freeman, Amy Elder Law: Cases & Materials
South Texas College of Law Houston Degraw, Sandra Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
South Texas College of Law Houston Festa, Matthew J. No Book
South Texas College of Law Houston Jenkins, Helen Bishop Can't Remember
South Texas College of Law Houston Jenkins, Helen Bishop Wills, Trusts & Estates (9th ed. 2013) by Dukeminier, et al.
South Texas College of Law Houston Moore, Shelby Willls, Trusts, Estates
St. Mary's University School of Law Dawson, Match Gerry W. Beyer, Texas Wills and Estates (7th ed. 2015)
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (9th ed).
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary Dukeminier and Sitkoff. Wills, Trusts, and Estates  9th ed.    ISBN: 9781454824572. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary His book
St. Mary's University School of Law Liu, Gary unknown
St. Mary's University School of Law Mather, Victoria Wills, trusts, and estates / Jesse Dukeminier, Late Maxwell, 2013
St. Mary's University School of Law Mather, Victoria Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 7th Edition, Dukeminier et al
Stetson University Banta, Natalie Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (9th ed).
Suffolk University Rounds, Charles E., Jr. Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen).
Suffolk University Sandoe, Tony No Book
Suffolk University Sandoe, Anthony No Book
Suffolk University Sandoe, Anthony unknown
Syracuse University Turnipseed, Terry Dukeminier, Sitkoff and Lindgren, WILLS, TRUST, AND ESTATES (9th ed. 2013)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Beyer, Texas Wills and Estates 6th ed.,Beyer, TX Estate Planning Statutes with Commentary 2013-2015
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Gerry W. Beyer, Texas Wills and Estates (7th ed. 2015)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. N/A
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Texas Wills & Estates
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Texas Wills & Estates (Beyer)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Texas Wills & Estates (Beyer)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Texas Wills & Estates (Beyer)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Texas Wills and Estates: Cases and Materials 6th ed
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Alton, Stephen R. Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Don't Remember - It was red
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminer & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th Ed. 2013)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th ed. 2013
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier & Sitkoff, WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES (9th ed. 2013)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates 10th Ed.
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier, Sitkoff, and Lindgren's WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES - 10th Edition
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Dukeminier, Sitkoff, and Lindgren's WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES - 10th Edition
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Wills & Estates
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Helge, Terri Wills and Trusts, Dukeminier, 8th Edition
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Short, Aric Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren and Sitkoff, WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES, (Eighth Edition, 2009; Aspen)
Texas A&M (Texas Wesleyan) Short, Aric Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen)
Touro Seplowitz, Rena Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (7th Edition)
University of Akron Newman, Alan Dukeminer
University of Akron Newman, Alan Wills, Trusts, and Estates (7th Ed. Dukeminier)
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Beard, Lonnie None.
University of California, Los Angeles Holmquist, Kristen Wills, Trusts and Estates
University of Cincinnati Chang, Felix B. Sterk and Leslie. Estate & Trusts: Cases and Materials 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781609303280. Foundation Press.
University of Cincinnati Chang, Felix B. Wills and Trusts, Dukeminier, 8th Edition
University of Dayton School of Law Shavers, Anna Williams ESTATES AND TRUSTS CASES AND MATERIALS, 2ND ED. -
University of Illinois Fleisher, Miranda Can't Remember
University of Minnesota Law School Younger, Judith T. Wills, Trusts, and Estates - Dukenminier, et. al. - 8th edition
University of Mississippi Gershon, Richard Don't remember, Spring 2013
University of Mississippi Gershon, Richard No Book
University of Mississippi Gershon, Richard No Book
University of Mississippi Gershon, Richard None
University of Mississippi Gershon, Richard readings on twen
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert Can't Remember
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert Mississippi Practice Series
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert No Book
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert No Book
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert unknown
University of Mississippi Weems, Robert Wills & Estates
University of South Carolina Medlin, S. Alan Wills, Trusts & Estates
University of Tennessee Goodwin, Iris J. Dukeminer & Sitkoff, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (9th Ed. 2013)
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Ascher, Clark, McCouch and Murphy. Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Estate and Gift Taxation 6th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780314280275. West Academic Publishing.
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers: Wills, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Estate and Gift Taxation
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Don't Remember
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (7th Edition)
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Gratuitous Transfers
University of Texas Law School Ascher, Mark Wills, Trusts, and Estates
University of Texas Law School Goode, Steven Modern Wills&Estate law
University of Texas Law School Goode, Steven No Book
University of Texas Law School Goode, Steven Wills & Trusts
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Can't Remember
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Dukeminier & Johanson Wills, Trusts, & Estates (8th Edition)
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren and Sitkoff, WILLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES, (Eighth Edition, 2009; Aspen)
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Wills & Trusts: Dukeminier, Johanson, etc
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Wills Trusts & Estates - Dukeminier, Sitkoff & Lindgren (8 ed)
University of Texas Law School Johanson, Stanley Wills Trusts and Estates 8th ed (Dukeminier Sitkoff and Lindgren)
UNLV, Boyd School of Law Pindell, Ngai Wills, Trusts, and Estates, 7th Edition, Dukeminier et al
Vermont Law School Willbanks, Stephanie Will, Trust, and Estates
Widener University, Delaware Bigham, Robert Wills, Trusts and Estates, Dukeminier, Johanson, Lindgren, and Sitkoff (7th ed. 2005)
WMU-Cooley Carey, James Course Supplement
WMU-Cooley Foster, Dustin Wills, Trusts and Estates, (2nd Ed.)
WMU-Cooley Marineau, Paul Wills, Trusts, and Estates – Essential Terms and Concepts, Second Edition, Mark Reutlinger
WMU-Cooley Sheaffer, Dan Ascher, Clark, McCouch and Murphy. Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Estate and Gift Taxation 6th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9780314280275. West Academic Publishing.
WMU-Cooley Sheaffer, Dan Can't Remember
WMU-Cooley Torielli, Gina Cases, Text and Problems on Federal Income Taxation