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South Texas College of Law Houston

South Texas College of Law Houston

Class Professor Text Book
Administrative Law Moya, Olga Administrative Law
Administrative Law Moya, Olga Administrative Law 3d
Administrative Law Stevenson, Dru Mashaw, Merrill, and Shane, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: The American Public Law System
Admiralty Reed, Harry L. Admiralty
Admiralty Reed, Harry L. Admiralty - Cases and Materials (Lexis)
Advanced Individual Income Taxation Yamamoto, Kevin Taxation of Individual Income (Burke & Friel, 9th ed.)
Agency Ricks, Val D. Agency and Partnerships
Agency Ricks, Val D. Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Agency and Partnerships Carson, Loftus Agency and Partnerships
Agency and Partnerships Leahy, Joseph Agency & Partnership by Leahy
Agency and Partnerships Leahy, Joseph Agency and Partnerships, Cases and Materials, Klein
Agency and Partnerships Leahy, Joseph Hynes/Loewenstein - Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises
Agency and Partnerships Leahy, Joseph Hynes/Loewenstein - Agency, Partnership, and the LLC: The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises
Agency and Partnerships Leahy, Joseph J. Dennis Hynes & Mark J. Loewenstein, Cases, Materials, and Problems (8th ed. 2011).
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency and Partnerships, Cases and Materials, Klein
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership & LLC, Cases & Materials Second Edition - Rosin, McGovern, & Closen
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership & LLC, Cases & Materials Second Edition - Rosin, McGovern, & Closen
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership & LLC, Cases & Materials Second Edition - Rosin, McGovern, & Closen
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Agency and Partnerships McGovern, Bruce Rosin , McGovern and Closen, Agency, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies ( 2d ed., Carolina Academic Press 2013
Agency and Partnerships Ricks, Val D. Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Agency and Partnerships Ricks, Val D. AGENCY, PARTNERSHIPS AND LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES (Carolina, 2d ed., 2013)
Agency and Partnerships Rosin, Gary S. Agency and Partnerships
Agency and Partnerships Rosin, Gary S. Agency, Partnership & LLC, Cases & Materials Second Edition - Rosin, McGovern, & Closen
Agency and Partnerships Rosin, Gary S. Agency, Partnership and the LLC, Hines and Lowenstein 7th ed.
Agency and Partnerships Rosin, Gary S. Custom Book
Agency and Partnerships Rosin, Gary S. Rosin's own AP textbook
Agency, Partnership and the LLC Field, Ted Patent Law, Cases and Materials - Third Edition - Adelman, Rader, Thomas
Agency, Partnership and the LLC Rosin, Gary Agency, Partnership, and the LLC
Alternative Dispute Resolution Kovach, Kimberly Alternative Dispute Resolution, Brunet, et al.
American Legal History Steiner, Mark American Legal History: Cases and Materials - Ely, Hall, Finkelman
Animal Law Ortiz, Francesca Animal Law
Animal Law Ortiz, Francesca Animal Law
Animal Law Ortiz, Francesca Animal Law
Antitrust Ricks, Val D. Antitrust
Banking Law Zinnecker, Timothy Banking Law
Bankruptcy East, W. David Debtors and Creditors - Warren/Westbrook
Bankruptcy Worley, John BANKRUPTCY
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Rosin, Gary S. Corporations 5th Ed
Business Bankruptcy Hague, David Scarberry, Klee, Newton, and Nickles' Business Reorganization in Bankruptcy, 4th
Business Bankruptcy Worley, John Bankruptcy Law and Practice, 3rd Edition
Civil Procedure I Bergin, Kathleen civil procedure red book Aspen
Civil Procedure I Field, Ted Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Field, Ted Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Field, Ted Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Hague, David Civil Procedure - Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, & Hershkoff (11th Ed. 2013)
Civil Procedure I Hague, David Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Koehn, Rachel Freer 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Lewinbuk, Katerina Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Lewinbuk, Katerina Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Civil Procedure - Glannon, Perlman, Raven-Hansen
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Civil Procedure (ed. Yeazzell)
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Civil Procedure Glannon
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Civil Procedure Glannon
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Paulsen, James unknown
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 7th Edition
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. 1L Gray Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. 8th edition
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Can't Remember
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure - 8th Edition - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure (ed. Yeazzell)
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure 11th Edition Jack Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure Cases and Materials
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" civ pro casebook
Civil Procedure I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Civil Litigation in New York, 3d ed
Civil Procedure I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" CIVIL PLEADING AND PROCEDURE (CIV PRO)
Civil Procedure I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Civil Procedure - Silberman, Stein & Wolf
Civil Procedure I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" SILBERMAN, STEIN & WOLFF, CIVIL PROCEDURE: THEORY AND PRACTICE (3d ed. Aspen 2009)
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie 1L Civil Procedure Friedenthal
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civ Pro - Friedenthal 10th edition
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civil Procedure Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, Hershkofi 9th edition
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civil Procedure Cases and Materials by Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff - 11th edition
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civil Procedure Cases and Materials, Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, and Hershkoff (11th)
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th Edition (American Casebook Series) 11th Edition by Jack F
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton & Hershkoff, Civil Procedure (10th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie Spencer, A. Civil Procedure: A Contemporary Approach, 4th ed. ISBN: 9781634592727. West Academic Publishing.
Civil Procedure I Taylor, Cherie unknown
Civil Procedure I Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law & Procedure, by Boyce, Dripps & Perki
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William 1L Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William 1L Civil Procedure Casebook by Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William CIV. PRO
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Civil Procedure - Yeazell 8th Edition
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Civil Procedure 6th Ed. - Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Civil Procedure by Stephen C. Yeazell (2008, Hardcover)
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Criminal Procedure: Principals, Policies, and Pers
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William N/A (No text book)
Civil Procedure I Wilks, William Yeazell - Civil Procedure, 6th Ed.
Civil Procedure II Field, Ted Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure II Nelson, Ryan Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure II Nelson, Ryan Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 8th ed
Civil Procedure II Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure II Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure II Taylor, Cherie Yeazell and Schwartz. Civil Procedure 9th ed. ISBN: 9781454868347. Aspen Publishing.
Class Action Law Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Richard L. Marcus - Complex Litigation: Cases and Materials on Advanced Civil Procedure - 5th Ed.
Commercial Paper Zinnecker, Timothy unknown
Commercial Transactions Bauman, John Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Comparative Law McNabb, Doug Comparative Criminal Procedure Through Film: Analytical Tools & Law and Film Summaries By Legal Tradition and Country
Comparative Taxation Yamamoto, Kevin Global Issues in Taxation
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey unknown
Constitutional Law I Alfini, James Constitutional Law Varat 15th Editon
Constitutional Law I Alfini, James J. No Book
Constitutional Law I Alfini, James J. Varat and Amar Constitutional Law Cases and Materials 15th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen CON. LAW
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Bergin, Kathleen Constitutional Law (Chemerinsky-2nd Ed.)
Constitutional Law I Blackman, Josh 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Blackman, Josh Barnett and Katz. Constitutional Law: Cases in Context. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781454806929. Wolters Kluwer.
Constitutional Law I Blackman, Josh The Constitution of the United States by Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, and Bray
Constitutional Law I Blackman, Josh The Constitution of the United States by Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, Bray (Second Edition
Constitutional Law I Blackman, Josh The Constitution of the United States” by Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, Bray (Second Edition)
Constitutional Law I Carpenter, Dale Constitutional Law (sullivan & gunther 16th edition)
Constitutional Law I Duffy, Maureen Aaron Caplan. An Integrated Approach to Constitutional Law, 2d
Constitutional Law I Gershowitz, Adam Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CHARLES D. KELSO & R. RANDALL KELSO, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: AN ECOURSEBOOK Volumes 1 & 2 (2021 Orig. Ed. 2014)
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall Constitutional Law - Cherminsky 2nd Ed.
Constitutional Law I Kelso, R. Randall None.
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Constitutional Law: Cases & Materials, Crump, 5th
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Crump et al., Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law (5th ed. Lexis 2009)
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Crump et al., Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law (5th ed. Lexis 2009)
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Crump, Gressman Day & Rhodes, Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law (5th ed. Lexis 2009)
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" His book
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" his own book
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Professor Rhodes custom casebook
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Professor Rhodes custom casebook
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Professor Supplement
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" professor's book
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" professor's book
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Professor's Materials
Constitutional Law I Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" wrote his own book via PDF file
Constitutional Law I Treece, Gerald 1L Constitutional Law Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Treece, Gerald Modern Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Treece, Gerald Modern Constitutional Law - Rotunda 10th Edition
Consumer Law Bauman, John Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Law Steiner, Mark Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Law Steiner, Mark Can't Remember
Consumer Law Steiner, Mark Consumer Law
Consumer Law Steiner, Mark Texas Consumer Law - Alderman
Consumer Protection Steiner, Mark Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Protection Steiner, Mark Consumer Law
Consumer Protection Steiner, Mark Consumer Transactions in Texas
Consumer Protection Steiner, Mark Consumer Transactions in Texas
Consumer Protection Steiner, Mark Texas Consumer Law
Consumer Transactions Bauman, John Consumer Transaction (Bauman & Steiner)
Consumer Transactions Hague, David Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Transactions Powers, Jean Fleming Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Transactions Powers, Jean Fleming Consumer Transactions: Cases and Materials, John H. Bauman and Mark E. Steiner
Consumer Transactions Steiner, Mark Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Transactions Steiner, Mark Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Transactions Steiner, Mark Bauman & Steiner, Consumer Transactions
Consumer Transactions Steiner, Mark Consumer Transactions, Steiner & Bauman
Contract Building Blocks Brownman, Chuck Contract Building Blocks
Contracts Carlson, Richard Carlson's Own Book
Contracts Carlson, Elaine Contracts
Contracts Carlson Contracts
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard Farnsworth
Contracts Carlson, Richard His own casebook
Contracts Carlson, Richard Prof. Carlson's Casebook - Contracts I
Contracts Carlson, Richard Prof. Carlson's Casebook - Contracts I
Contracts Carlson, Richard unknown
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall 1L Contracts
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Ayers & Speidel, Studies in Contract Law, 8th ed 2012
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Ayres and Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.)
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Ayres and Spiedel Contracts book
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Murphy
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Studies in Contract Law 6th Ed. - Murphy
Contracts Kelso, R. Randall Studies in Contract Law: Eight Edition
Contracts Page, Phillip Ayres & Klass, Studies In Contract Law, 8th ed., 2012
Contracts Page, Phillip Ayres and Klass (9th edition) STUDIES IN CONTRACT LAW (Foundation Press)
Contracts Page, Phillip Ayres and Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.)
Contracts Page, Phillip Ayres and Spiedel Contracts book
Contracts Page, Phillip Cases and Problems on Contracts - Calamari, Perillo, Bender 6th Edition
Contracts Page, Phillip Contracts
Contracts Page, Phillip Don't remember what book
Contracts Page, Phillip Don't remember, Fall 2022
Contracts Page, Phillip Studies in Contract Law, 7th Edition, Ian Ayres & Richard E. Speidel
Contracts Page, Phillip Studies in Contract Law, 7th Edition, Ian Ayres & Richard E. Speidel
Contracts Page, Phillip Studies in Contract Law, 7th Edition, Ian Ayres & Richard E. Speidel
Contracts Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts Powers, Jean Fleming unknown
Contracts Ricks, Val D. 1L Contracts by Ricks
Contracts Ricks, Val D. 1L Contracts by Ricks
Contracts Ricks, Val D. A History of Contracts - Val Ricks
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts Cases and Materials (the blue book)
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Contracts fall
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Ricks: The Story of Contract Law: Formation
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Teacher made book
Contracts Ricks, Val D. The Story of Contract Law
Contracts Ricks, Val D. The Story of Contract Law
Contracts Ricks, Val D. unknown
Contracts Ricks, Val D. Val Ricks, THE STORY OF CONTRACT LAW: FORMATION (CALI, eLangdell Press 3d ed. 2019)
Contracts Worley, John Contracts
Contracts Worley, John Contracts
Contracts Worley, John Epstein, Markell and Ponoroff, Contracts: Making and Doing Deals
Contracts II Busbey Contracts
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Carlson
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Carolson Casebook
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts II Carlson Contracts II
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Custom written by professor by
Contracts II Carlson, Richard He made his own book
Contracts II Carlson, Richard He made his own book.
Contracts II Carlson, Richard His own materials
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Professor written textbook
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Richard Carlson, CASES AND MATERIALS ON CONTRACTS LAW
Contracts II Carlson, Richard Teacher created book
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Ayers & Speidel, Studies in Contract Law, 8th ed 2012
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Ayers and Klass 9th ed
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Ayres & Klass, Studies In Contract Law, 8th ed., 2012
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Ayres and Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.)
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall can't remember - Spring 2015
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Contracts II
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Contracts, Speidel and Ayres
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Studies in Contract Law Sixth Edition, Murphey, Sp
Contracts II Kelso, R. Randall Studies in Contract Law Sixth Edition, Murphey, Sp
Contracts II Page, Phillip Blum and Bushaw. Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868354. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Page, Phillip Blum and Bushaw. Contracts: Cases, Discussion, and Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868354. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Page, Phillip Contracts
Contracts II Page, Phillip Contracts II
Contracts II Page, Phillip Contracts: Cases and Doctrines (Aspen Casebook Series), 5th Edition
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Blum & Bushaw Contracts, Cases, Discussions, & Problems, Second Ed. Aspen, 2008
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Case and materials on Contracts 2 law
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Cases and Problems on Contracts, 6th Edition
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts II Cases and Materials by Jean Fleming Powers
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Contracts: Bloom Bushaw 3rd Edition
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Course Materials
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming N/A
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Powers Contracts II
Contracts II Powers, Jean Fleming Powers, Jean - Contracts II
Contracts II Ricks, Val D. Professor's Materials
Contracts II Ricks, Val D. Ricks own textbook
Contracts II Ricks, Val D. The Story of Contract Law
Contracts II Worley, John 1L Contracts Book
Contracts II Worley, John Problems in Contract Law
Copyright Page, Phillip Copyright - Essential Cases and Materials, Yen & Liu
Copyright Page, Phillip Copyright 9th ed. - Joyce, Leaffer, Jaszi, Ochoa, Carroll
Copyright Page, Phillip Copyright Law" (9th ed. 2013) by Joyce, Leaffer. Jaszi, Ochoa & Carroll
Copyright Page, Phillip Joyce, Leaffer, Jaszi, Ochoa and Carroll. Copyright Law 10th ed. ISBN: 9781632847874. Carolina Academic Press.
Copyright Page, Phillip No Textbook - Cases and class notes only
Corporate and White Collar Crime Wheeler, Michael E. Can't Remember
Corporate and White Collar Crime Wheeler, Michael E. Corporate and White Collar Crime - Brickey - Fifth Edition
Corporate Finance Rosin, Gary S. Mitchell, Cunnigham & Hass,
Corporate Taxation Yamamoto, Kevin Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation (8th Ed.) by Schwarz and Lathrope
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Carson, Loftus Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Carson, Loftus Corporations (9th Ed. Hamilton, Macey)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Fagan, Frank Business Organization Seventh Custom Edition, Edited by Joseph Leahy
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Leahy, Joseph Allen & Kraakman- Corporations
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Leahy, Joseph Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Leahy, Joseph Business Organization – Seventh Custom Edition (2021) (Prof. J. Leahy, ed.) (custom edition of Allen Kraakman & Subramanian, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, 3rd ed. 2009))
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Leahy, Joseph Commentaries & Cases on the Law of Business Organization
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Leahy, Joseph Joseph Leahy Custom Textbook
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce Business Org
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce Corporations and Other Business Organizations Conc
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce CORPS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce CORPS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce CORPS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) McGovern, Bruce CORPS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. Allen & Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (4th ed., Aspen 2012)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. Business Assocations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships and Corporations 8th Edition Klein
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. COMMENTARIES+CASES ON LAW OF BUS.ORG. By ALLEN
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Ricks, Val D. No Book
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Rosin, Gary S. Corporations and Other Business Organizations (Eisenberg 10th Edition)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Rosin, Gary S. Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Cases, Materials, Problems
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Rosin, Gary S. Eisenberg & Cox, Business Organizations Cases and Materials (unabridged 12th edition Foundation Press)
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Worley, John CORPORATIONS
Corporations (see also Business Associations) Yamamoto, Kevin CORPS
Criminal Law Andresen, Claire Ohlin, Jens David. Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, (Second Edition, 2023). ISBN 9798886143133. Aspen Publishing
Criminal Law Baird, Charles Criminal Law
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Can't Remember
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Cases and Materials Criminal Law (6th edition, Dressler)
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th Ed.) Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 5th [Hardcover] Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Cases and Materials on Criminal Law, 6th Edition (American Casebook Series) Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey CRIMINAL LAW, 5TH ED. - COOK & MARCUS
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Law, In House Print by professor
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Don't Remember
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Don't Remember
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Joshua Dressler, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law (5th edition 2010) ("Dressler")
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey No Book
Criminal Law Corn, Geoffrey Williams and Corn, Criminal Law, 2022, Self Published
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Crim Law - not sure
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law Cases
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law: Cases and Materials -- Loewy 3rd Edition
Criminal Law Crump, Susan Waite Criminal Law: Cases and Materials Loewy, Arnold H. 9781422470374
Criminal Law Finegan, Sharon Criminal Law eleventh edition Gershowitz, Ashdown, Bacigal, Finegan
Criminal Law Finegan, Sharon Criminal Law: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, Second Edition. Jens David Ohlin
Criminal Law Finegan, Sharon Kaplan, Weisberg and Binder. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials  8th ed.    ISBN: 9781454868217. Wolters Kluwer. 
Criminal Law Gershowitz, Adam Criminal Law - Dressler, 4th Ed.
Criminal Law Hogan, Thomas Criminal Law, A Contemporary Approach, Weaver, Burkoff & Hancock
Criminal Law Hogan, Thomas Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer and Friedland. Criminal Procedure Cases, Problems & Exercises 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314279460. West.
Criminal Law Moses, Ray E. 1L Criminal Law Dressler- 7th
Criminal Law Moses, Ray E. Dressler - Criminal Law
Criminal Law Moses, Ray E. No Book
Criminal Law Moses, Ray E. None.
Criminal Law Moses, Ray E. Understanding Criminal Law, Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Stevenson, Dru Criminal Law: Johnson and Cloud 7th Edition
Criminal Law Stevenson, Dru unknown
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Boyce, Dripps and Perkins' Criminal Law and Procedure, 12th Edition
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Boyce, Dripps and Perkins' Criminal Law and Procedure, 12th Edition
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law-Fourth Edition-Dressler
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law & Procedure, by Boyce, Dripps & Perki
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law & Procedure, by Boyce, Dripps & Perki
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law & Procedure, by Boyce, Dripps & Perki
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law and Procedure Eleventh Edition (Boyce, Dripps, and Perkins).
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law and Procedure: Boyce, Dripps & Perkins
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Kaplan, Weisberg, Bender)
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Kaplan, Weisberg, Bender)
Criminal Law Wheeler, Michael E. Perkins, Boyce, Dripps
Criminal Law Williams, Kenneth Criminal Law Lee Harris and Lee 2nd Edition
Criminal Law Williams, Kenneth Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Lawyering Strategies 3rd Edition
Criminal Law Williams, Kenneth Professor's Own Textbook
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Catherine Greene Can't Remember
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Catherine Greene CRIM. PRO
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Catherine Greene Jens Ohln, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE DOCTRINE, APPLICATION AND PRACTICE (1st Edition)
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Catherine Greene Ohlin Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Burnett, Catherine Greene Ohlin, Jens David. Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, (Second Edition, 2023). ISBN 9798886143133. Aspen Publishing
Criminal Procedure Carnahan, Sandra Crim Pro case book
Criminal Procedure Carnahan, Sandra CRIM. PRO
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Cases and Materials on Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Procedure Principles, Policies & Perspectives, Fifth Edition, Dressler & Thomas
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice. 1st. Ed. ISBN: 1454893850. Wolters Kluwer.
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Procedure: Pricncilples Policies and Procedure
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Criminal Procedure: Principals, Policies, and Pers
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey dressler
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey dressler criminal procedure 4th ed
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Dressler, Criminal Procedure: Principles, Policies, and Perspectives (6th Ed.)
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Jens Ohln, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE DOCTRINE, APPLICATION AND PRACTICE (1st Edition)
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey No Book
Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Ohlin, Jens David. Criminal Procedure Doctrine, Application, and Practice. 1st ed. ISBN 9781454893851. Wolters Kluwer
Criminal Procedure Crump, Susan Waite Antitrust
Criminal Procedure Gershowitz, Adam CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Gershowitz, Adam Criminal Procedure - Thomas & Dressler
Criminal Procedure Gershowitz, Adam Criminal Procedure - Thomas & Dressler
Criminal Procedure Gershowitz, Adam Criminal Procedure - Thomas & Dressler
Criminal Procedure Gershowitz, Adam Criminal Procedure-Dressler
Criminal Procedure Rutledge, Njeri Mathis CRIM. PRO
Criminal Procedure Wheeler, Michael E. Federal Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Wheeler, Michael E. Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King, Modern Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments and Questions, 13th Ed
Criminal Procedure Williams, Kenneth Criminal Procedure: Cases, Problems and Exercises, 4th ed. Weaver
Criminal Procedure Williams, Kenneth Unknown - Spring 2015
Criminal Procedure Williams, Kenneth Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer and Friedland. Criminal Procedure A Contemporary Approach ISBN: 978-1-62810-966-5
Damages Estlinbaum, Craig REMEDIES
Domestic Energy Law Kulander, Christopher S. Eisen, Hammond, Rossi et al, Energy, Economics and the Environment, 5th edition. ISBN-13: 978-1609303075 Foundation Press; 4 edition (June 5, 2015)
Employment Law Carlson, Richard Employment Law
Employment Law Carlson, Richard Employment Law by Carlson 2nd Edition
Employment Law Carlson, Richard Employment Law by Richard Carlson and Scott Moss
Employment Law Carlson, Richard Employment Law Cases and Materials 6th
Employment Law Carlson, Richard Employment Law, Third Edition, Richard Carlson
Entertainment Law Downey, Judge Daniel Course Packet
Entertainment Law Downey, Judge Daniel Entertainment Litigation, Downey
Entertainment Law Downey, Judge Daniel He made his own book.
Entertainment Law Downey, Judge Daniel No Book
Environmental Law Moya, Olga Environmental Policy Law, 6th Ed. – Doremus, Lin and Rosenberg 2012
Environmental Law Zamora, Antonio R. Percival, R., Schroeder, C., Miller, A. and Leape, J., 2018. Environmental regulation. 8th ed. Wolters Kluwer.
ERISA & Employee Benefits Law Smith, Stephen Employee Benefits
Estate and Gift Tax Siegel, Mark cunningham & cunnigham, the logic of the transfer taxes
Estate and Gift Tax Siegel, Mark Taxation of Estates, Gifts, and Trusts, 23rd Ed., Campfield
Estate and Gift Tax Yamamoto, Kevin FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAX
Estate and Gift Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Taxation of Gifts & Estates
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite EVIDENCE
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite EVIDENCE
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite EVIDENCE
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (Interactive Casebooks) Sydney Beckman, et al
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, 2d, 2nd Edition
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition (Interactive Casebook) (Interactive Casebook Series)
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, 3rd Edition
Evidence Crump, Susan Waite Evidence: a Contemporary Approach. (St. Paul, MN: West, 2009) (with Sydney A. Beckman & Fred Galves)
Evidence Field, Ted Crump Evidence
Evidence Field, Ted EVIDENCE
Evidence Field, Ted Evidence A Contemporary Approach (West)
Evidence Field, Ted Evidence A Contemporary Approach 3rd Edition; Beckman, Crump, Galves
Evidence Field, Ted Evidence Law & Practice, 5th Edition--Steve Friedland
Evidence Field, Ted Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (Interactive Casebooks) Sydney Beckman, et al
Evidence Field, Ted Forgot
Evidence Field, Ted Sydney A. Beckman, et al., Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (West, 3d ed. 2016)
Evidence Field, Ted Sydney A. Beckman, et al., Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (West, 3d ed. 2016).
Evidence Field, Ted Sydney A. Beckman, et al., Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (West, 3d ed. 2016).
Evidence Finegan, Sharon Beckman, Crump, and Galves, Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, West, 3rd Edition
Evidence Finegan, Sharon Beckman, Crump, and Galves, Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, West, 3rd Edition
Evidence Finegan, Sharon Beckman, Crump, and Galves, Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, West, 4th Edition ISBN: 9781642427646
Evidence Finegan, Sharon Beckman, Crump, and Galves, Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, West, 4th Edition ISBN: 9781642427646
Evidence Holland, Robert F. EVIDENCE
Evidence Read, Frank EVIDENCE
Evidence Read, Frank EVIDENCE
Evidence Reed, Harry L. EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William Allen, Kuhns, Swift, Schwartz & Pardo, Evidence: Text, Problems, and Cases (5th ed. 2011)
Evidence Wilks, William EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William EVIDENCE
Evidence Wilks, William Evidence: The Objection Method
Evidence Wilks, William Evidence: The Objection Method
Evidence Williams, Kenneth Beckman, Crump, and Galves, - Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, West, 2nd Edition.
Evidence Williams, Kenneth Evidence: A Contemporary Approach (Interactive Casebooks) Sydney Beckman, et al
Evidence Williams, Kenneth Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd (Beckman, Crump, Galves)
Evidence Williams, Kenneth Evidence: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition (Interactive Casebook) (Interactive Casebook Series)
Evidence Williams, Kenneth Lempert, Gross, Liebman, Blume, Landsman and Lederer. A Modern Approach to Evidence 5th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9780314287656. West Academic Publishing.
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Browne-Barbour, Vanessa case and materials FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Browne-Barbour, Vanessa Cases and Materials on Family Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Browne-Barbour, Vanessa cases and materials: Family law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Browne-Barbour, Vanessa Pamela George Family Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Browne-Barbour, Vanessa Texas Family Law Precedent & Procedure 2012, George
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson, Richard Carlson's own collection of cases and notes
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson, Elaine FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson, Richard Family Law - Carlson
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson, Richard No Text Book; Handout/packet created by professor
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson, Richard Richard Carlson Family Law (2013), Custom 3 Volume Binding
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Carlson unknown
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela George on Texas Family Law by Pamela George
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela GEORGE, PAMELA. FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela GEORGE, PAMELA. FAMILY LAW ISBN: 978-1-60503-116-3
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela George's Version 2012
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela No Book
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Packet
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Texas Family Law - Cases & Materials (her own book)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Texas Family Law - Cases & Materials (her own book)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Texas Family Law - Cases & Materials (her own book)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Texas Family Law - Cases & Materials (her own book)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) George, Pamela Texas Family Law - Precedent & Procedure - (2012 ed.) (George)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Paulsen, James FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Paulsen, James FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Paulsen, James Produced his own personal collection
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Smyth, Sallee Texas Family Law - Precedent & Procedure - (2012 ed.) (George)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Warne, Judy No Book
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Warne, Judy No Book
Federal Courts Reed, Harry L. Federal Courts: Cases & Materials 12th
Federal Courts Reed, Harry L. Textbook Unknown
Federal Courts Rensberger, Jeffrey L. FEDERAL COURTS, CASES, COMMENTS, AND QUESTIONS (Redish, Sherry, and Pfander) (7th ed.)
Federal Criminal Procedure Corn, Geoffrey Can't Remember
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Burke & Friel, Taxation of Individual Income (12th ed.)
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Burke & Friel, Taxation of Individual Income (13th ed.)
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Burke and Friel, Taxation of Individual Income, 12th ed. ISBN: 978-1531008727
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Fed Income Tax, 13th - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind &
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Federal Income Taxation - Cases Problems, and Materials - 4th Edition
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Federal Taxation
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Taxation of Individual Income (Burke & Friel, 9th ed.)
Federal Income Tax McGovern, Bruce Taxation of Individual Income (Burke & Friel, 9th ed.)
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Bankman, Shaviro, Stark and Kleinbard. Federal Income Taxation 17th ed. ISBN: 9781454871026. Wolters Kluwer.
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Federal Income Taxation - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, and Stephen 14th Edition
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Fundamentals of Federal Income Tax
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Fundamentals of Federal Income Tax
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 14th Edition, Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, and Stephens
Federal Income Tax Musselman, James Lind, Lathrope, and Field. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation. 2022 ISBN 9781685611927 West Academic Publishing
Federal Income Tax Rensberger, Jeffrey L. Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill, PROPERTY (6 ed.)
Federal Income Tax Segall FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark Federal Income Taxation Freeland
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation
Federal Income Tax Siegel, Mark FUNDAMENTALS OF FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION (16th Ed., 2011) - Freeland
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Fed Income Tax, 13th - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind &
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Federal Income Taxation - Freeland Lathrope Lind and Stephens, 19th Edition
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Freeland, Lathrope, Lind & Stephens, Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 19th ed., Foundation Press (2018).
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, Stephens
Federal Income Tax Yamamoto, Kevin TAX PROCESS AND PROCEDURE
First Amendment Alfini, James J. Choper and Schauer. First Amendment: Cases, Comments, and Questions
First Amendment Bergin, Kathleen 1st Amendment Law
First Amendment Bergin, Kathleen First Amendment (Cases and Commentary)
First Amendment Bergin, Kathleen First Amendment (Cases and Commentary)
First Amendment Bergin, Kathleen No Book
First Amendment Kelso, R. Randall Cohen, William The First Amendment: Constitutional Protection of Expression and Conscience
First Amendment Kelso, R. Randall Kelso, First Amendment
First Amendment Kelso, R. Randall Professor created textbook
First Amendment Kelso, R. Randall Professor Ebook
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Cant Remember
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" First Amendment Course Materials
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" His own text
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" N/A
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" N/A (No text book)
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" No Book
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" No Text Book, Various Printouts and Discussion Questions
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" None - Class Materials
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Own Book
First Amendment Rhodes, Charles "Rocky" Packet
Health Law Carnahan, Sandra Health Care Law
Immigration Law Rempell, Scott Immigration and Citizenship Process and Policy (American Casebook Series), Aleinikoff
Information Privacy Bernstein, Gaia Solove and Schwartz. Information Privacy Law 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781454849537. Wolters Kluwer.
Insurance Law Platts, Henry Jr. No Book
Insurance Law Platts, Henry Jr. Self-Written
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. Consumer Transactions
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. Course Packet
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. his own
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. Insurance Law
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. INSURANCE LAW
Insurance Law Platts Jr., Henry S. teach made packet
Insurance Law Wilks, William INSURANCE LAW
Intellectual Property Field, Ted Intellectual Property Litigation
Intellectual Property Page, Phillip introduction to design
International Business Transactions Taylor, Cherie International Business Transactions
International Business Transactions Taylor, Cherie International Business Transactions
International Law Graving, Richard J. International Law (3rd Edition) - Janis, Noyes
International Law Graving, Richard J. International Law (3rd Edition) - Janis, Noyes
International Law Taylor, Cherie International Law-Janis
International Law & Use of Force Corn, Geoffrey No Book
International Taxation McGovern, Bruce U.S. Taxation of International Transactions
Labor Law Rutledge, Njeri Mathis LABOR LAW
Law and Medicine Carnahan, Sandra Issues in Healthcare Law
Law of Armed Conflict Corn, Geoffrey Corn, Gurule, Kahn, Corn
Law of Armed Conflict Corn, Geoffrey International law of armed conflict - Corn et al
Law of Armed Conflict Corn, Geoffrey No Book
Legal Research and Writing Correa, Daniel Coughlin, Rocklin and Patrick. A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis 2nd ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781611633979. Carolina Academic Press.
Legal Research and Writing Rutledge, Njeri Mathis Slocum
Legal Research and Writing Sparling, Tobin no text book, course pack
Legislation Todd, Robert Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Legislation Todd, Robert Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of Public Policy, 4th Eskridge
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela George, Pamela E. George on Texas Marital Property Rights: Cases and Materials 2017-2018 ISBN 978605031156. Imprimatur Press
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2013 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2013 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2014 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2014 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2017 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela Texas Marital Property
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela unknown
Marital Property (see also Community Property) George, Pamela unknown
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James MARITAL PROPERTY
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James Pamela E. George, Texas Marital Property Rights (2013 ed.)
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James Texas Marital Property
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James Texas Marital Property
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Musselman, James Texas Marital Property
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Paulsen, James class packet- no book
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Paulsen, James his own
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Paulsen, James Self-Written
Marital Property (see also Community Property) Pence-England, Angela Texas Marital Property
Mediation Berman, Debra Custom Print Book
Mediation Berman, Debra Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton, “Getting to Yes,” Penguin Books (3rd Ed. 2011)
Mediation Wettman, Bruce Mediation by Kimberlee Kovach
Mediation Wettman, Bruce Mediation by Kimberlee Kovach
Medical Liability Carnahan, Sandra Liability & Quality Issues in Health Care
National Security Law Corn, Geoffrey National Security Law
National Security Law Corn, Geoffrey Professor Created Pack
Natural Resources Law Ortiz, Francesca Federal Public Land and Resources Law
Negotiations Kovach, Kimberly Roger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton, GETTING TO YES (2d ed. 1991) G. Richard Shell, BARGA
Oil and Gas Brownman, Chuck Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (6th edition) by Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce, and Kulander
Oil and Gas Festa, Matthew J. Harry Reed & Michael Jones, Selected Oil & Gas Cases for Texas (Imprimatur Press, 2d ed. 2015)
Oil and Gas Festa, Matthew J. Selected Oil & Gas Cases for Texas - 2015
Oil and Gas Festa, Matthew J. Selected Oil & Gas Cases for Texas - 2015
Oil and Gas Festa, Matthew J. Selected Oil & Gas Cases for Texas 2015
Oil and Gas Jones, Michael No Book
Oil and Gas Jones, Michael OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Jones, Michael Selected Oil & Gas Cases for Texas 2010
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. Cases & Materials in Oil & Gas, 6th Edition (2013), Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce and Kuhlander
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law (American Casebook Series)
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. LOWE, ANDERSON, SMITH, PIERCE & KULANDER, CASES AND MATERIALS ON OIL AND GAS LAW (7th ed. Thomson/West 2018)
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. Oil and Gas Law 6th Ed. Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce, Kulander.
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, Pierce, & Kulander 6th Ed.
Oil and Gas Kulander, Christopher S. Primer on the Texas Law of Oil and Gas, 5th Edition
Oil and Gas Read, Frank Oil and Gas Law; Lowe, Anderson, Smith, & Pierce, 5th Ed.
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. Collection of cases and notes/questions compiled by professor
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. OIL AND GAS
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. Texas Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials
Oil and Gas Reed, Harry L. unknown
Oil and Gas Strausser, Jeffrey OIL AND GAS
Partnership Tax McGovern, Bruce Fundamentals of Partnership Taxation: Cases and Materials (8th ed. 2008)
Patent Field, Ted Cases and Materials on Patent Law (3d ed, West 2009)
Patent Field, Ted Cases and Materials on Patent Law (American Casebooks) Martin J. Adelman
Patent Katz, Paul Principles Of Patent Law - Schechter
Patent Katz, Paul Principles of Patent Law, 2nd edition, Schecter & Thomas
Patent Shurn, Peter Patent Law, Cases and Materials - Third Edition - Adelman, Rader, Thomas
Patent Shurn, Peter Patent Litigation
Payment Systems East, W. David No Book
Payment Systems East, W. David Payment Systems Mann
Payment Systems East, W. David payment systems, Mann
Payment Systems East, W. David Whaley and McJohn. Problems and Materials on Payment Law 10th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454863328. Wolters Kluwer.
Payment Systems Hague, David Douglas Whaley, Problems and Materials on Payment Law (9th ed. 2012)
Payment Systems Rochvarg, Arnold DOUGLAS J. WHALEY, PROBLEMS AND MATERIALS ON PAYMENT LAW (8th ed. 2008)
Payment Systems Rochvarg, Arnold Payment Systems
Payment Systems Rochvarg, Arnold Whaley and McJohn “Problems and Materials on Payment Law” (10th)
Payment Systems Rochvarg, Arnold Whaley and McJohn. Problems and Materials on Payment Law 10th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454863328. Wolters Kluwer.
Payment Systems Worley, John Payment Systems
Payment Systems Worley, John Payment Systems
Payment Systems Worley, John Payment Systems
Payment Systems Worley, John Payment Systems
Payment Systems Worley, John payment systems and credit instruments
Payment Systems Worley, John Payment Systems, Rusch
Payment Systems Worley, John payments and credits
Payment Systems Zinnecker, Timothy payment system
Payment Systems Zinnecker, Timothy Payment Systems
Payment Systems Zinnecker, Timothy Payment Systems, Banking and Documentary Transactions: Problems, Cases, Comments
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine TEXAS TRIAL - PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine TEXAS TRIAL - PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine TEXAS TRIAL - PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine TEXAS TRIAL - PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine TEXAS TRIAL - PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pre-Trial Procedure Carlson, Elaine William Dorsaneo, Elizabeth Thornburg, Elaine Grafton Carlson, David Crump. Texas Civil Procedure: Trial and Appellate Practice
Professional Responsibility Alfini, James J. Crystal, Nathan M., Professional Responsibility: Problems of Practice and the Profession, Fourth Edi
Professional Responsibility Alfini, James J. Professional Responsibility - Crystal
Professional Responsibility Alfini, James J. Professional Responsibility: Problems of Practice and the Profession - Crystal, 4th ed
Professional Responsibility Bauman, John Connecting Ethics and Practice: A Lawyer’s Guide to Professional Responsibility by Katerina Lewinbuk
Professional Responsibility Bauman, John Morgan & Rotunda, Professional Responsibility (11th ed. 2011)
Professional Responsibility Bauman, John Morgan & Rotunda, Professional Responsibility, 12th ed.
Professional Responsibility Bauman, John Professional Responsibility: Problems of Practice and the Profession - Crystal, 4th ed
Professional Responsibility Degraw, Sandra Professional Responsibility (9th Edition) (Morgan Rotunda)
Professional Responsibility Lewinbuk, Katerina Connecting Ethics and Practice: A Lawyer's Guide to Professional Responsibility, Second Edition by Katerina P. Lewinbuk
Professional Responsibility Lewinbuk, Katerina No Book
Professional Responsibility Lewinbuk, Katerina Professor Lewinbuk's Authored Book
Professional Responsibility Powers, Jean Fleming Professional Responsibility - Powers
Professional Responsibility Wilks, William Professional Responsibility Problems and Materials
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Bauman, John Professional Responsibility: Problems of Practice and the Profession - Crystal, 4th ed
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Collette PRO. RESP.
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Degraw, Sandra PRO. RESP.
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Degraw, Sandra PRO. RESP.
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Degraw, Sandra PRO. RESP.
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Degraw, Sandra unknown
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Powers, Jean Fleming Ethical Lawyering
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Powers, Ann Ethical Lawyering
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Powers, Jean Fleming professional responsibility
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Powers, Jean Fleming unknown
Professional Sports and the Law Champion, Walter Champions Textbook
Property I Blackman, Josh 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier 8th Ed.
Property I Blackman, Josh Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Blackman, Josh Dukeminier et al. Property 9th ed. 2018. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9781454881995.
Property I Blackman, Josh Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill and Strahilevitz. Property 8th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454851363. Wolters Kluwer.
Property I Blackman, Josh Property 8th Edition Dukeminier
Property I Collette REAL PROPERTY
Property I East, W. David Property (Dukeminier & Krier, 5th ed.)
Property I Festa, Matthew J. 1L Property - Dukeminier 8th Edition