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New England Law, Boston

New England Law, Boston

Class Professor Text Book
Administrative Law Dargo, George Administrative Law
Administrative Law Dargo, George Administrative Law
Administrative Law Dargo, George Administrative Procedure and Practice (Funk)
Administrative Law Dargo, George Can't Remember
Administrative Law Manus, Peter Administrative Law (Cass, Diver, Beerman)
Administrative Law Manus, Peter Administrative Law Cases and Materials by Cass, Diver, Beermann, Freeman, Sixth Edition
Administrative Law Manus, Peter Administrative Law Cases and Materials by Cass, Diver, Beermann, Freeman, Sixth Edition
Administrative Law Manus, Peter Administrative Law: A Casebook, Seventh Edition
Administrative Law Manus, Peter Cass, Diver, Beermann and Freeman. Administrative Law: Cases and Materials 7th ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781454866985. Wolters Kluwer.
Advanced Legal Analysis Coulthard, Robert None Used
American Indian Law Dussias, Allison Getches, Wilkinson, Williams, and Fletcher, Cases and Materials on Federal Indian Law (6th ed.)
Antitrust Law Cooper, Gary Antitrust Law in Perspective (Gavil)
Business Associations Paradis, Daniel Bainbridge 11th Ed.
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Dussias, Allison Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Business Organizations Bishop, Gary 8th edition 2012 of Klein, Ramseyer, & Bainbridge, Business Associations: Cases and Materials
Business Organizations Bishop, Gary Business Organizations 2nd Ed
Business Organizations Bishop, Gary lopucki
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Business Associaitons- Klien
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Business Associations - Klein 7th
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Business Associations : J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. Bainbridge, William A Klein 8th Ed.
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison I am not sure
Business Organizations Dussias, Allison Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge - Business Associations (“Bainbridge”) 8th Edition
Business Organizations Finneran, Susan Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Organizations Finneran, Susan Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Organizations Hyman, Wilton Business Associations, Klein, Ramseyer, Bainbridge, 6th Edition
Business Organizations Lustig, Eric Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations
Business Organizations Lustig, Eric Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Organizations Lustig, Eric Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Organizations Lustig, Eric Business Organizations Klein 4th edition
Business Organizations Paradis, Daniel Unsure
Business Organizations Salter, Sarah Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Organizations Salter, Sarah Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Civil Procedure I Cox, Stan 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Cox, Stan Civil Procedure - Freer & Perdue, Fifth Edition
Civil Procedure I Cox, Stan Civil Procedure - Freer & Perdue, Fifth Edition
Civil Procedure I Cox, Stan Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions, Lexis-Nexis 4th Ed. 2005, Freer & Perdue
Civil Procedure I Dinnerstein, Michael Civil Procedure Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence 1L Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence BABCOCK, ET AL., CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES AND PROBLEMS (Wolters Kluwer, 6th ed. 2017) (“BABCOCK”)
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Civil Procedure - Ides and May
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Civil Procedure Cases and Problems, Ides and May, 3rd edition
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Ides & May, Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Ides & May, Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence IDES & MAY,CIVIL PROCEDURE:CASES AND PROBLEMS (Aspen, 4th ed. 2012)
Civil Procedure I Friedman, Lawrence Red
Civil Procedure I Hamilton, Phillip Civil Procedure - Ides and May
Civil Procedure I Hamilton, Phillip Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure I Hamilton, Philip Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure I Hamilton, Phillip Ides and May: Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems (Aspen, 3rd ed. 2009)
Civil Procedure I Hamilton, Phillip unknown
Civil Procedure I Lyness, Sean Subran, Minow, Brodin, Main and Lava. Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context 6th. ed. ISBN: 9781543815603. Walters Kluwer
Civil Procedure I Siegel, David CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Civil Procedure I Singer, Jordan M. Subin
Civil Procedure I Singer, Jordan M. Subrin, Minow, Brodin, Main, and Lahav, Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context (4th ed.)
Civil Procedure I Smith, W.P. Colin Civil Procedure - Perlman, Glannon
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles 1L Civ Pro book
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles 1L Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Babcock, Massaro and Spaulding. Civil Procedure Cases and Problems 6th ed. ISBN: 9781454876458. Wolters Kluwer.
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Civil Procedure - Benjamin Spencer
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Civil Procedure - Freer & Collins Perdue, 6th ed. 2012
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Civil Procedure Freer
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Freer & Perdue, CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES, MATERIALS, AND QUESTIONS (6TH ed. 2012)
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Freer & Perdue, CIVIL PROCEDURE: CASES, MATERIALS, AND QUESTIONS (6TH ed. 2012)
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Sorenson, Charles Freer, Perdue, Civil Procedure Cases, Materials, and Questions, Eighth Edition
Civil Procedure I Ticcioni, Daniel A. Civil Procedure -- Ides May
Civil Procedure II Hamilton, Philip Civil Procedure - Ides and May
Civil Procedure II Singer, Jordan M. 1L Civil Procedure Book
Civil Procedure II Singer, Jordan M. Civil Procedure - Doctrine, Practice, & Context (5th) - Subrin, Minow, et. al.
Civil Procedure II Singer, Jordan Civil Procedure Doctrine, Practice, and Context 5th edition Subrin Mindow Brodin Main
Civil Procedure II Singer, Jordan M. Subrin, Minow, Brodin, Main, and Lahav, Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context (4th ed.)
Civil Procedure II Sorenson, Charles Freer, Perdue, Civil Procedure Cases, Materials, and Questions, Eighth Edition
Conflicts of Law Hyman, Wilton Conflicts of Law
Conflicts of Law Ticcioni, Daniel A. Conflicts of Law
Constitutional Law I Cerone, John P. Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Cerone, John P. Sullivan and Gunther 16th
Constitutional Law I Cox, Stan Kathleen Sullivan & Gerald Gunther, Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Dargo, George Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence American Constitutional Law Powers & Liberties
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence American Constitutional Law Powers & Liberties
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence American Constitutional Law Structure and Reconstruction 4th
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Charles A. Shanor, American Constitutional Law (5th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Colatrella and Picchioni. Mediation: Skills and Techniques ISBN: 9781422406670. LexisNexis.
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence CON LAW
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence HANOR, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: STRUCTURE AND RECONSTRUCTION (West, 5th ed. 2012)
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Massey
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (4th ed. 2009)
Constitutional Law I Friedman, Lawrence Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (5th ed. 2012)
Constitutional Law I Garza, Sonya Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Garza, Sonya Constitutional Law - Sullivan and Gunther
Constitutional Law I Garza, Sonya Constitutional Law, Chemerinsky
Constitutional Law I Haynes, Dina American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (6th ed. 2017), by Charles A. Shanor
Constitutional Law I Haynes, Dina American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (6th ed. 2017), by Charles A. Shanor
Constitutional Law I Haynes, Dina Constitutional Law by SHANOR
Constitutional Law I Haynes, Dina Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (4th ed. 2009)
Constitutional Law I Haynes, Dina Shanor, American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction (5th ed. 2012)
Constitutional Law I Lyness, Sean Friedman, Lawrence. Modern Constitutional Law, Cases, Problems and Practice 1st ed. ISBN: 9781454859659. Wolters Kluwer.
Constitutional Law I Manus, Peter Modern Constitutional Law - First Edition- Lawerance Friedman
Constitutional Law I O'Toole, Robert Massey
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth con law sullivan
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth Constituional Law
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth Constitutional Law by SHANOR
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth Constitutional Law, 17th (University Casebook) Kathleen M. Sullivan, Gerald Gunther
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth Constiutional Law
Constitutional Law I Spahn, Elizabeth Sullivan & Gunther
Construction Law Spahn, Elizabeth Constitutional Law- Sullivan & Gunther (15th ed)
Consumer Protection Kaplan, Richard consumer protection
Contracts Abely, Christine Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Ansah, Tawia 1st Semester
Contracts Ansah, Tawia 2nd Semester
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Contracts - Knapp, Crystal & Prince, 6th Edition
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Contracts by Knapp
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Knapp Crystal Prince
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Knapp, Crystal, Prince
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Knapp, Crystal, Prince
Contracts Ansah, Tawia Problems in Contract Law -- Knapp, Crystal, & Prin
Contracts Bishop, Gary Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Bishop, Gary Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts Bishop, Gary Knapp, Crystal, Prince, Hart and Silverstein. Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials. 10th ed. ISBN: 9781543856309. Aspen Publishing.
Contracts Child, Richard Cases and Materials on Contracts (7 ed Farnsworth)
Contracts Child, Richard Cases and Materials on Contracts (7 ed Farnsworth)
Contracts Child, Richard Farnsworth, Young & Sanger: Contracts, Cases and Materials, 7th ed.
Contracts Cooper, Davalene Blum, Brian. Examples & Explanations for Contracts 7th ed. ISBN: 9781454868415. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Cooper, Davalene C. Knapp, N. Crystal & H. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials
Contracts Cooper, Davalene Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Cooper, Davalene Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Finneran, Susan 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Finneran, Susan Cases and Materials on Contracts, 7th Ed. by Farnsworth
Contracts Finneran, Susan Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Finneran, Susan Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Finneran, Susan Contracts - Farnsworth
Contracts Finneran, Susan Contracts, Cases and Materials (6th Ed.) Farnsworth, Young, Sang
Contracts Finneran, Susan unknown
Contracts Lewis, Wayne Charles L. Knapp, Nathan M. Crystal, and Harry G. Prince, Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials (Wolters Kluwer (Aspen) Ninth Edition - ISBN #9781543801477).
Contracts Lewis, Wayne Crandall and Whaley. Cases, Problems, and Materials on Contracts 7th ed. ISBN: 9781454864653. Aspen.
Contracts Monserud, Gary 1 L Contracts
Contracts Monserud, Gary Contracts
Contracts Monserud, Gary Contracts, Knapps
Contracts Monserud, Gary dawson harvey henderson baird
Contracts Monserud, Gary Knapp Crystal Prince, Problems in Contract Law , 7th ed. (Aspen)
Contracts Monserud, Gary Kunz and Chomsky. Contracts: A Contemporary approach 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780314283078. West Academic Publishing.
Contracts Monserud, Gary Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials (Knapp, Crystal, & Prince)
Contracts Nyquist, Curtis Contracts - Dawson
Contracts Sheldon, Tina Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts VerSteeg, Russell Contracts
Contracts II Abely, Christine Knapp, Crystal and Prince. Problems in Contract Law: Cases & Materials Casebook 8th ed. 2016 ISBN: 9781454868224. Wolters Kluwer
Contracts II Cooper, Davalene Forgot the Textbook Name
Contracts II Cooper, Davalene Templin, Ben. Contracts: A Modern Casebook 2017 ISBN: 9781454877028. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts II Monserud, Gary Contracts Cases and Problems
Contracts II Nyquist, Curtis Contract I
Contracts II Nyquist, Curtis Contracts - Knapp, Crystal, Prince
Contracts II VerSteeg, Russell Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Selections for Contracts, 2016 ed. ISBN: 9781634602952. Foundation Press.
Copyright VerSteeg, Russell COPYRIGHT
Copyright VerSteeg, Russell Copywright LAw
Criminal Law Berman, Micah 1L Crim book
Criminal Law Berman, Micah 1L Crim book
Criminal Law Berman, Micah Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene American Criminal Law
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene Can't Remember
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene Cases and Material on Criminal Law-Dressler-5th Edition
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Cooper, Davalene Criminal Law (Dressler)
Criminal Law Dolan, Daniel Dressler and Garvey 9th Edition
Criminal Law Dortch-Okara, Barbara Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Eldred, Tigran W. 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Eldred, Tigran W. 1L Criminal Law
Criminal Law Eldred, Tigran W. Criminal Law a Contemporary Approach, Weaver, et. al.
Criminal Law Eldred, Tigran W. Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer and Friedland. Criminal Procedure Cases, Problems & Exercises 5th ed. ISBN: 9780314279460. West.
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor Crim Law Dressler
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor Criminal Law
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor Criminal Law (Dressler)
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor criminal law cases and materials 8th edition Joshua Dressler
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Hansen, Victor Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Meyer, Chance CRIMINAL LAW, Cases and Materials, (Eighth Edition), by Joshua Dressler and Stephen P. Garvey
Criminal Law Schulze, Louis 1l Criminal Law Book Dressler
Criminal Law Schulze, Louis case and materials crim law
Criminal Law Schulze, Louis Myron Moskovitz, CASES AND PROBLEMS IN CRIMINAL LAW (5th ed. 2005).
Criminal Law Siegel, David Criminal Law -- Dressler
Criminal Law Siegel, David Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Siegel, David Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure Eldred, Tigran W. Lee, Richardson and Lawson. Criminal Procedure: Cases and Materials 1st ed. ISBN: 9780314290205. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Procedure Eldred, Tigran W. Ric Simmons and Renee McDonald Hutchins, Learning Criminal Procedure, 2nd ed. (West, ISBN: 978-1642424218)* (S&H
Criminal Procedure Epps, Felecia Criminal Procedure-Dressler
Criminal Procedure Hansen, Victor CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Hansen, Victor Criminal Procedure, Tomkovicz & White (6th Edition)
Criminal Procedure Hansen, Victor CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, TOMKOVICZ & WHITE, 4TH ED.
Criminal Procedure Hansen, Victor Criminal Procedure: Constitutional Constraints Upon Investigation and Proof (White and Tomkovicz)
Criminal Procedure Hansen, Victor Tomkovicz & White, Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Criminal Procedure, Weaver, Burkoff, Hancock, Hoeffel, Singer, Friedland
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Criminal Procedure-Dressler
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Kamisar, LaFave, Israel & King
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Learning Criminal Procedure, a casebook by Professor Simmons and Professor Hutchins
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Ric Simmons & Renee McDonald Hutchins, Learning Criminal Procedure, 2nd Ed. (West 2019), ISBN: 9781642424218
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Russell L. Weaver, et al, Criminal Procedure: Cases, Problems and Exercises (Thomson/West, 5th Editi
Criminal Procedure Siegel, David Unsure
Criminal Procedure Sorenson, Charles CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Criminal Procedure Tidwell, Natashia 2009 Criminal Procedure Textbook
Criminal Procedure Tidwell, Natashia 2012 Criminal Procedure by Chemerinsky and Levenson
Criminal Procedure Tidwell, Natashia Criminal Procedure-Dressler
Education Law Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Can't Remember
Environmental Law Manus, Peter ENVIRONMENTAL LAW
Environmental Law Williamson, Timothy Farber, Freeman and Carlson. Cases and Materials on Environmental Law 9th ed. ISBN: 9780314283986. West.
Environmental Law Williamson, Timothy Farber, Freeman, & Carlson, Cases and Materials on Environmental Law (9th Ed, Thomson/West 2014)
Equities and Remedies Ticcioni, Daniel A. modern american remedies 3rd ed
Ethical Lawyering Child, Richard GILLERS, REGULATION OF LAWYERS (8th ed. 2009)
Ethical Lawyering Cooper, Davalene Ethics
Ethical Lawyering Eldred, Tigran W. Lisa G. Lerman & Philip G. Schrag, Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (3d. Ed., Aspen 2102)
Ethical Lawyering Garza, Sonya The Law and Ethics of Lawyering
Ethical Lawyering Haynes, Dina Ethical Problems inthe Practice of Law
Ethical Lawyering Haynes, Dina Gillers, Regulation of Lawyers
Ethical Lawyering Kaufman, Nancy Ethics
Ethical Lawyering Kaufman, Nancy Gillers, Regulation of Lawyers
Ethics Neves-McCain, Chanal Unsure
Ethics Woolf, Jeffrey Lerman and Schrag. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law 2016 ISBN: 9781454863045. Aspen Press.
Evidence Eldred, Tigran W. Evidence - Cases and Materials, 10th Edition, Waltz & Park
Evidence Eldred, Tigran W. Evidence - Fisher: 2nd Edition
Evidence Eldred, Tigran W. Evidence, George Fisher (2d ed.).
Evidence Eldred, Tigran W. Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Eldred, Tigran W. Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Epps, Valerie EVIDENCE
Evidence Hamilton, Phillip EVIDENCE
Evidence Hamilton, Philip Evidence Under the Rules - Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Hamilton, Phillip Mueller, Kirkpatrick
Evidence Hansen, Victor Can't Remember
Evidence Hansen, Victor EVIDENCE
Evidence Hansen, Victor Evidence (University Casebook) 2nd Edition
Evidence Hansen, Victor Evidence Under The Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems 6th Edition by Mueller Kirkpatrick
Evidence Hansen, Victor Evidence, 4th Ed. George Fisher
Evidence Hansen, Victor Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Siegel, David EVIDENCE
Evidence Siegel, David Evidence Fall 2006
Evidence Tidwell, Natashia Evidence 3rd Edition, George Fisher
Evidence Tidwell, Natashia Evidence Fisher 3rd Edition 2013
Evidence Tidwell, Natashia GEORGE FISHER, EVIDENCE (2d ed. 2008)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Biscardi, Rachel Cases And Materials on Family Law by Judith C. Areen and Judith Areen (2006, Hardcover)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Black, Barbara FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Cornell, Andrew P. FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Cornell, Andrew P. FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Garza, Sonya Can't Remember
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Garza, Sonya FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Greenberg, Judith Cases and Materials on Family Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Greenberg, Judith Modern Family Law (5th ed.)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Greenberg, Judith Weisberg and Appleton, MODERN FAMILY LAW (3d ed., 2006).
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Greenberg, Judith Weisberg and Appleton. Modern Family Law: Cases and Materials  6th ed.    ISBN: 9781454870050. Wolters Kluwer. 
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Greenberg, Judith Weisberg and Appleton. Modern Family Law: Cases and Materials  6th ed.    ISBN: 9781454870050. Wolters Kluwer. 
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Farber and Carlson. Environmental Law: Cases and Materials  9th ed.    ISBN: 9780314283986. West Academic Publishing. 
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Modern Family Law
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Modern Family Law - Weisberg 4th Ed
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Todd, Gary Weisberg and Appleton. Modern Family Law: Cases and Materials  6th ed.    ISBN: 9781454870050. Wolters Kluwer. 
Federal Income Tax Lustig, Eric Federal Income Taxation - Schmalbeck, Zelenak Second Edition
First Amendment Silverman, Justin Chemerinsky, Erwin. The First Amendment. ISBN 978-1543804652
Immigration Law Haynes, Dina Stephen H. Legomsky, Immigration and refugee Law and Policy (Foundation Press: 7th ed., 2018).
Income Taxation Hyman, Wilton Federal Income Tax (Graetz, Schenk)
Income Taxation Hyman, Wilton Federal Income Taxation - Freeland, Lathrope, Lind, and Stephen 14th Edition
Income Taxation Hyman, Wilton Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Income Taxation Hyman, Wilton Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Insurance Law Miller, Alan R. Can't Remember
Intellectual Property Singer, Jordan M. Menell, Peter; Lemley, Mark; Merges, Robert. Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age 2023 Vol. II Copyrights, Trademarks and State IP Protections p. 2 - . Clause 8 Publishing. Kin
Intellectual Property VerSteeg, Russell Lange, LaFrance and Myer. Intellectual Property: Cases and Materials 4th ed. ISBN: 9780314906861. West.
International Law Laplante, Lisa J. Janis and Noyes' International Law, Cases and Commentary, 4th (American Casebook Series)
Juvenile Law Lawton, Judge Mark Judge Lawton course packet
Land Use Controls Bobrowski, Mark Can't Remember
Law and Ethics Child, Richard Gillers, Regulation of Lawyers: Problems of Law and Ethics (9th)
Law and the Visual Arts Carroll, Megan Law Ethics & the Arts
Lawyer's Ethics Eldred, Tigran W. Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law (Lerman & Schrag, 2nd ed.)
Massachusetts Practice Donovan, Michael Assorted Statutes/Rules of Procedure
Mediation Dorsey, Michelle Can't Remember
Modern Real Estate Transactions Teich, Paul Can't Remember
New York Practice Donovan, Michael unknown
Nonprofit Organizations Lustig, Eric Schmidt, Nonprofit Law: The Life Cycle of a Charitable Organization
Patent Herlihy, Eileen Principles of Patent Law, 4th Ed., Kieff, Newman, Schwartz, Smith
Patent McCarthy, Alison Principles of Patent Law: Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition, Kieff, F. Scott, et al
Personal Income Tax Hyman, Wilton Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Post Conviction Relief Susich, E. David Class Casebook
Post Conviction Relief Susich, E. David No Book
Professional Responsibility (see also Ethical Lawyering) Cooper, Davalene Gillers, Regulation of Lawyers
Property I Bobrowski, Mark Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Bobrowski, Mark Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Bobrowski, Mark PROPERTY Dukeminier
Property I Bobrowski, Mark Property law : ownership, use, and conservation : cases and materials / by Paul Goldstein, Barton H.
Property I Greenberg, Judith Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices by Joseph Singer 6th edition
Property I Haynes, Dina Property - Dukeminier 6th
Property I Herlihy, Eileen Can't Remember
Property I Herlihy, Eileen Property
Property I Herlihy, Eileen Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Herlihy, Eileen Property (Dukeminier & Krier, 5th ed.)
Property I Karol, Peter Casebook: Joseph William Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (5th edition 2010)
Property I Karol, Peter Joseph William Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices
Property I Karol, Peter Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices, 6th Ed., Joseph William Singer (Aspen 2014)
Property I Karol, Peter Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices, 7th Ed., Singer, Berger, Davidson and Peñalver (Wolters Kluwer 2017) (“Singer”)
Property I Karol, Peter Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Karol, Peter Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Karol, Peter Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Lyness, Sean Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Manus, Peter 1L Property
Property I Teich, Paul 1L Property - Blue Book
Property I Teich, Paul Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Teich, Paul Property (8th ed.) by Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, S
Property I Teich, Paul Property 5th Ed. - Dukeminier
Property I Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Property law : ownership, use, and conservation by Goldstein and Thompson
Property I Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices by Joseph Singer (7th edition)
Property I Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 6th ed. 2014 ISBN: 9781454837619. Aspen Casebook.
Property I Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property I Tracz, Eliot Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 8th ed. 2021 ISBN: 9781543838534. Aspen Publishing.
Property I Varyani, Natasha Joseph Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (5th ed. 2010)
Property I Varyani, Natasha Property Law - 7th Edition- Singer
Property I Varyani, Natasha Singer and Berger, Property Law, 7th ed.
Property II Greenberg, Judith Joseph Singer, Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices (5th ed. 2010)
Property II Herlihy, Eileen PROPERTY, Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, & Schill (Sixth Edition, Aspen)
Property II Karol, Peter Property Law: Rules, Policies and Practices, 6th Ed., Joseph William Singer
Property II Karol, Peter Singer, Berger, Davidson and Penalver. Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices 7th ed. 2017 ISBN: 9781454881797. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Property II Manus, Peter Property (8th ed.) by Cribbet, Johnson, Findley, S
Property II Teich, Paul 1L Property
Property II Teich, Paul 1L Property Casebook Dukeminier
Property II Teixeira de Sousa, Monica Property
Property II Varyani, Natasha Singer and Berger. Property Law: Rules Policies & Practices 7th ed
Real Estate Transactions Smith, Colin Real Estate Transactions, 2d ed., Malloy and Smith,
Remedies Cooper, Davalene unknown
Remedies Monserud, Gary Can't Remember
Remedies Plumeri, Barbara unknown
Sales Monserud, Gary Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Sales Nyquist, Curtis Sales and Secured Transactions
Sales Nyquist, Curtis unknown
Sales Nyquist, Curtis Whaley, Problems and Materials on Commercial Law (9th Edition 2008) Aspen Publishers.
Sales and Leasing Monserud, Gary Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Sales and Leasing Monserud, Gary Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Sales and Leasing Nyquist, Curtis Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Sales and Leasing VerSteeg, Russell Commercial Law (Problems and Materials) Douglas Whaley
Sales and Secured Financing Bishop, Gary Barnes, Epstein, Franzese, Tu, Core Commercial Concepts (West Academic, 2018)
Sales of Goods (see also UCC article 9) Monserud, Gary Comercial Law Cases and Materials - UCC 2006 ed
Secured Transactions Child, Richard Problems & Materials on Commercial Law, Douglas Wh
Secured Transactions Monserud, Gary SECURED TRANSACTIONS
Secured Transactions Nyquist, Curtis Problems and Materials on Commercial Law
Securities Regulation Bishop, Gary Securities Regulation - Choi and Pritchard
Sports Law VerSteeg, Russell Sports Law
Sports Law VerSteeg, Russell Sports Law: Cases and Materials
Sports Law VerSteeg, Russell Sports Law: Cases and Materials
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Torts Berman, Micah Goldberg Tort Law, Responsibilities and Redress
Torts Berman, Micah Goldberg, Sebok & Zipursky, Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress (2nd Ed. 2008, Aspen) (ISBN 978-0
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Torts Fitzgerald, Erin Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Fitzgerald, Erin Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Greenberg, Judith 1 L Torts
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Torts Greenberg, Judith Dobbs et al., Torts and Compensation (Concise Edition, 8th Edition)
Torts Greenberg, Judith Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Greenberg, Judith Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Greenberg, Judith Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Greenberg, Judith Torts
Torts Greenberg, Judith Torts - Prosser
Torts Greenberg, Judith Torts and Compensation concise 6th Edition by Dobbs, Hayden, and Bublick
Torts Laplante, Lisa J. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes and Problems, Fourth Edition (Aspen Publishers 2014)
Torts Laplante, Lisa J. Best and Barnes. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes & Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454849360. Aspen.
Torts Laplante, Lisa J. Best and Barnes. Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes & Problems 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454849360. Aspen.
Torts Lewis, Wayne D. Dobbs, P. Hayden, E. Bublick. Torts and Compensation (7th ed.)
Torts Lewis, Wayne D. Dobbs, P. Hayden, E. Bublick. Torts and Compensation (7th ed.)
Torts Lewis, Wayne Dobbs, Hayden & Bublick, Torts and Compensation (Thomson 7th Ed. Concise 2013)
Torts Lustig, Eric 1L Textbook
Torts Lustig, Eric 1L Torts and Compensation 7th Edition
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Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury (9th ed. 2022).
Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 8th ed. ISBN: 978-1-64360-818-3 West Academic
Torts Lustig, Eric Dobbs, Torts and compensation, 5th edition, 2005
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Wills, Trusts, and Estates Schenkel, Kent D. Wills, Trusts and Estates by Sitkoff and Dukeminier (10th edition)
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