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can't remember - Fall 2020

can't remember - Fall 2020

School Class Professor
Marquette University Law School Criminal Law Oldfather, Chad
Marquette University Law School Federal Income Tax Lindsey, Vada
Marquette University Law School Torts Lemann, Alex
Notre Dame Law School Contracts Velasco, Julian
Notre Dame Law School Free Speech Pruitt, David
Notre Dame Law School Torts Snead, Carter
Rutgers University, Camden Criminal Procedure: Investigation Leone, George
University of Baltimore School of Law Contracts Tiefer, Charles
University of Memphis Family Law (see also Marital Property) Kerley, Carrie
University of South Carolina Antitrust Wheeler, Travis C.
University of South Carolina Corporate Taxation Wallace, Clint
University of South Carolina Securities Regulation McWilliams, Martin C.
Washington University School of Law Family Law (see also Marital Property) Appleton, Susan
Wayne State University Law School Immigration Law Weinberg, Jonathan T.