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Notre Dame Law School

Notre Dame Law School

Class Professor Text Book
Accounting for Lawyers Barrett, Matthew ACCOUNTING FOR LAWYERS CONCISE 5th Edition, Herwitz, Barrett
Administrative Law Bremer, Emily Lawson. Federal Administrative Law. 7th ed. ISBN 9781634599078. American Casebook Series.
Administrative Law Kelley, William Administrative Law Gary Lawson
Administrative Law Pojanowski, Jeffrey Gary Lawson, Federal Administrative Law, Sixth Ed. West Academic.
Administrative Law Rodes Administrative Law
Advanced Legal Research Rees, Warren N/A
American Legal History Cushman, Barry Horwitz, Morton, The Transformation of American Law, 1780-1860
American Legal History Cushman, Barry Horwitz, Morton, The Transformation of American Law, 1780-1860
Analytical Methods Barrett, Matthew Howell E. Jackson, et. al. Analytical Methods for Lawyers, Second Edition
Antitrust Tor, Avishalom Antitrust Analysis 7th Ed, Areeda/Kaplow
Antitrust Law Bauer, Joseph trade regulation cases and materials, 6th Ed Pitofsky
Banking Law Baker, Colleen Banking Law and Regulation
Bankruptcy Alexander, Peter Can't Remember
Bankruptcy Baker, Colleen Bankruptcy - Baird, Jackson, Adler
Bankruptcy Edgar, Alexander None
Bankruptcy Francus, Michael Adler, Bankruptcy: Cases, Problems and Materials (5th ed 2020)
Bankruptcy Telloyan, Mark Elizabeth Warren and Jay Westbrook, The Law of Debtors and Creditors
Business Associations Corrigan, Patrick Allen & Kraakman. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 5th ed. ISBN 9781454870616. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Corrigan, Patrick don't remember book
Business Associations McCall, Brian Business Organizations, William K. Sjostrom
Business Associations O'Hara, Patricia D. Gordon Smith and Cynthia A. Williams, Business Organizations: Cases, Problems, and Case Studies (3d Ed. Wolters Kluwer/Aspen 2012)
Business Associations O'Hara, Patricia D. Gordon Smith and Cynthia A. Williams, Business Organizations: Cases, Problems, and Case Studies (3d Ed. Wolters Kluwer/Aspen 2012)
Business Associations O'Hara, Patricia Don't Remember
Business Associations Sepe, Simone Allen & Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, Fifth Edition (2016)
Business Associations Velasco, Julian BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Business Associations - Cox & Eisenberg
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Business Organizations Cases And Materials Unabridged Eleventh Edition
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Can't Remember
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Cox & Eisenberg. Business Organizations: Cases and Materials (The Foundations Press, 12th edition unabridged, 2019)
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Cox & Eisenberg. Business Organizations: Cases and Materials (The Foundations Press, 12th edition unabridged, 2019)
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Cox, James, Eisenberg and Melvin. Business Organizations, Cases and Materials, Unabridged 12th ed. ISBN: 9781683288602. West Academic.
Business Associations Velasco, Julian EISENBERG & COX, BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS, CASES AND MATERIALS (11th ed., unabridged, 2014)
Business Associations Velasco, Julian EISENBERG & COX, BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS, CASES AND MATERIALS (11th ed., unabridged, 2014)
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Eisenberg & Cox, Business Organizations: Cases and Materials (The Foundations Press, 11th edition un
Business Associations Velasco, Julian Lopucki, Warren and Lawless. Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach 8th ed. ISBN: 9781454857938. Wolters Kluwer.
Business Associations Velasco, Julian No Book
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Smithburn, J. Eric Evidence Law
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Smithburn, J. Eric Evidence Law
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Velasco, Julian BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS
Business Associations (See also Corporations) Velasco, Julian Business Associations--Klein Ramseyer Bainbridge
Business Torts Peralta, Paul 2014 No Textbook
Civil Procedure I Barrett, Amy Civ pro
Civil Procedure I Barrett, Amy Civil Procedure Casebook
Civil Procedure I Barrett, Amy Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions - 6th Ed. Freer and Perdue
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph Civil Procedure - Cases, Materials, and Questions - Freer and Perdue
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph Civil Procedure - Freer & Perdue, Fifth Edition
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions - 6th Ed. Freer and Perdue
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph Freed 5th Edition
Civil Procedure I Bauer, Joseph No Book
Civil Procedure I Bellia, Anthony J. Civil Procedure, Yeazell
Civil Procedure I Bellia, Anthony J. The Law of Civil Procedure (2nd Edition)
Civil Procedure I Bellia, Anthony J. The Law of Civil Procedure (2nd Edition)
Civil Procedure I Blanchard, Sadie Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Bray, Samuel L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Bray, Samuel L. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Bremer, Emily Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Bremer, Emily Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Bremer, Emily Sullivan and Feldman. Constitutional Law (University Casebook Series) 19th ed. 2016 ISBN: 1634594479. Foundation Press.
Civil Procedure I Bremer, Emily THOMAS D. ROWE, JR., SUZANNA SHERRY, & JAY TIDMARSH, CIVIL PROCEDURE (5th ed. 2020).
Civil Procedure I Bremer, Emily Tidmarsh/Rowe
Civil Procedure I Burset, Christian Civil Procedure, unknown
Civil Procedure I Burset, Christian Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Burset, Christian Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Effron, Robin Civil Procedure Freer 3rd Edtion
Civil Procedure I Effron, Robin Effron, Robin. Civil Procedure Casebook 2017.
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. 1L Civ Pro
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure - Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, 3rd edition (2012)
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure - Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, 4th Edition
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure - University Casebook Series - Rowe, Sherry, Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure (3d edition), by Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh,
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure Rowe 2nd Ed.
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure, Rowe, 3rd edition
Civil Procedure I Robinson, Thomas A. Freer and Perdue. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions 7th ed. ISBN: 9781611639117. Carolina Academic Press.
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. No Book
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Rowe, Sherry, and Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure, 3d ed.
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Robinson, John H. Tidmarsh Sherry Rowe (4th Ed.)
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Casebook: Rowe, Sherry and Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure (4d ed 2016)
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Casebook: Rowe, Sherry and Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure (4d ed 2016)
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Civil Procedure - University Casebook Series - Rowe, Sherry, Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Civil Procedure, 3rd, Rowe, Sherry, Tidmarsh, Foundation Press
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Civil Procedure, 4th (University Casebook Series) by Rowe Jr. & Sherry & Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Civil Procedure, Rowe, 3rd edition
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Rowe, Sherry & Tidmarsh, Civil Procedure, 2020, 3rd ed. Foundation Press
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Thomas D. Rowe, Jr., et al., Civil Procedure (3d ed. Foundation Press 2012
Civil Procedure I Tidmarsh, Jay Unsure
Civil Procedure II Barrett, Amy Civil Procedure
Civil Procedure II Robinson, John H. Civil Procedure - Silberman, Stein & Wolf
Civil Rights McAward, Jennifer Mason Civil Rights - Cases and Materials on § 1983 Litigation
Civil Rights McAward, Jennifer Mason Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution (3rd Edition 2013) - Jeffries, Karlan, Low, and Rut
Civil Rights McAward, Jennifer Mason Jeffries, Karlan, Low & Rutherglen, CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIONS: ENFORCING THE CONSTITUTION (3d ed. 2013)
Commercial Law Casey, Lisa Sales-Whaley
Commercial Real Estate Transactions Studer, Stephen 2019 - No Textbook Used
Complex Civil Litigation Tidmarsh, Jay Modern Complex Litigation 2nd Edition, Jay Tidmarsh & Roger H. Trangsrud
Conflict of Laws Pojanowski, Jeffrey Conflict of Laws (Brilmayer & Goldsmith 6th ed.)
Conflict of Laws Tidmarsh, Jay Brilmayer, Goldsmith, & O’Connor, Conflicts of Law: Cases and Materials (7th ed.)
Constitutional Law I Alford, Roger Barnett and Katz. Constitutional Law: Cases in Context. 2nd ed. ISBN 9781454806929. Wolters Kluwer.
Constitutional Law I Alford, Roger Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781628103083. West.
Constitutional Law I Barrett, Amy 1L Constitutional Law- Maggs and Smith
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. 1L Constitutional Law- Maggs and Smith 2nd Ed.
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. barnett
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Patricia Constitutional Law Cases in context by Randy Barnett
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Patricia Constitutional Law- Sullivan & Gunther (15th ed)
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. Constitutional Law, Maggs, 2nd edition
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 2nd Edition - Maggs and Smith
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Patricia Constitutional Law: Cases in Context, Barnett
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Patricia Constitutional Law: Cases in Context, by Randy Barnett. 1st Edition.
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. DK
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 6th ed. ISBN: 9781685616311.
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. unknown
Constitutional Law I Bellia, Anthony J. Unsure
Constitutional Law I Bray, Samuel L. Chemerinsky, Erwin. Constitutional Law  4th ed.    ISBN: 9781454817536. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. 
Constitutional Law I Bray, Samuel L. Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, Bray & Baude, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES (3d ed. 2016)
Constitutional Law I Bray, Samuel L. Paulsen, Michael, The Constitution of United States 5th ed.
Constitutional Law I Bray, Samuel L. Paulson, Calabresi, McConnell, Bray, and Baude. The Constitution of the United States 3rd Edition ISBN-13: 978-1634599382
Constitutional Law I Garnett, Rick 1L Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law I Garnett, Rick Randy Barnett
Constitutional Law I Garnett, Rick The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Structure
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Constitutional Law - Sullivan and Gunther
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Constitutional Law, Sullivan & Gunther, 16th Edition 2007
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach (4th Edition) Maggs and Smith
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach (Gregory Maggs and Peter Smith)
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Constitutional Law: Gerald Gunther, Kathleen M. Sullivan (Hardcover 2007) 16th Edition.
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William don't remember book
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Gregory E. Maggs & Peter J. Smith, Constitutional Law (2d ed. West 2011)
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Gregory E. Maggs & Peter J. Smith, Constitutional Law (2d ed. West 2011)
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 4th Ed.
Constitutional Law I Kelley, William Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 5th ed. ISBN: 9781684675715. West.
Constitutional Law I Kozel, Randy J. don't remember book
Constitutional Law I Kozel, Randy J. I forgot
Constitutional Law I Kozel, Randy J. Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781628103083. West.
Constitutional Law I Kozel, Randy J. Maggs and Smith. Constitutional Law: A Contemporary Approach 3rd ed. 2015 ISBN: 9781628103083. West.
Constitutional Law I Moreland, Michael Paulsen, Calabresi, McConnell, and Bray, The Constitution of the United States (3rd ed. Foundation P
Constitutional Law I Tidmarsh, Jay Can't Remember
Constitutional Law I Tidmarsh, Jay CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - CHEMERINSKY
Constitutional Law I (a) Federal Judicial Power Tidmarsh, Jay Chemerinsky Constitutional Law Second Edition
Constitutional Law II Barrett, Amy unknown
Constitutional Law II Bradley, Gerard V. No Book
Constitutional Law II Bradley, Gerard V. No textbook. All cases. Word for word Hypos.
Constitutional Law II Bradley, Gerard V. No Textbook—Professor Provides Readings
Constitutional Law II McAward, Jennifer Mason Sullivan & Gunther, Constitutional Law (Foundation Press) (15th edition 2004).
Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers Barrett, Amy Constitutional Law, A Contemporary Approach, 2d (The Interactive Casebook Series) [Gregory E. Maggs,
Contracts Bellia, Anthony J. 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Bellia, Anthony J. Ayres and Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.)
Contracts Bellia, Anthony J. Can't Remember
Contracts Bellia, Anthony J. Contracts - Ayres
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie A Common Law Approach to Contracts, George Korobkin Third Edition
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (3d. Edition, 2021)
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, 3d ed. 2021
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, 3d ed. 2021
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie George and Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, 3rd Ed., 2021, Aspen
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie unknown
Contracts Blanchard, Sadie Unsure
Contracts Bodie, Matthew can't remember
Contracts Kaveny, M. Cathleen aspen
Contracts Kaveny, M. Cathleen Can't Remember
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. 1L Contracts
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Ayres & Speidel, Studies in Contract Law (7th ed.) (Foundation Press 2008)
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Cunningham and Cherry. Contracts: A Real World Casebook. American Casebook Series 2018
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Dawson, Harvey, Henderson and Baird. Contracts: Cases and Comment  10th ed.    ISBN: 9781609302115. Foundation Press. 
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Don't Remember
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Studies in Contract Law (Eighth Edition, Foundation Press 2012), by Ian Ayres and Gregory Klass
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Studies in Contract Law (Eighth Edition, Foundation Press 2012), by Ian Ayres and Gregory Klass
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. Studies in Contract Law, Ayres and Klaussen 8th Edition
Contracts Kozel, Randy J. The Study of Contracts
Contracts Martinez, Veronica George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen 2017)
Contracts Martinez, Veronica K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, Tracey George & Russell Korobkin (2nd ed., 2017: Aspen/Wolters Kluwer).
Contracts Newton, Nell Jessup K: A Common Law Approach To Contracts
Contracts Newton, Nell Jessup K: A Common Law Approach To Contracts (Tracey George)
Contracts O'Connell, Mary Cannot Remember
Contracts O'Connell, Mary Can't Remember
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Contracts Cases & Materials - Farnsworth (7th Ed. 2008)
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Contracts Cases and Materials (Foundation Press 7th ed. 2008), Farnsworth, et al.
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Contracts Cases and Materials; Farnsworth & Young 7th ed.
Contracts O'Connell, Mary Contracts Farnsworth 7th Edition
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Contracts: Cases and Materials Sanger, Farnsworth, Cohen, & Young (7th edition)
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Farnsworth
Contracts O'Connell, Mary FARNSWORTH ET AL., CONTRACTS, CASES AND MATERIALS (Foundation Press, 9th ed. 2019).
Contracts O'Connell, Mary E. Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks and Garvin. Cases & Materials on Contracts 8th ed. 2013 ISBN: 9781609300975. Foundation Press.
Contracts Root, Veronica Barnett, Randy. Contracts: Cases & Doctrine Casebook 5th ed. ISBN: 9781454809982. Wolters Kluwer.
Contracts Root, Veronica Contracts - George and Korobkin
Contracts Root, Veronica George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen 2012)
Contracts Root, Veronica George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen 2012)
Contracts Root, Veronica George & Korobkin, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen 2012)
Contracts Root, Veronica I dont remember
Contracts Root, Veronica K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts by Tracey George and Russell Korobkin
Contracts Rougeau, Vincent D. 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Rougeau, Vincent D. 1L Contracts class - Do Not Recall The Text
Contracts Rougeau Contracts - Epstein 8th edition
Contracts Rougeau, Vincent D. Problems in Contract Law - Cases and Materials (Knapp, Crystal and Prince 6th Ed. 2007 Aspen Publish
Contracts Tidmarsh, Jay 1L Contracts Casebook (Epstein)
Contracts Velasco, Julian can't remember - Fall 2020
Contracts Velasco, Julian George & Korobkin, K: A COMMON LAW APPROACH TO CONTRACTS (Aspen, 3d ed. 2021)
Contracts Velasco, Julian George & Korobkin. K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen Casebook) 12th Edition
Contracts Velasco, Julian K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, Tracey George & Russell Korobkin (2nd ed., 2017: Aspen/Wolters Kluwer).
Contracts Velasco, Julian Korobkin, Russell and George, Tracey E. K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts 2016 2nd ed. ISBN:9781454868194
Contracts Velasco, Julian Tracey E. George and Russell Korobkin, A Common Law Approach to Contracts
Copyright Yelderman, Stephen Copyright in a Global Information Economy - Cohen 3rd Edition
Copyright Yelderman, Stephen Copyright in A Global Information Economy (Aspen Casebook) 4th Edition by Julie E. Cohen (Author), Lydia P. Loren (Author)
Corporate Finance Fusco, Stefania Bratton, Corporate Finance (7th ed. 2010)
Corporate Finance Fusco, Stefania William W. Bratton, Corporate Finance: Cases and Materials (7th ed., 2012)
Criminal Adjudication McLeod, Marah Allen, Stuntz, et. al, Criminal Procedure: Adjudication and Right to Counsel (Second Edition 2016)
Criminal Adjudication McLeod, Marah Criminal Procedure: Adjudication and Right To Counsel 2nd Edition
Criminal Adjudication Smith, Stephen F. Allen, Stuntz, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold and Meares. Criminal Procedure: Investigation and Right to Counsel   3rd ed.    ISBN: 9781454868309. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Criminal Adjudication Smith, Stephen F. Can't Remember
Criminal Law Blakey, G. Robert Can't Remember
Criminal Law Blakey, G. Robert Can't Remember
Criminal Law Blakey, G. Robert Criminal Law
Criminal Law Blakey, G. Robert Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Cribari, Stephen Stuntz & Hoffman, Defining Crimes (2d ed.)
Criminal Law Dutile, Fernand 1L Crim Law Class (Red and Black Hardcover)
Criminal Law Dutile, Fernand Cases and Materials on Corporations (2d edition 2005) by Thomas R. Hurst and William A. Gregory
Criminal Law Dutile Criminal Law
Criminal Law Dutile, Fernand Criminal Law: A Contemporary Approach - Bloch
Criminal Law Dutile, Fernand Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Kaplan, Weisberg, Bender)
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick can't remember SPRING 2016
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Cases and Material in Criminal Law, Joshua Dressler, 5th Edition
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Criminal Law - Dressler
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Criminal Law -- Dressler
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Criminal Law Dressler
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Don't Remember
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick dressler
Criminal Law Garnett, Rick Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Girgis, Sherif Criminal Law Cases and Materials Dressler and Garvey 8th Edition, ISBN:978-1-68328-822-0
Criminal Law Girgis, Sherif Dressler and Garvey. Cases and Materials on Criminal Law 6th ed. ISBN: 9780314279828. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Girgis, Sherif Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law and Its Processes (9th ed. 2012)
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 10th Edition)
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law and Its Processes (Kadish, 9th Edition)
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law and its Processes by Kadish, 8th Edition
Criminal Law Gurule, Jimmy Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases & Materials (8th) Kadish / Aspen
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Criminal Law Cases and Materials Dressler and Garvey 8th Edition, ISBN:978-1-68328-822-0
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Dressler and Garvey. CRIMINAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS 7th ed. ISBN: 9781628102055. West Academic Publishing.
Criminal Law McLeod, Marah Unsure
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Bonnie et al., Criminal Law (Fourth Edition 2015)
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries and Low, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, 4th. Ed. (Foundation 2015).
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen Bonnie, et al., Criminal Law (Third Edition 2010)
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Bonnie, Richard. Criminal Law, 4th Ed. ISBN: 9781609303914. Foundation Press.
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Criminal Law (Second Edition 2010) - Bonnie et al
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen Criminal Law Bonnie Fourth Edition
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Criminal Law Bonnie Fourth Edition
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Criminal Law, 3rd Ed. (Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, and Low)
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen Criminal Law, 4th Edition (University Casebook Series) 4th Edition
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen Criminal Law: Bonnie, Coughlin, Jefries, and Low
Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Not sure
Criminal Procedure Blakey, G. Robert Not sure
Criminal Procedure Bradley, Gerard V. Criminal Procedure - Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King
Criminal Procedure Bradley, Gerard V. Kamisar et al. Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases, Comments and Questions. 14th ed. ISBN 9781634591607. American Casebook Series.
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication Smith, Stephen F. Comprehensive Criminal Procedure (Second Edition)
Design Law Fusco, Stefania The Law of Design: Design Patents, Trademarks, & Copyright, Problems, Cases, and Materials (American Casebook Series) The Law of Design: Design Patents, Trademarks, & Copyright, Problems, Cases, and Materials (American Casebook Series)
Education Law Dutile, Fernand Law of Education
Election Law Mayer, Lloyd Do no remember
Employee Benefits Nader, Mike Colleen E. Medill, Introduction to Employee Benefits Law: Policy and Practice (3rd ed. West)
Employee Benefits Nader, Mike Colleen E. Medill, Introduction to Employee Benefits Law: Policy and Practice (4th ed. West)
Employment Discrimination Fick No Book
Employment Discrimination Lahey, Matt Friedman, The Law of Employment Discrimination (Foundation Press, 11th ed. 2017)
Energy Law Huber, Bruce Bosselman et al., Energy, Economics, and the Environment (Foundation 2015, 4th ed.)
Energy Law Huber, Bruce Eisen et al., ENERGY, ECONOMICS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (Foundation, 4th ed., 2015)
Energy Law Huber, Bruce Energy law and Policy
Entertainment Law Irwin, Barry Irwin and Reis, Band Law for Bands, 2d
Environmental Law Huber, Bruce Farber and Carlson. Environmental Law: Cases and Materials  9th ed.    ISBN: 9780314283986. West Academic Publishing. 
Environmental Law Nagle, John Copeland Environmental Law- Nagle
Environmental Law Nagle, John Copeland J.B. RUHL, ET AL., THE PRACTICE AND POLICY OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (3RD ED. 2014)
Estate and Gift Tax Kirsch, Michael Regis Campfield, Martin Dickinson, William Turnier, Taxation of Estates, Gifts and Trusts (24 th e
Estate and Gift Tax Kirsch, Michael Regis Campfield, Martin Dickinson, William Turnier, Taxation of Estates, Gifts and Trusts (24 th e
Estate and Gift Tax Kirsch, Michael Regis Campfield, Martin Dickinson, William Turnier, Taxation of Estates, Gifts and Trusts (24th ed., West – American Casebook Series, 2012)
European Union Law Humphreys, Matthew Margot Horspool and Matthew Humphreys, European Union Law, 6th edition, Oxford University Press
European Union Law Moens, Gabriel European Union Law
Evidence Alexander, Peter No Book
Evidence Barrett, Amy Fischer Evidence
Evidence Barrett, Amy GEORGE FISHER, EVIDENCE (2ND ED. 2008) with 2012-13 Statutory and Case Supplement
Evidence Bilz, Kenworthey wrote his own book via PDF file
Evidence Cribari, Stephen Avery, Michael. The Glannon Guide to Evidence 1st ed. ISBN: 9781454850038. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Evidence Cribari, Stephen can't remember - spring 2019
Evidence Cribari, Stephen Roger C. Park and Richard D. Friedman, Evidence, Cases and Materials, Twelfth Edition (Foundation Press/Thomson West 2013) ISBN 978-1-60930-138-5
Evidence Cribari, Stephen Roger C. Park and Richard D. Friedman, Evidence, Cases and Materials, Twelfth Edition (Foundation Press/Thomson West 2013) ISBN 978-1-60930-138-5
Evidence Gurule, Jimmy Levenson and Hoffstadt, Evidence Law: Practice, Problems, and Policy
Evidence Muller, Derek Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Ryan, Margaret Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Seymore, Sean Fisher, George. Evidence 3rd ed. ISBN: 9781609300609. Foundation Press.
Evidence Smithburn, J. Eric EVIDENCE
Evidence Smithburn, J. Eric Mcormick on Evidence
Evidence Smithburn, J. Eric Teacher Compiled
Evidence Smithburn, J. Eric unknown
Evidence Tidmarsh, Jay 2014 - No Textbook Used
Evidence Tidmarsh, Jay can't remember - Fall 2019
Evidence Tidmarsh, Jay Evidence by Park and Friedman, 12th Edition (2013)
Evidence Tidmarsh, Jay Park & Friedman, Evidence, Foundation Press, “12th edition
Evidence Tidmarsh, Jay Park and Friedman Evidence – Cases and Materials, (13th edition, Foundation Press)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Brinig, Margaret F. Ellman et al, Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems, (5th ed., LexisNexis Publishers, 2010)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Brinig, Margaret F. Ellman, Kurtz, Weithorn, Bix, Czapanskiy and Eichner, Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems (Lexis/Nexis Abridged Edition, 2014)
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Brinig, Margaret F. Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems. Ellman, Kurtz, Weithorn, Bix, Czapanskiy and Eichner (Lexis/Nexi
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Dutile, Fernand FAMILY LAW
Family Law (see also Marital Property) Smithburn, J. Eric Contemporary Family Law by Douglas E. Abrams, Naomi R. Cahn, Catherine J. Ross, Davis D. Meyer
Federal Courts Kelley, William Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System
Federal Criminal Law Smith, Stephen F. Abrams & Beale, Federal Criminal Law (6th ed. 2015),
Federal Income Tax Barrett, Matthew FED. INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Federal Income Tax, Freeland, lanthrope, lind, and stephens 19th ed.
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Federal Income Taxation (6th ed.) Gunn, Ward
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Federal Income Taxation (6th ed.) Gunn, Ward
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope and Lind. Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation 2016 18th ed. ISBN: 9781634603157. Foundation Press.
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope, Lind & Stephens, Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation (18th ed)
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope, Lind & Stephens, Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation[:] Cases and Materials
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 17th
Federal Income Tax Kirsch, Michael Freeland, Lathrope, Lind and Stephens' Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation, 18th
Federal Income Tax Mayer, Lloyd Fed Tax 2008
Federal Income Tax Mayer, Lloyd FEDERAL INCOME TAX
Federal Income Tax Mayer, Lloyd Federal Income Taxation
Free Speech Garnett, Rick can't remember - Fall 2017
Free Speech Pruitt, David can't remember - Fall 2020
Freedom of Religion Garnett, Rick Michael W. McConnell, et al., Religion and the Constitution (4th ed. 2016)
Freedom of Speech Kozel, Randy J. Eugene Volokh, The First Amendment and Related Statutes, 6th Edition Foundation Press 2016 -
Health Law Survey Snead, Carter Furrow, Greaney, Johnson, Jost and Schwartz. Health Cases, Materials and Problems 7th ed. ISBN: 978314265098. West.
Health Law Survey Snead, Carter I am not sure
Immigration Law Dailey, William R. Do not remember
Immigration Law Monterrosa, Rudy Bensen et al., Immigration & Nationality Law: Problems & Strategies, LexisNexis (2013).
Immigration Law Monterrosa, Rudy Benson, Curcio, Jeffers, Yake-Loehr, IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY LAW: PROBLEMS AND STRATEGIES. Lexis
Immigration Law Roth, Charles Legomsky, Immigration and Refugee Law and Policy (5th ed. 2009)
Information Technology Flanagan, Timothy No Book
Intellectual Property Survey Yelderman, Stephen unknown
International Business Transactions Alford, Roger Chow & Schoenbaum, International Business Transactions (2nd ed., 2010)
International Business Transactions Blanchard, Sadie Vagts, Dodge, Koh, and Buxbaum. Transactional Business Problems 5th ed. ISBN: 9781609300845. Foundation Press.
International Business Transactions Kalanges, Kristine Chow & Schoenbaum, International Business Transactions (3rd ed.)
International Business Transactions Kalanges, Kristine unknown
International Intellectual Property Fusco, Stefania Cho and Lee International IP 3rd ed.
International Law Crema, Luigi Unsure
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. International Law: Cases and Materials
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. Not sure.
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. O'Connell, Scott, and Roht-Arriaza's The International Legal System: Cases and Materials
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. O'Connell, Scott, and Roht-Arriaza's The International Legal System: Cases and Materials
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. O'Connell, Scott, and Roht-Arriaza's The International Legal System: Cases and Materials
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. The International Legal System - 6th Edition
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. The International Legal System - 6th Edition
International Law O'Connell, Mary E. the international legal system, o'connell, 7th ed.
International Taxation Kirsch, Michael Charles H. Gustafson, Robert J. Peroni & Richard Crawford Pugh, Taxation of International Transactio
Jurisprudence Carozza, Paolo No Book
Jurisprudence Miller, Paul B. N/A - Class handouts
Jurisprudence Pojanowski, Jeffrey Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence Pojanowski, Jeffrey None
Jurisprudence Pojanowski, Jeffrey The Rule of Rules
Jurisprudence Robinson, John H. No Book
Jurisprudence Rodes, Robert No Book
Jurisprudence Rodes, Robert No Book
Labor Law Fick, Barbara J. Coursepack Compiled by Instructor
Labor Law Lahey, Matt Dau-Schmidt, Malin, Corrada, Cameron, Fisk, LABOR LAW IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORKPLACE (The Labor Law Group, 3rd ed. 2019)
Land Use Kelly, James J. Sterk and Penalver Land Use Regulation
Land Use Planning Huber, Bruce Legal Foundations of Land Use Planning: Textbook-Casebook and Materials on Planning Law 1st Edition
Land Use Planning Kelly, James J. Sterk, Penalver and Bronin. Land Use Regulation  2nd ed.    ISBN: 9781628101294. Foundation Press. 
Law of Armed Conflict Banakas, Stathis International Law and the Use of Force, 2nd Ed., O'Connell
Legal Research Azyndar, Susan No Book
Legal Research Drake, Trezlen Blue Book
Legal Research Hook, Peter None
Legal Research King, Dwight Required Course Packet
Legal Research Nugent, Joseph N/A - Class handouts
Legal Research O'Byrne, Christopher S. Bluebook
Legal Research Rees, Warren no book given all online
Legal Research Rees, Warren unknown
Local Government Garnett, Nicole Baker, Gillette & Schleicher. Local Government Law, Cases and Materials. 5th ed. 2010. ISBN 9781609303181. Foundation Press.
Local Government Garnett, Nicole Local Government Law
Medical Malpractice Spalding, D. Andrew Law and Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Medical Liability, 7th Edition - Furrow
Medical Malpractice Spalding, D. Andrew No Book
Merger and Acquisitions Fahrney, Brian Bainbridge and Anabtawi's Mergers and Acquisitions: A Transactional Perspective
Merger and Acquisitions Velasco, Julian Bainbridge, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS (Foundation Press, 3d ed. 2012)
Merger and Acquisitions Velasco, Julian Bainbridge, Mergers and Acquisitions (Foundation Press, 4th ed. 2021)
Merger and Acquisitions Velasco, Julian None - Class materials provided
Merger and Acquisitions Velasco, Julian Thompson, Mergers and Acquisitions: Law and Finance (Aspen 2010)
Military Law LaDue, John Don't Remember
Military Law Ryan, Margaret No Book
Natural Resources Law Huber, Bruce Rasband, Salzman, Squillace & Kalen, NATURAL RESOURCES LAW AND POLICY (Foundation Press, 3rd ed., 2016).
Nonprofit Organizations Mayer, Lloyd Nonprofit organizations: cases and materials 4th edition
Patent Burstein, Sarah Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Seymore, Sean Merges and Duffy. Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials. 6th ed. ISBN 9780769857671. Lexis Nexis.
Patent Yelderman, Stephen The Law of Patents by Craig Allen Nard (2020) 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Patent Yelderman, Stephen The Law of Patents by Craig Allen Nard (2020) 5th ed., Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Professional Responsibility DeGirolami, Marc O. Gillers, Stephen. Regulation of Lawyers, Problems of Law and Ethics. Eleventh (11th) Edition
Professional Responsibility DeGirolami, Marc O. Professional Responsibility: Problems of Practice and the Profession (Aspen Casebook); Nathan, Crystal
Professional Responsibility Jenuwine, Michael can't remember - Fall 2019
Professional Responsibility Jenuwine, Michael No Book
Professional Responsibility Jenuwine, Michael professional responsibility
Professional Responsibility Mayer, Lloyd American Bar Association. Model Rules of Professional Conduct  2016 ed.    ISBN: 9781634255028. American Bar Association. 
Professional Responsibility Mayer, Lloyd cannot recall
Professional Responsibility Mayer, Lloyd Morgan and Rotunda. Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Other Selected Standards Including California and New York Rules on Professional Responsibility   2017 ed.    ISBN: 9781634607131. Foundation Press. 
Professional Responsibility Mayer, Lloyd Raymond & Hughes, The Law and Ethics of Law Practice, 2nd edition (2015)
Property I Camacho, Alejandro 1L Property
Property I Camacho, Alejandro Can't Remember
Property I Camacho, Alejandro Property Cases and Materials, Smith, Larson, Nagel
Property I Garnett, Nicole Dukeminer, et al, Property (7th ed)
Property I Garnett, Nicole Dukeminier, et al., Property (7h Ed.) (“DK”)
Property I Garnett, Nicole Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander & Schill, PROPERTY (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2006)
Property I Garnett, Nicole Merrill & Smith, Property: Principles and Policies (2nd ed. 2012)
Property I Garnett, Nicole Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Garnett, Nicole Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Garnett, Nicole Perspectives on Property Law 3rd Edition (Ellickson)
Property I Garnett, Nicole Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Property I Huber, Bruce Cannot Remember
Property I Huber, Bruce can't remember - Fall 2019
Property I Huber, Bruce Don't Remember
Property I Huber, Bruce Property Cases and Materials 3rd Ed. Smith Larson Nagel Kidwell
Property I Huber, Bruce Property: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook) 4th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1454892977
Property I Huber, Bruce Smith, Larson, Nagle & Kidwell, PROPERTY: CASES AND MATERIALS (Aspen, 3rd ed., 2013)
Property I Huber, Bruce Smith, Larson, Nagle & Kidwell, PROPERTY: CASES AND MATERIALS (Aspen, 3rd ed., 2013)
Property I Huber, Bruce Smith, Larson, Nagle & Kidwell, PROPERTY: CASES AND MATERIALS (Aspen, 3rd ed., 2013)
Property I Huber, Bruce unknown
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. 1L Property
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. don't remember book
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. Merrill & Smith - Property: Principles & Policies (2nd ed., 2010)
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. MERRILL & SMITH, PROPERTY: PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES (2nd ed., 2012).
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. MERRILL & SMITH, PROPERTY: PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES (2nd ed., 2012).
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. Principals and Property Merrill and Smith 2ed
Property I Kelly, Daniel B. Property Principles and Policy, Merrill, 2nd.
Property I Nagle, John Copeland Property Cases and Materials 2nd Ed. Smith
Property I Nagle, John Copeland Property Cases and Materials 2nd Ed. Smith
Property I Nagle, John Copeland Property: Cases and Materials - Smith, et al
Property I Nagle, John Copeland Property: Cases and Materials, by Smith/Larson/Nagle/Kidwell 2d ed.
Property I Nagle, John Copeland Property: Cases and Materials, by Smith/Larson/Nagle/Kidwell 3d ed.
Property I Reidy, Pat Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Waddilove, David Merrill and Smith. Property: Principles and Policies. 3rd ed. ISBN 9781628101027. Foundation Press.
Property I Waddilove, David Unsure
Property I Waldeck, Sarah Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.)
Real Estate Transactions Dore, Thomas Patrick Korngold and Goldstein. Real Estate Transactions- Cases and Materials on Land Transfer, Development, and Finance 6th ed. ISBN: 9781609302207. Foundation Press.
Real Estate Transactions Kelly, James J. MALLOY, SMITH, et al., REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS: PROBLEMS, CASES AND MATERIALS (5 th ed.)
Real Estate Transactions Pruitt, Kristin Real Estate Transactions 3d Edition, Aspen, Malloy & Smith
Remedies Gallagher, Raymond Remedies: Cases and Problems by Shoben, Tabb & Jan
Remedies Tidmarsh, Jay Modern American Remedies, (Concise 4th ed., 2012) by Douglas Laycock
Secured Transactions Pruitt, Kristin Rusch & Sepunick, Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions (3nd Ed. 2014)
Secured Transactions Waddilove, David Warren and Walt. Commercial Law: Selected Statutes 2016-2017 ed. ISBN: 9781634607179. Foundation Press
Securities Regulation Corrigan, Patrick Choi and Pritchard. Securities Regulation: Cases & Analysis 4th ed. ISBN: 9781609304195. Foundation Press.
Securities Regulation O'Hara, Patricia Larry D. Soderquist & Theresa A. Gabaldon, Securities Regulation ( 9th Edition, Foundation Press 2018)
Securities Regulation O'Hara, Patricia Securities Regulation 7th Edition - Larry Soderquist
Securities Regulation O'Hara, Patricia Soderquist and Gabaldon. Securities Regulation 9th ed. ISBN:1683287126
Tax Mayer, Lloyd FED. INCOME TAX
Taxation of Business Enterprises Mayer, Lloyd Federal Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, LLC's and their Owners - Jeffrey Kwall
Taxation of Business Enterprises Mayer, Lloyd Federal Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, LLC's and their Owners - Jeffrey Kwall
Taxation of Business Enterprises Mayer, Lloyd Kwall, The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and Their Owners, 5th ed. (Foundation Press 2016)
Terrorism and the Law Gurule, Jimmy Counter Terrorism Law
Torts Bennett, Geoffrey Cases & Materials on Torts Rev. Custom, McKenna
Torts Kalanges, Kristine Farnsworth & Grady, Torts: Cases and Questions, 2nd Ed. (Aspen 2009)
Torts Kalanges, Kristine FARNSWORTH AND GRADY, TORTS: CASES AND QUESTIONS (2nd ed. 2009)
Torts Kalanges, Kristine Torts Cases and Questions; Farnsworth & Grady 2nd ed.
Torts Kalanges, Kristine Torts: Cases and Questions by Ward Farnsworth and Mark F. Grady
Torts McKenna, Mark Cases & Materials in Torts Epstein 10th Edition
Torts McKenna, Mark Cases & Materials in Torts Epstein 10th Edition
Torts McKenna, Mark Cases and Materials on Torts - 10th edition Epstein
Torts McKenna, Mark Cases and Materials on Torts, Tenth Edition (Aspen Casebooks), Epstein
Torts McKenna, Mark Cases and Materials on Torts, Tenth Edition, Epstein & Sharkey
Torts McKenna, Mark Custom
Torts McKenna, Mark McKenna's Personally-Curated Selections
Torts McKenna, Mark Torts
Torts McKenna, Mark Torts
Torts McKenna, Mark Unsure
Torts Nagle, John Copeland 1L Torts
Torts Nagle, John Copeland 1L Torts
Torts Nagle, John Copeland Custom Book - Torts
Torts Nagle, John Copeland John Copeland Nagle, Torts
Torts Nagle, John Copeland Self-Written
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg Tort Law, Responsibilities and Redress
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok and Zipursky. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress 4th ed. ISBN: 9781454868200. Wolters Kluwer.
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Goldberg, Sebok, & Zipursky, Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, 3d ed. (2013).
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey TORT LAW J.Goldberg & A. Sebok, B. Zipursky
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Tort Law Responsibilities and Redress 2nd edition (Goldberg)
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, 3d. Edition
Torts Pojanowski, Jeffrey Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, 3d. Edition
Torts Seymore, Sean Unsure
Torts Snead, Carter Cannot Remember
Torts Snead, Carter can't remember - Fall 2020
Torts Snead, Carter D. DOBBS & P. HAYDEN, TORTS AND COMPENSATION (8th Ed. 2017)
Torts Snead, Carter D. Dobbs, P. Hayden, E. Bublick. Torts and Compensation (7th ed.)
Torts Snead, Carter Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Snead, Carter Dobbs, Hayden and Bublick. Torts and Compensation, Personal Accountability and Social Responsibility for Injury 7th ed. ISBN: 9780314278593. West.
Torts Snead, Carter Dobbs, Hayden, and Bublick, Torts and Compensation: Personal Accountability and Social Responsibilit
Torts Snead, Carter Dobbs, Hayden, and Bublick, Torts and Compensation: Personal Accountability and Social Responsibilit
Torts Snead, Carter Torts - Epstein
Torts Snead, Carter Torts & Compensation (Casebook)
Torts Snead, Carter Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Snead, Carter Torts and Compensation - Dobbs, Hayden - 5th Editi
Torts Snead, Carter Torts and Compensation; Dobbs 5th ed
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Cases and Materials on Torts
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Cases and Materials on Torts - 9th Edition
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Cases and Materials on Torts (Aspen Casebook) 12th Twelfth Edition, New ed.
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Epstein and Sharkey, Cases and Materials on Torts, 13th Ed., 2024, Aspen
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Not sure
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay Torts - Epstein
Torts Tidmarsh, Jay unknown
Trademark Kozel, Randy J. Barton Beebe, Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook
Trademark McKenna, Mark I don't remember
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McKenna, Mark Dinwoodie and Janis, Trademarks & Unfair Competition: Law and Policy 3rd Ed
Trademarks and Unfair Competition McKenna, Mark Trademarks and Unfair Competition: Law and Policy, Third Edition
Trusts & Estates II Robinson, John H. Leslie
Trusts and Estates Cushman, Barry can't remember - Fall 2018
Trusts and Estates Cushman, Barry Dukeminier, Sitkoff, and Lindgren's WILLS, TRUSTS, AND ESTATES - 10th Edition
Trusts and Estates Cushman, Barry Sitkoff & Dukeminier, Wills, Trusts, and Estates (10th ed.) (Aspen 2017)
Trusts and Estates Kelly, Daniel B. Dukeminier et al., Wills, Trusts and Estates (9th ed).
Trusts and Estates Kelly, Daniel B. Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Trusts and Estates Kelly, Daniel B. Dukeminier, Jesse. Wills, Trusts & Estates Casebook 10th ed. ISBN: 9781454876427. Aspen Publishing.
Trusts and Estates Kelly, Daniel B. Wills, Trusts and Estates, 8th Ed., Dukeminier (Aspen).
Trusts and Estates Robinson, John H. 2016 No Text Book
Trusts and Estates Robinson, John H. Estates and Trusts – Cases & Materials - 4th Edition Joel C. Dobris, Stewart E. Sterk & Melandie B.
Trusts and Estates Robinson, John H. N/A (No text book)
Trusts and Estates Robinson, John H. Sterk and Leslie. Estate & Trusts: Cases and Materials 5th Ed. ISBN: 9781609303280. Foundation Press.
Water Law Huber, Bruce Modern Water Law (University Casebook Series) 1st Edition
White Collar Crime Gurule, Jimmy WHITE COLLAR CRIME, CASES, MATERIALS AND PROBLEMS (LexisNexis. 2d ed.) by J. Kelley Strader and Sand