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Ellen Katz

Ellen Katz

School Class Text Book
University of Michigan Constitutional Law I Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, and Karlan. Constitutional Law 8th ed.
University of Michigan Education Law Educational Policy and the Law
University of Michigan Election Law Can't Remember
University of Michigan Election Law Law of Democracy
University of Michigan Election Law unknown
University of Michigan Employment Discrimination Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination; Zimmer 7th Ed.
University of Michigan Employment Discrimination Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination; Zimmer 7th Ed.
University of Michigan Property I No Book
University of Michigan Voting Rights Election Law
University of Michigan Voting Rights Law of Democracy
University of Michigan Voting Rights Law of Democracy
University of Michigan Voting Rights Law of Democracy
University of Michigan Voting Rights The Law of Democracy, 4th
University of Michigan Voting Rights The Law of Democracy: Legal Structure of the Political Process