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don't remember but I got an A in his class

don't remember but I got an A in his class

School Class Professor
Brooklyn Law School Real Estate Practice Giamboi, Joseph
John Marshall Law School, Atlanta Education Law Adams, K. Lee
Louisiana State University Administrative Criminal Justice Sullivan, Scott
Louisiana State University International Law Sullivan, Scott
Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Contracts II Gulinello, Christopher
Pepperdine University School of Law Civil Procedure I Ogden, Gregory
Pepperdine University School of Law Torts Han, David
University of Georgia Constitutional Law I Chapman, Nathan
University of Miami Insurance Law Halpert, Stephen K.
Vanderbilt University Law School Torts Seymore, Sean
Wayne State University Law School Torts Ackerman, Bob
WMU-Cooley Criminal Law Swartz, Jeffrey